
Heiwei sauce and Li Sheng: What kind of gender relationship is hidden behind "intellectual sexuality"

author:Feel free and deep

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In this era of information fragmentation, we have seen a counter-trend of "knowledge payment" rising. People began to pay more attention to the beauty of the soul, and the value of wisdom and knowledge gradually outweighed the attractiveness of appearance. The representative word of this trend has appeared "intellectual sexuality", which has set off a new trend of love standards. Among them, the story of Li Sheng and Heiwei Sauce has become a representative emotional story of "intellectual sexuality", although the ending is not as netizens wish, but it has become a good story.

Heiwei sauce and Li Sheng: What kind of gender relationship is hidden behind "intellectual sexuality"

So, what exactly does "intellectual sexuality" mean? It represents an admiration for inner talent and knowledge that goes far beyond superficial external appeal. In this love model, people seek soul resonance, not just physical attraction. This reminds us of the philosophical views of Socrates and Plato, and On Eros may help us understand this phenomenon.

Socrates and Plato believed that "intellectual sexuality" is a pursuit of inner beauty, which is not affected by time but becomes more precious with the passage of time. It transcends the attractiveness of appearance, transcends the beauty of the body, and is a pursuit of the beauty of the soul. From this point of view, "facial sexuality" and "intellectual sexuality" can be seen as the difference between the beauty of the flesh and the beauty of truth.

Heiwei sauce and Li Sheng: What kind of gender relationship is hidden behind "intellectual sexuality"

The story tells us that outwardly beautiful things are often fragile, and like the kittens of Nansenji Temple, they are easy to destroy. However, the beauty of the soul and the beauty of truth are eternal, as Zhao Zhou experienced, they are not disturbed by the outside world, because they are inner and eternal beauty.

Returning to "intellectual sexuality", we can see that this love model is not the opposite of "Yan sexuality". In fact, to truly fall in love with someone, we need a certain physical attraction as a basis. If communication is blocked, it will be difficult to stimulate the relationship, even if the other party is talented.

Heiwei sauce and Li Sheng: What kind of gender relationship is hidden behind "intellectual sexuality"

However, from Lacan's perspective, "intellectual sexuality" is actually an affirmation of self-worth. Appearance is only a superficial thing, while the beauty of wisdom is the crystallization of truth and is widely recognized beauty. To love others is actually to love yourself. What we seek is to become the subject of love, and then become the object of love, so as to obtain satisfaction.

In other words, when we acknowledge the excellence of the other person, we are also finding support for our own dignity. We need to acknowledge the talent of our loved ones, and at the same time, they give us positive feedback on our love, which makes us feel good too. Therefore, for "intellectual homosexuals", the pain of falling out of love is not because the other party leaves, but because self-esteem is frustrated, because narcissism is hurt. Falling out of love is nothing more than a failure of self-worth.

Heiwei sauce and Li Sheng: What kind of gender relationship is hidden behind "intellectual sexuality"

Fromm's point of view also unravels the connotation of "intellectual sexuality" for us. Being in love is actually a process of giving each other energy. The more talent and knowledge a person has, the more energy they have. In love, people influence each other through learning and growth. We need to accumulate our own energy, energize ourselves and be able to give energy to each other. It is a complementary love relationship in which both parties make up for each other and grow together.

Heiwei sauce and Li Sheng: What kind of gender relationship is hidden behind "intellectual sexuality"

Conversely, if a person is poor and ignorant, has no motivation to progress, and lacks joy, knowledge, and interest, then he will not be able to give energy to the other person and will not be able to truly experience love. Because he has nothing to give.

To sum up, "intellectual sexuality" is not just the worship of talent, it covers the outer and inner, self and others, growth and degradation. It represents a quest for the soul, a yearning for truth, and at the same time an affirmation of the self. It tells us that in the process of loving and being loved, we are constantly learning and growing, giving each other energy and achieving the sublimation of both parties. So, which one is "intellectual sexuality" in your life?

Heiwei sauce and Li Sheng: What kind of gender relationship is hidden behind "intellectual sexuality"

When we delve into "intellectual sexuality", we may also wish to consider the practical application of this love model in modern society. The rise of modern social media and online technology has changed the face of human relationships and made knowledge and information more accessible. In this era of information explosion, people's views on love and values are gradually evolving.

"Intellectual sexuality" is booming in the age of social media. People can more easily showcase their talents and knowledge through online platforms and attract those who share their interests. This form of love often begins with shared areas of interest and knowledge, not just physical and physical attraction. Lovers will share their favorite books, movies, music, and even discuss philosophical and scientific issues in depth. This deep communication has become the core of "intellectual sexuality" and one of the reasons why they attract each other.

At the same time, social media offers people a wider range of love options. Regardless of geographical location, people can easily establish intellectual relationships that cross borders. This cross-cultural exchange not only expands the scope of love, but also makes it easier for people to access knowledge and ideas from different cultures and backgrounds. Therefore, "intellectual sexuality" is often open and inclusive, which can help people better understand the world and broaden their horizons.

However, while "intellectual sexuality" has unique advantages in the age of social media, it also faces some challenges. Relationships established in the virtual world sometimes lack depth and stability due to a lack of physical contact. People can idealize each other too much and ignore real-world issues and differences. In addition, social media can also bring about superficial hypocrisy, making it easier for people to be deceived by false knowledge and talent.

In facing these challenges, people need to be rational and cautious, not only to be confused by external knowledge and talents, but also to pay attention to the true qualities and character of the other person. When building a deeply "intellectual" relationship, communication is just as important as understanding the other person's inner world. At the same time, understand that romantic relationships need to be based on empathy and mutual respect in order to last for a long time.

All in all, with the rise of social media and network technology, "intellectual sexuality" as a love model has gradually emerged. It emphasizes respect for inner talent and knowledge, as well as deep intellectual communication. However, as with any relationship model, it comes with challenges and complexities. In this age of pluralism and information explosion, people need to be rational and cautious, while cherishing those relationships with which they can connect on a soul level. Whether it is "Yan sexuality" or "intellectual sexuality", the ultimate goal is to find the person who can accompany him to the future on the basis of mutual respect and care.

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