
The song of contentment is so incisive, contentment is always happy!

author:Elegant white cloud fL
The song of contentment is so incisive, contentment is always happy!
The song of contentment is so incisive, contentment is always happy!
The song of contentment is so incisive, contentment is always happy!
The song of contentment is so incisive, contentment is always happy!
The song of contentment is so incisive, contentment is always happy!
The song of contentment is so incisive, contentment is always happy!
The song of contentment is so incisive, contentment is always happy!
The song of contentment is so incisive, contentment is always happy!
The song of contentment is so incisive, contentment is always happy!
The song of contentment is so incisive, contentment is always happy!
The song of contentment is so incisive, contentment is always happy!
The song of contentment is so incisive, contentment is always happy!
The song of contentment is so incisive, contentment is always happy!
The song of contentment is so incisive, contentment is always happy!
The song of contentment is so incisive, contentment is always happy!
The song of contentment is so incisive, contentment is always happy!
The song of contentment is so incisive, contentment is always happy!
The song of contentment is so incisive, contentment is always happy!

"You know, recently I heard a song called "Song of Contentment", the lyrics are so incisive!" Lao Wang said to me excitedly.

"Oh? "Song of Contentment"? How incisive? I asked curiously, still holding the freshly brewed tea in my hand, ready to take a sip.

Lao Wang cleared his throat and began to imitate and sing: "Contentment and happiness are always peaceful, and there is no desire to enjoy leisure." Don't be greedy for glory and wealth, just want to spend your old age in peace. ”

I put down the teacup and couldn't help laughing: "Haha, Lao Wang, although your voice is not good, this lyrics do make some sense!" ”

Lao Wang smiled proudly: "That's right, this song made me understand a lot of things suddenly." I used to feel that I wanted to pursue more, but now I find that contentment is the greatest happiness. ”

"Why do you suddenly have such a big feeling?" I asked curiously.

Lao Wang sighed and began to reminisce about the past.

A few years ago, Lao Wang was still a small clerk, working from 9 to 5 every day, with a fixed salary, although his life was stable, he always felt that something was missing. He always wanted to get a promotion and a salary increase to live a better life. So, he began to work hard, working overtime, and even sacrificing a lot of time to spend with his family.

Finally one day, Lao Wang got the opportunity to be promoted, and his salary rose a lot. He thought he would be happier because of it, but he soon found that the satisfaction of a promotion and a raise quickly evaporated and was replaced by more stress and responsibility.

"At that time, I was always not satisfied, I always wanted more. But now that I think about it, I already have a lot of it. Lao Wang said with emotion.

I nodded and understood: "Yes, people are always like this, what they don't get is always in turmoil, and when they get it, they feel like it's just that." ”

Lao Wang continued: "Since listening to the Song of Contentment, I have begun to reflect on my own life. I realized that I had always been happy, but I didn't realize it. I have a loving family, a loving wife and children, and a stable job. Aren't these what many people dream of? ”

"That's true." I agree, "Many times, we are always chasing more material wealth, but we ignore the beauty that we already have. ”

Lao Wang smiled and continued, "Now, I am beginning to learn to be content. Every day after work, I would watch TV and chat with my family. On weekends, we also go on outings or amusement parks. It's a simple life, but it's a very happy life. ”

Listening to Lao Wang's story, I was deeply grateful. Yes, contentment. We are always chasing more things, but we often ignore the beauty around us. In fact, happiness is very simple, it is to cherish the present moment and enjoy every moment in life.

Since then, I've also started trying to change my lifestyle. I'm no longer always busy with work and find more time to spend with my family and friends. I began to pay attention to the little things in life and enjoy every beautiful moment.

I found that when I learned to be content, life became a better place. I became happier and more content. And all these changes are thanks to Lao Wang and his "Song of Contentment".

Now, "Song of Contentment" has become a meme between me and Lao Wang. Whenever we feel tired or dissatisfied, we sing this song to remind ourselves to learn to be content. And this song has also become a testimony of our friendship, which makes us cherish the friendship between each other even more.

Looking back on the past days, I am filled with emotion. Yes, there are so many temptations and distractions in life that can make us lose our way. But as long as we learn to be content, cherish the present moment, and enjoy every moment in life, then happiness will always be with us.

Finally, I would like to say: "Lao Wang, thank you for your "Song of Contentment"! You have made me understand what true happiness is! ”

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