
Constant happiness in the Diamond Sutra


In a Diamond Sutra, the Buddha repeatedly instructed all sentient beings that there should be no self, human, sentient beings, and life. The reason why sentient beings have the aspect of self, the aspect of people, the phase of all beings, and the phase of the lifespan is because the beginningless and above are blinded by the delusion of their own clarification of the true true heart. A delusional heart, pretending to be different and self-clinging. Once a person has a difference and self-attachment, then there is I see, I love, I delude, I diffuse, and the five essences of thinking and acting will become illusory, the six roots can no longer be pure, the six senses are no longer real, the six dusts that appear in the heart also become illusions, there is complete ignorance, there is also birth, old age, sickness, death, troubles and pain, there is also gain and reluctance, there is false wisdom, there is concern, there is terror, and there is upside down dreams. Therefore, the root of all birth, old age, sickness, death, troubles, pain, upside down, and dreams is that delusion. That's why the Buddha has repeatedly said that you should not dwell in each other's almsgiving, you should not live in each other's mind, that the past, present, and future are unattainable, that all aspects are illusory, and that if you see the opposite, you should see the same. Go and seek the great wisdom of the true Buddha.

Constant happiness in the Diamond Sutra

In the Diamond Sutra, the Buddha says that there is no self, no self, no phase. What is selflessness, selflessness is no self, no self, no me. The human self is the external tangible and the body, and the dharma refers to what all beings think, so we should not cling to the body and the outer appearance, nor can we cling to our thoughts and thoughts. The Buddha said that the bodhisattva I aspect, the human aspect, the sentient being, the aspect, the life aspect, is a bodhisattva, and the bodhisattva who cannot reach me without attainment is a true bodhisattva. All laws are empty, and all laws have no self.

Constant happiness in the Diamond Sutra

Impermanence is only a combination of causes and conditions, and all phenomena in the world are ephemeral and impermanent. The Buddha said that everything that has a way is like a dream bubble, like dew and electricity, and should be viewed as such. The Buddha said that the world, not the world, is the world of names, the real of the world, the unity of the name, the union of the name, cannot be said. The world does not exist, and the union is a false pretense. Therefore, the so-called world in our eyes, the so-called phenomena including my body, are all formed by the union of causes and conditions. Therefore, let go of delusion, let go of attachment to self, practice the precepts and wisdom without leakage of the Three Learnings and the Noble Eightfold Path, and practice Vajra-like paramita, in order to let go of greed and delusion, and achieve true happiness.

Constant happiness in the Diamond Sutra

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