
"Taiwan spy" Li Yanhe was arrested! Where did he come from?

author:YI crazy

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The content of this article comes from the Internet, if it is inconsistent with the actual situation or there is infringement, please contact to delete.

At the latest regular press conference of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, a piece of news that attracted attention became the focus of the media. Fu Cha, editor-in-chief of Taiwan's "Eight Flags Culture" publishing house, was reported to have been arrested in Shanghai, raising widespread concern. The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council's response was brief and forceful, indicating that Fucha was under investigation by state security organs for suspected activities endangering national security, and stressed that his legitimate rights and interests would be protected in accordance with the law.

"Taiwan spy" Li Yanhe was arrested! Where did he come from?

Behind this brief response lies a shocking story. Fucha's arrest turned out to be that he was suspected of espionage, and he was not a native of Taiwan, but a "traitor" from Chinese mainland. The story involves the intricacies of love, family, international relations, and political intrigue.

Li Yanhe, formerly known as Li Yanhe, was born in 1971 in Anshan City, Liaoning Province, China, and is the child of an ordinary Manchu family. He was a member of the Communist Party, well-educated and with a doctorate. However, one of his encounters changed the course of his life. While working in Shanghai, he met a Taiwanese woman who fell in love and eventually became a couple. However, their marriage was not accepted by the woman's family, as Li Yanhe was both a mainland public official and a member of the Communist Party.

"Taiwan spy" Li Yanhe was arrested! Where did he come from?

In order to win the support of his family, Li Yanhe embarked on a challenging journey. His wife's father is a staunch "Taiwan independence activist" whose family backgrounds and political beliefs are very different. However, after perseverance, the two finally married in 2005. Li Yanhe was then given the opportunity to go to Taiwan for reunion, and he left Shanghai to go to Taiwan with the hope of family and career.

In Taiwan, he plans to start a business, but that's just the surface. In fact, he founded the "Baqi Culture Publishing House", which became the main channel for the dissemination of political "secret Xin" books, spreading historical nihilism. Fucha did not steal intelligence like traditional spies, and his task was more secretive and vicious: to shatter the concept of the "big family of the Chinese nation", tear Chinese's sense of national identity, and find "reasonable evidence" for various "poisons" through books.

"Taiwan spy" Li Yanhe was arrested! Where did he come from?

In his program, under the cover of academic discussion of history, Fucha openly created smoke bombs of public opinion for the separatist forces, praised the "puppet Manchuria," and published books praising the Japanese invaders every year. His goal is to subvert history, repackage it, infiltrate online platforms, and make it his mission to divide China. This kind of spy behavior is beyond the understanding of traditional secret agents, but the harm to national security is more serious.

In the end, Li Yanhe was arrested in Shanghai in March, and the exact task remains a mystery. But Taiwan's concerns and calls for his release demonstrate the seriousness of the case. Either way, the incident is a wake-up call to those who might be lucky, that acts that endanger national security will eventually be revealed, and that choices made will come at a heavy price. Li Yanhe's fate also provides a warning to those who plot wrongdoers, and the black money of traitors cannot escape justice in the end.

"Taiwan spy" Li Yanhe was arrested! Where did he come from?

In this story, love, family and politics are intertwined to form a complex picture of life. Whatever happened, this case underscores the importance of national security and the determination to defend national interests. I hope that those who still have luck will give up their illusions and turn themselves in, because acts that endanger national security will not end well. It is only through legitimate means that we can maintain peace and tranquillity in our country.

"Taiwan spy" Li Yanhe was arrested! Where did he come from?

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