
【Youth Day Special】 Only diligence to youth

author:Lushunkou Inspection

On the eve of May Fourth Youth Day, on the morning of April 28, the Lushunkou District Procuratorate held a reading class for young cadres and policemen to learn from advanced figures and pay tribute to the struggling youth! Through the study and education activities, we will further promote young cadres and policemen to learn from history to be clear and reasonable, to increase their credibility in the study of history, to learn history to revere virtue, and to practice the study of history, and to promote the education and rectification of the procuratorial contingent of the whole procuratorate and the study and education of party history in a deep and down-to-earth manner.

The reading class was conducted in the form of concentrated learning and exchange and sharing, and studied the four important speeches made by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of the training class for young cadres at the Central Party School (National Academy of Administration) since 2019, deeply understood the mission of the times that the youth members of the League should undertake; led the study and read the key chapters of the "Complete Works of Lei Feng", and consciously understood the value pursuit that young cadres and policemen should have.

In the reading class, young cadres and policemen combined with the reality of their work, talked about their learning experience, and expressed their intention to bear in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, inherit the spirit of Lei Feng, pass on the positive energy of youth, work hard in procuratorial posts, display their talents, and let youth bloom in the practice of procuratorial undertakings and serving the people. Next, let us listen to the thoughts and insights of young cadres and policemen!

Zhang Qian (Assistant Procurator): The spirit of Lei Feng is to serve the people wholeheartedly, to be diligent in studying and daring to explore, and to dedicate ourselves to personal interests. As a young cadre, I want to study and inherit the spirit of Lei Feng, get up and do it, don't sit back and talk about it, weather the wind and rain, see the world, actively participate in the great practice of the socialist procuratorial cause with Chinese characteristics in the new era, face difficult and complicated cases, dare to shoulder heavy burdens and dare to try, temper law enforcement ability in specific law enforcement activities, show the deeds and responsibilities of young cadres and policemen with excellent skills, and live up to the mission of the times.

Wang Xiaodan (Assistant Procurator): As a young cadre policeman, I want to be advanced against the standard and see the wise and the wise. Learning Lei Feng should be a lifetime, not a period of time, I can't extend the length of life, but I can expand the width of life. Only by consistently adhering to the dedication to society and helping others as a belief, regardless of gains and losses, can we persist in doing good deeds and being good people for a lifetime, and can we cast the sublime in the ordinary and achieve infinity in the limited. As long as you always remember your original intention, you will be able to have indomitable persistence, you will not be sad because of the heavy work, you will not look forward and backward because of the discussion of others, and you will maintain the original intention when you first joined the party - to dedicate your youth and years to the party! At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a high moral integrity, often think in a different position, and unite people's hearts and win trust with practical actions.

Zhou Jing (Post Procurator): General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the training class for young and middle-aged cadres at the Central Party School explained the basis of self-cultivation and the way to govern, pointed out the connotation and great significance of strengthening ideals and beliefs and keeping in mind the mission of the original heart, and pointed out the growth direction and development requirements of young cadres. Through studying, I was greatly encouraged and encouraged, and I was more determined to strive for the future. Lei Feng is a name, but also a spirit, Lei Feng spirit is worth my life to worship, to follow, to learn! His actions made me remember him all the time, and his dedication made me learn from him all the time.

Feng Lin (judicial administrator): General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech is thought-provoking and motivating. As a young cadre, I am greatly encouraged, but also feel a heavy responsibility, but also need to work hard to improve their own quality, improve the level of service to the people, shoulder the mission entrusted by the times to young cadres and policemen, only to seize the day, not to live up to Shaohua! I want to learn from Lei Feng, to achieve the unity of knowledge and action, not only to learn the spirit of Lei Feng, but also to learn Lei Feng's practices, to start from small things, and to make contributions bit by bit.

Wang Nana (Assistant Procurator): I want to carry forward the patriotic spirit of young cadres and policemen, strengthen my ideals and convictions, and fulfill the rights and obligations of young party members; like Lei Feng, I want to maintain a work style of thrift, thrift, and arduous struggle, and inherit the party's fine traditions; I want to continue to carry forward the spirit of "nails," think diligently, study hard, and be a screw that will never rust in the procuratorial post.

Chu Zheyu (Judicial Police): The spirit of Lei Feng is eternal, and I want to take Lei Feng as a model of the times and a mentor of behavior, see the wise and think together, be dedicated to justice, be helpful, and pass on the spirit of Lei Feng from generation to generation. As a young cadre, I want to improve my comprehensive quality and ability, especially the improvement of political ability as the primary and basic work goal. Ideologically, politically, and in action, I must always maintain a high degree of unity with the Party Central Committee and earnestly enhance my political consciousness and political self-confidence.

Zhang Lei (Judicial Police): General Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out the direction and goal of the growth of young people in the new era, and pinned the deep concern and earnest hope of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core for the young generation. As a young cadre and policeman, I want to bear in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, pass on the spirit of Lei Feng, carry forward and expand, learn from the advanced, enhance my skills, and blaze new trails. I want to write the great dream of helping the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation into my own youth ideals, integrate the goods of virtue into my own moral cultivation, make progress with the times, share the fate with the people, and make myself a new person of the times with ideals, skills, and responsibilities, and fight bravely and forge ahead in the journey towards the realization of the "two hundred years" struggle.

Youth is like the sun, and youth is prosperous. Looking back on the course of struggle in the past hundred years of the founding of the party, inspired by the May Fourth spirit, the vast number of young people have continued to forge ahead, and with the youth and the struggle of me, they have written a magnificent chapter worthy of the times, the people, and history. The young cadres and policemen of Lushunkou District will shoulder the heavy mission of the new era, forge ahead on the new journey, strengthen their convictions in true learning and true faith, keep firmly in mind their original intentions in the process of studying and practicing their thinking, cultivate themselves in careful study and practice, take on the role of taking action in the unity of knowledge and action, and write a new chapter in the procuratorial cause with their youthful enthusiasm.

【Youth Day Special】 Only diligence to youth

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