
Qian Yong braved pressure from many sides to repair the tomb for Qian Muzhai. All his life, Qian Yong withdrew from the curtain to survive under pressure from many sides and repaired the tomb for Qian Muzhai. All his life he made a living by wandering

author:Lu Xiuhui Kankan poetry calligraphy and painting printing

"The Biography of the Painter" ~ 367

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Qian Yong withstood pressure from many parties to repair the tomb for Qian Muzhai. All his life he made a living by wandering</h1>

Text/Lu Xiuhui

Qian Yong (1759-1844), Zi Liqun, No. 1 Taixian, No. 1 Meixi, a native of Jinkui, Jiangsu (now part of Wuxi).

Qian Yong braved pressure from many sides to repair the tomb for Qian Muzhai. All his life, Qian Yong withdrew from the curtain to survive under pressure from many sides and repaired the tomb for Qian Muzhai. All his life he made a living by wandering

Wuxi Qian family, tracing back to the origin, generations of no shortage of people, for the Jiangnan Wang family. When Qian Yong's father, Qian Yu, built the "Yangzhu Mountain House" for his reading office, and also invited the painter Zhang Guiyan to paint a frame of "Yangzhu Mountain House Map", and asked Liu Yong to write a book for the mountain house. After Qian Yong became famous, he sent his son Qian Yongsuo to do the contemporary literati to write poems for the mountain house. Ruan Yuan, Sun Xingyan, Yi Bingshou, Hong Liangji, Zhang Juguan, Yuan Ming, Ji Huang, Qian Daxin and other famous artists all wrote poems for the mountain house.

Qian Yong has been a seed of reading since he was a child, intelligent, willing to learn, and has the strength to drill, Qian Yong's education in his childhood was personally done by his father Qian Yu, and he never faked his hands and taught with people outside the teacher. Qian Yong was able to write at the age of five, and at the age of eight or nine, he worked in the seal and subordinate. When he was fourteen years old, he received a batch of Han and Wei inscription rubbings in Suzhou, and after taking them home, he copied them day and night, and his calligraphy went to a higher level. It was not until Qian Yong was seventeen years old that he traveled to Wumen and was able to visit Mr. Jin Zujing, a native of Wu County, and worship him as a teacher, that he had his first teacher besides his father.

Mr. Jin Zujing worked as an envoy to Guizhou, good at reading, old and mitu, a famous scholar and calligrapher. Calligraphy from childhood Fu Yu Shinan, followed by his maternal uncle Yang Binyou, specializing in Jin Ti, forty years later, by the second king slightly demoted Zhao Mengfu, and You Jinwen Zhengming. Taste the book "Annan Border" four characters, the diameter of the word is six feet, the pen gesture is majestic. After Qian Yong entered his door, because Mr. Jin had a wide range of contacts and extremely wide contacts, Qian Yong's vision and style were different. In an elegant episode, Qian Yong wrote down the Yongju sentence of "Sending people under the fence is not a long strategy, and he likes to bring new frost into the painting hall", which was highly praised by Mr. Jin Zujing, who was increasingly heavy on Qian Yong. Qian Yong and Wu Chinese people had frequent contacts and intervened in the Wu Chinese literati circle.

Qian Yong braved pressure from many sides to repair the tomb for Qian Muzhai. All his life, Qian Yong withdrew from the curtain to survive under pressure from many sides and repaired the tomb for Qian Muzhai. All his life he made a living by wandering

Soon, Qian Yong fell behind when he went to the township examination, and Qian Yong was deeply disappointed in the examination and returned to his hometown with his sleeves folded. When the examination system has reached the end of the strong crossbow, bad habits are on display, and even the county examination, the prefectural examination and the hospital examination have substitute examinations. It has also opened up the road of "donating officials", making this road a normal way of promotion in the national system. Even Lang Zhong, who sells medicine, can donate to the government. Whenever there is a festive banquet in the lang, he wears the azure gown and five-pin supplementary clothes to attend the display. Once, there was a young reading lang on the seat who came out of the upper league: "Five pins of azure coat", and a teenager next to him answered: "Six flavors of yellow nine". Suddenly the hall was full of laughter, and for a while it was a joke. In the thirty-ninth year of Qianlong, the donors had to pay 16,400 taels of silver and the prefects had to donate 13,300 taels of silver, so the high-priced pledge was made into a business. In addition to the rich people who pledged, there were also people with slightly stronger ability to borrow money to pledge, and the temptation of "three years of Qing Prefect, 100,000 snowflake silver" was too great. The wool came out of the sheep, and these officials reaped the money back from the people with profit. In this scenario, Qian Yong understands clearly, can Qian Yong not return? Qian Yong's "Accompanying Bin Kasa-geng to observe the Broken Mountain Temple with Chang Shaofu Rhyme", Shi Yun:

Step on the green mountain Guo, look for the woods.

The cloud seals the path of the tree, and the flower rain stone is deep.

Find a zen and burn incense to preach the heart.

Make the king with the shaofu, and have a confidant for a thousand years.

The system of donating officials was a great blow to the readers, and Qian Yong did not become an official in his lifetime because he was absolutely in the imperial examination. After Qian Yongxiang failed the first test, he set up a library to teach for a living. He was the most filial piety, and then the mother Hua Tai'an people lived in Changshu Fishing. After the death of his stepmother, Qian Yong moved to Wengjiazhuang and lived in the villa of Emperor Weng of Changshu Tieringe University. Later, Qian Yongjian wrote a scripture building, imitating the Han Cai Yong Stone Classic to write filial piety, analects, universities, meanness, and carved stones, and Qunxue also hid the han and Tang Dynasty stele carved in the Yushan Stone Room. Qian Yong hooked up and handwritten a number of inscriptions, which were widely circulated in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places, and later spread to Korea, Japan, and neighboring countries in Zhongshan. Qian Yong even obtained fragments of the "Xiping Stone Classic", created more than 500 fragments of characters himself, supplemented them with stone carvings, expanded more than 300 copies, and sent them to confidants in The Sea, and Qian's reputation has been greatly enhanced ever since.

Qian Yong braved pressure from many sides to repair the tomb for Qian Muzhai. All his life, Qian Yong withdrew from the curtain to survive under pressure from many sides and repaired the tomb for Qian Muzhai. All his life he made a living by wandering

Qian Yong's way of marketing himself is very effective, starting his own and opening up the monument. After Weng Fanggang received the double hook copy of the "Lou Shou Stele" sent by Qian Yong, he specially wrote back to him and recorded a self-composed seven-character ancient poem, discussing the value of the "Lou Shou Stele" and the circulation of the Tuoben in a poem, and "thanking Qian Yong for this" in a poem. The letter reads:

Meixi sent a double hook Lou Shou Monument and gave this thanks:

Xia Chenglou Shou with the Stone Scripture, Feng Ren Uncle gave me a long listen. Yimen did not see Du Mu Ben, how could he be able to do it? Xi G Han Shan Zhao Clan Roll. Self-propelled non-model. XiaoyuanTang opened in early summer, and the green yin managed Yu Fangxin. When yu is thin and energetic, he seems to take advantage of the grass seal posture. Gu Wu said that the old Tuo, who did not judge who identified the boat. The unique Yimen Zhai language is ancient, and it is a good thing. Hua Jia Ji Unitary Gu Pengzi, one hundred and sixty years of traces heping. True appreciation of the night of the fasting, Qi Nu outside the autumn boat. At this time, this couple is even more successful, jinan before the Xia Jun car stopped. Xiao Lou Sizhao shook hands at the beginning, and promised me the true shape of the Five Peaks. Jungui cut love to send me, ho chi old fellow window ledge. The end of the scroll is a few lines of harm, and the pearl is round and the sun is hanging. The Poyang Que is like a combination of bibi, and the cold mountain is ugly. It is possible to examine the subordinate situation, and it is not possible to draw a wave in the odd zero. After the Liang someone came to hang the ancient, Da Shou wanted to get close to the New Mao Pavilion. Ami Xiaoyin is like a handwriting, and Nanyu fu is still in his heart. Han Lizuo shushu couple? Zhang Qian listened in Hanren. In the case of Jiaping's "Analects", Jun repeatedly took off my Dan Fengling. Wu Shan Yue hydrated several seats, and the jade axis of the golden barrier intersected with the spirit. Ten years ago, G Xia Chengben, his eyes were in the east of The Sand Qing. Yi men bitter mud feng fu language, want to knock Hong carved official Cao Hall. At that time, Tan shan was better than Zhou Zhen, and luxury said that dabei Chen Jieting. Ho now benefits me, Heng Rui Pei Ye Ling Ling. The ink of the little Penglai Pavilion sounded, and the old dream of the Shifan Pavilion woke up. Laughing at Huang Jiu's memories of Gu Ba, Heavy Whiskers Leshi Grinding Jining. After the second poem was unscripted, it was suitable to get into the fabric, there was no good paper on it, and the pen and ink were sloppy, that is, to send it to the government, shame! Shame on you!

Fang Gang under the lights of September 20th

In the fifty years of Qianlong (1785), Bi Yuan was the governor of Henan, and at that time he was working on compiling the "Zhongzhou Golden Stone Record" and was hired into the shogunate in his name, asking Qian Yong to proofread the works for him, and at the same time tasting a number of calligraphy and paintings and inscriptions. That year, Qian Yong was twenty-seven years old, and since then, you have become Qian Yong's profession, and writing and learning has become his hobby. He is well versed in the bureaucracy, as well as civil affairs, river engineering, and production. He began to travel from the age of twenty-seven and spent almost his entire life in the curtain. He was not an official on duty, but he did the things of an official for the officials.

Qian Yong braved pressure from many sides to repair the tomb for Qian Muzhai. All his life, Qian Yong withdrew from the curtain to survive under pressure from many sides and repaired the tomb for Qian Muzhai. All his life he made a living by wandering

In the fifty-first year of Qianlong, Bi Yuan wanted to recommend Qian Yong to the imperial court as his secretary and let him enter the official rank system, but Qian Yong did not agree on the grounds that his parents were old. Fifty-two years after Qianlong, Bi Yuan once again hired Qian Yong to join Bieliang as his subordinate. In the fifty-sixth year of Qianlong, Bi Yuan was transferred to the governor of Huguang, and Qian Yong was hired by Li Gongheng, the prefect of Shaoxing Province, to write a county chronicle. After the end of xiuzhi, Qian Yong went to the north to visit ancient times. He became acquainted with Yong Yao, the eleventh son of Qianlong. Yong Yao invited Qian Yongshangjing to publish for him the "Yi Jin Zhai Ti" engraved by feng zhi.

Subsequently, Qian Yong has been in and out of the shogunate of various officials, mainly in the golden stone inscription Xiuzhi, and also participated in their political activities. At the age of seventy, he also went to the Qingjiang Festival to write the "Chengjian Tang Ti" for Zhang Jing, and discussed the management of river affairs with his staff at the Zhangjing shogunate, and put forward very insightful and constructive suggestions. At the age of eighty, he sent the books "Complete Map of the Seven Provinces sea route" and "Yan Haishi" to Songjiang Province. He also submitted a sparse article entitled "Rapid Repair of Sanwu Water Conservancy, To Profit the Country," and put forward proposals for dredging the tributaries of Taihu Lake to ensure the mintian around Taihu Lake. Qian Yong stayed under Zhang Jing's curtain for four years, at this time Qian Yong was already seventy-four years old. His experience in the shogunate enabled him to accumulate a wealth of life experience.

Qian Yong is proud in his heart, although he has been a curtain for a long time and has been instructed by others, he has a solitary mentality, and from his resolute repair of the tomb for Qian Qianyi, we can see his maverick personality. Qian Qianyi was originally a minister of the Ming Dynasty, and when the Qing soldiers went to Jiangnan, he and Wang Duo and other officials of the Hongguang Imperial Court asked Duoduo to surrender, and offered Duoduo the advice to "harvest Jiangnan in one fell swoop". The Qing soldiers did not need to send one soldier and one rate, but only to spread the word to the provinces and counties in the south of the river, and sent people to post lists everywhere, calling on the people not to resist, so that the Qing people quickly won jiangnan, and people thought that he had a big loss. After Qian Qianyi surrendered, under the action of Liu Ruyi, he secretly rebelled against qing and regained his light. For this reason, Qianlong denounced him as "shameless" and banned his writings. At this time, Qian Qianyi's tomb had fallen into disrepair and had been abandoned for a long time, and Qian Yong resolutely decided to repair the tomb for Qian Muzhai. The collection engraving of Su Dongpo's "Tomb of the Old Man in Dongjian" is its inscription. At that time, everyone laughed at him, but they had to admire his courage to dare to move against the current. The Qing court's resistance to this kind of cultural resistance will absolutely not be easily tolerated. Qian Yong retired in his seventies and stopped asking about the jianghu. His ink treasures can also be seen everywhere, such as the Mingyue Tower in Yangzhou, the tomb of Qian Muzhai in Changshu, and so on.

Qian Yong braved pressure from many sides to repair the tomb for Qian Muzhai. All his life, Qian Yong withdrew from the curtain to survive under pressure from many sides and repaired the tomb for Qian Muzhai. All his life he made a living by wandering

Qian Yong's "Words of the Garden" is a superior work in the ming and qing notes. This ancient notebook is known for its rich content, informativeness, and smooth writing. The book is divided into 24 volumes, involving many aspects such as the canon system, astronomical geography, golden stone archaeology, cultural relics and paintings, poetry and novels, social anecdotes, character anecdotes, customs and folklore, cautionary sayings, jokes and dreams, ghosts and spirits, etc., which can be called all-encompassing and magnificent. In his later years, Qian Yong sneaked into the garden, "in the leisure of the garden, he heard and heard, and wrote his own notes", and humbled himself as "the pen of sorrow and laughter".

Qian Yong lived in the Qianlong, Jiaqing, and Daoguang dynasties and was a famous scholar in the middle of the Qing Dynasty. His works are very rich, involving Jinshi, literature and history, natural science, etc., including "A Small Record of Speaking Literature", "New Book of Watching", "Luguo JinshiMu", "Luyuan Congzhi", "Shude Compilation", "Miscellaneous Records of Climbing the Tower", "Iron Scroll Examination", "Luyuan Tan Poems", "Lanlin Collection", "Meixi Poetry Notes" and so on. There are more than 30 kinds of works such as "Art Nengkao".

Qian Yonggong is good at painting, painting small landscapes, ancient and distant, and there are imitations of Zhao Danian Liutang Flower Dock Map. Qian Yong is famous for his calligraphy, and at the age of twenty, he liked to learn Huanggu calligraphy and asked Mr. Lin Licha for advice. Mr. Lin said to Qian Yong, "You have taken the wrong path. Qian Yong asked, "What to do?" Mr. Lin replied, "You must learn Zhao Songxue to retreat." ”

Qian Yong has a deep influence on Xiao Kai's calligraphy, and is more than eighty years old, and can still make Small Kai inscriptions. His writings have followed from "weak crowns and happy yellow valleys" to zhao mengfu after changing to zhao, so his writings are not prominent.

Qian Yong is the best at Lishu, and his Lishu has the style and appearance of "Shuzhai Literati", "Imitating guli directly to the Han people." Qian Yong respected the Han Monument, but he learned the Fat Style of Tang Li in order to be different from others. Although he is meticulous in using pen and ink, Ran Yanli is too much, which makes people regret her loss of Park Mao.

Qian Yong braved pressure from many sides to repair the tomb for Qian Muzhai. All his life, Qian Yong withdrew from the curtain to survive under pressure from many sides and repaired the tomb for Qian Muzhai. All his life he made a living by wandering

Lu Xiuhui has a song "Song for Qian Yongmeixi", shiyun:

Painting and calligraphy for decades, life for nearly a hundred years.

Try to know the hole machine, and the karma is ashamed.

Since then, most of the people in the curtain road have been Lang Xiutian.

Xiang Gong is a vain person, and the staff affairs are Yan.

Among them, Feng Jinding can also throw jade springs.

Heavy light calendar long, before the song of the magic dance.

The pen wants to paint snow, and the ink is dyed with clouds.

During the crane tour, the jade phoenix ascends to the sky.

Distant pages, literati wear night and moon.

The golden and green meet the cold, and the weeping vines and white mandarins stomp.

Qian Yong braved pressure from many sides to repair the tomb for Qian Muzhai. All his life, Qian Yong withdrew from the curtain to survive under pressure from many sides and repaired the tomb for Qian Muzhai. All his life he made a living by wandering

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