
Zeng Shiqiang: Why is death basically a good thing? Tell me about my parents, you can refer to it

author:Youchun breeze is satisfactory

Death is an inescapable fate, which brings fear and sadness. However, Zeng Shiqiang, a creator of Chinese self-media, has a very different view, arguing that death is basically a good thing.

Zeng Shiqiang, the father of Chinese management, passed away on 11/11/18 at the age of 84. Faced with the diagnosis of cancer, Zeng Shiqiang chose not to undergo surgery and chemotherapy, but chose to live with cancer cells and face death calmly. He saw through the meaning of death early on, making his last moments more exciting.

This is not the first time Zeng has made such a choice, as early as when his mother died, he made it clear to his family that death is basically a good thing. Instead of feeling too sad, he told his father and brother that he would not cry and hoped that they would do the same, so that his mother could be truly at ease.

So why is death basically a good thing? First, the last moments of life are often painful. For cancer patients, the last stage of life is already facing great pain, not only will they be delirious but also face the torment of illness. Death at this time is a relief for them.

Second, for older people, death is just a natural process. As we age, the organs of the human body gradually reach the end of their useful life, and if they barely survive, they must constantly repair the body, and the quality of life will become lower and lower. Death at this time is a natural thing, and there is no need to feel sad.

Finally, for those who die unexpectedly, this is the result of fate. While death is regrettable, it is the most painful thing for those who lose their mobility and spend the rest of their lives in a hospital bed, suffering the complaints of their loved ones. Therefore, death is basically a good thing, and it can relieve people from pain and suffering.

However, for ordinary people, being able to face death calmly is a high state. Tsang Shiqiang and his father were 20 years apart, and after his father turned 60, he often mentioned various matters after his death to his father. He discusses the details of Shouji with his father and helps him face his future death calmly.

Shoudi is a frightening topic for most seniors, but Zeng Shiqiang takes a peaceful approach to the problem. He photographed the scenery of Shouji so that his father could clearly understand it and make timely adjustments according to his father's preferences. In this way, Zeng Shiqiang's father was able to face his death calmly, and he chose a birthday place for his wife, and only needed to wait quietly for the arrangement of fate.

What Chinese lacks is this education on death, which has many benefits for both the dead and the living. The deceased is able to free himself from the torment of fear and go through the last stages of life more calmly; And the living can calmly accept the departure of their loved ones and no longer waste the rest of their lives in pain. Being educated about death is important for everyone.

Zeng Shiqiang's concept of life and death is worth our deep consideration. When Zeng Shiqiang found out that he had cancer, he did not choose surgery or chemotherapy, but chose to live in harmony with the cancer cells. Through radiotherapy and Chinese medicine, he fulfilled his wishes and maintained his dignity.

While exhorting others to face life and death open-mindedly, Zeng Shiqiang used his practical actions to give others the best example. He believes that since death is a fate that everyone cannot escape, it is better to accept it calmly than to be afraid and let the limited life show more wonder.

Chinese concept of life and death still needs to be further refined. In the face of the ultimate fate of life and death, we can make arrangements for our future affairs early, or choose to fully enjoy each day while we are alive, but do not dwell on the aftermath. Whether poor or rich, the end of life is death, and making life more exciting is the most important thing.

Zeng Shiqiang: Why is death basically a good thing? Tell me about my parents, you can refer to it
Zeng Shiqiang: Why is death basically a good thing? Tell me about my parents, you can refer to it
Zeng Shiqiang: Why is death basically a good thing? Tell me about my parents, you can refer to it
Zeng Shiqiang: Why is death basically a good thing? Tell me about my parents, you can refer to it
Zeng Shiqiang: Why is death basically a good thing? Tell me about my parents, you can refer to it
Zeng Shiqiang: Why is death basically a good thing? Tell me about my parents, you can refer to it
Zeng Shiqiang: Why is death basically a good thing? Tell me about my parents, you can refer to it
Zeng Shiqiang: Why is death basically a good thing? Tell me about my parents, you can refer to it