
The United States is to blame for the floods in India? Nuclear equipment in the Himalayas: A natural disaster leads to old espionage

author:Summer of a small snail

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In recent years, frequent climate disasters have occurred around the world, with floods, tsunamis and forest fires making headlines, prompting people to ponder the reasons behind them. In some places, particularly in the Himalayas of northern India, however, residents are skeptical of meteorologists' scientific explanations, arguing that these disasters are not purely natural phenomena but may be linked to a covert operation in India and the United States decades ago. So, what's going on here?

According to Indian media reports, the site of the outbreak, located on the Himalayan side of the northern Indian state of Akande, has killed at least 62 people and left 142 missing. While meteorologists agree that the disaster stemmed from the fracture of glaciers and the disintegration of glacial lakes in the Himalayas, local residents disagree. They believe that geological changes could cause glaciers to melt during the cold winter, and believe that the disaster is related to a device deep in the Himalayas.

The United States is to blame for the floods in India? Nuclear equipment in the Himalayas: A natural disaster leads to old espionage

According to the BBC, the "device" in the mouths of local residents actually refers to the traces left by the CIA in the area half a century ago. In order to monitor China's progress in nuclear weapons development, the CIA tried to install nuclear monitoring equipment in the Himalayan region, but due to repeated failures, the plan was eventually shelved. However, the incident has been passed down from generation to generation, with villagers convinced that nuclear equipment was hidden beneath the Himalayas, but no one knew its exact location.

Indian media reported that at the time of the disaster, some local residents claimed to have smelled a pungent smell that was very different from the smell emitted by the wreckage of the building and was extremely suffocating. According to others, village elders had told him that radioactive material buried in the mountains that had been missing for many years may have caused the disaster.

The United States is to blame for the floods in India? Nuclear equipment in the Himalayas: A natural disaster leads to old espionage

So, what exactly is this so-called nuclear device? The story begins with a secret espionage operation carried out by the United States against China in the 60s of the last century.

According to the BBC, from 1965 to 1967, the United States sent mountaineering teams into the Himalayas, which is also the area where the most recent floods occurred. The CIA worked with the Indian government to disguise the mountaineering team as a scientific expedition, and the members carried out heavily armed camouflage and even disguised skin color to blend in with the locals. The climbing team carried a set of equipment containing seven plutonium capsule monitoring devices. However, the first mission failed due to bad weather, leaving the equipment stranded on the mountain. It was planned to return the following spring to retrieve the equipment, but unexpectedly, the equipment disappeared in the wind and snow, and its whereabouts are still unknown, becoming the nuclear device that local residents believe caused the flooding.

The United States is to blame for the floods in India? Nuclear equipment in the Himalayas: A natural disaster leads to old espionage

In the 70s of the last century, this action was revealed by the Indian government. Protests erupted in India, as protesters surrounded the U.S. Embassy in India with signs such as "CIA get out of India" and "CIA poisoned our water." Since then, the Indian government has organized "nuclear surveillance" every ten years to ensure that there are no radiation anomalies on the ground. However, the nuclear equipment lost by the Americans has not been found, becoming a cliff in the heads of the locals.

Experts point out that these nuclear devices still have a service life of about 40 years today. If they enter the water source as the ice and snow melt, the surrounding environment is bound to be affected by radiation.

The United States is to blame for the floods in India? Nuclear equipment in the Himalayas: A natural disaster leads to old espionage

In summary, the so-called "man-made disaster" of local residents may not be the flood itself, but the latent threat of nuclear radiation. The spy operatives of the United States have left, leaving behind horror legends on the mountains and an untraceable "time bomb".

In this story, there is not only a collision between scientific explanations and folklore, but also deep excavations and reflections on historical events. This event shows us that the regrets left by history can have unintended consequences in the future. At the same time, it has also raised global attention to the loss of nuclear equipment and emphasized the importance of nuclear technology safety. Hopefully, in the future, similar incidents will not occur again, and we will be able to handle the relationship between nuclear technology and environmental protection more carefully.

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