
Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....
Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

There's been a pretty outrageous rhythm lately.

Didn't Apple just send a new product, and then they have an option on their official website for "expert one-on-one purchase", in which the experts of Apple Watch look like this:

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

In my opinion, this is a normal salesperson, and netizens can see the clue from it.

First of all, a netizen said that this is a unique "expert" in the Chinese region, this squinting eyes + braids, the stereotype is to the extreme, and it is going to make people vomit.

"It's better to pull one out of 10 million people and pull it out."

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

Then a bunch of big Vs forwarded, indicating that this is definitely deliberately discriminatory Chinese. The comments are a "test the bottom line", "Apple users are slaves" and other voices.

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....
Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

People don't know what to say.

If it weren't for the fact that these big Vs have been posting "patriotism" on Weibo for decades, I would really think that this is an anti-string rhythm.

Because the rhythm is a little too outrageous.

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

First of all, braids are not "exclusive to the Qing dynasty".

I don't believe that you have never seen anyone with twisted braids since you were a child, are those people all insulting?

Not to mention that this image is not specifically aimed at the Chinese market at all. Apple stores all over the world "Apple Watch Expert" are such an image.

Do you think you're using their own employees to "parade through the streets"?

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....
Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

Moreover, you insist that this person's eyes are definitely not "squinting". This European-style big eyelids, but because he is laughing, so I can't see it, I dare say that if this person is not smiling, his eyes are definitely bigger than more than 80% of Asians.

In fact, from the person's looks and makeup, plus Apple's reply "This is a female employee in California":

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

I suspect that this is not an Asian at all, but an Indian.

Although there is a saying that the Indians passed through the Bering Strait from the Mongolian side in ancient times, they are also yellow people. But there is no doubt that it has nothing to do with Chinese, so there is no way to talk about Asians.

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

Having said all this, many people are still not convinced, saying that you Apple can't find a good-looking person as a model. Isn't it disgusting to find such an ugly person to put on it?

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

If Apple insists that this man is very beautiful and represents "the beauty of Asia," it should be angry.

But this so-called "one-on-one shopping expert" is ordinary sales.

They are not models, not celebrities, and they are not image ambassadors. They are not responsible for beauty, nor are they responsible for transmitting beauty.

To be a "salesman", you don't need to look good.

Maybe they work seriously and hard. Maybe they are serious and responsible, sales are high, so they are put on the official website.

Is it wrong to look ordinary?

You go offline to see the sales staff of major Apple stores, most of them are also very ordinary looking people.

These are the other two "Apple one-on-one shopping experts" on the official website, and I don't think he is better than the lady above.

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....
Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

Does it really have to be blonde hair, cold white skin, long legs, European double eyelids, to appear on the official website?

It feels like a significant number of people really think so.

Let's be honest.

An ordinary-looking American Apple employee was sprayed "insulted" by a bunch of people he didn't know because he was mistaken for Chinese.

I don't know if it should be sarcasm or humor.

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

After a series of rhythms, many netizens said that they did not admit that it was insulting, that is, they collected Apple money to wash the floor. He also said that this was "disciplined desensitization" and "too insensitive".

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

I think on the contrary, netizens are too sensitive now.

The advertising model had small eyes, so he was insulted.

The protagonist of the movie "squinted", so he insulted China.

Now even excellent employees with braids are "humiliating".

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

Of course, this sensitivity goes far beyond "insulting China."

A university sent a copy to cheer candidates before the college entrance examination, found a group of students, held up a sign to form an article, and then the enlarged word in each sign added up to "I'm waiting for you at Nanjing University"

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....
Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....
Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....
Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....
Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....
Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....
Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....
Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

Unexpectedly, the last picture was singled out separately, insisting that the university was using beauty marketing, which was "objectifying women" and suspected of "insulting women".

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

Insulting China, insulting women, betraying the country, and being a traitor.

Big words that used to be heard only in very serious situations are now almost everywhere on the Internet.

The environment is becoming more and more sensitive, and at this time, as long as you can't keep up with the times, you may touch something G-spot and be criticized.

Previously, there was an aunt in the dormitory of Harbin Institute of Technology, who bought valuable chocolates at her own expense on Thanksgiving Day, and wanted to give them to her classmates to thank them for their support of the apartment work.

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

Oh my God, it's a good thing, right?

However, some people do not appreciate it, and can interpret the meaning of sublime and flattering, and warn the aunt in the group:

"Promoting Western Festivals"

"Open celebration of the Western Festival"

"Please stop the activity immediately."

"Otherwise, react to the relevant authorities."

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

In the end, the aunt was forced to have no choice but to apologize.

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

After the incident came out, many people supported the student, saying that this was a problem of ideology between enemies and friends:

"This aunt is a child who does not have the string of struggle in her head."

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

"If she had a sense of friend and foe in her heart, there would be no such thing"

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

"Very strong sense of struggle"

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

"Auntie must have done something wrong about this"

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

"Wrong is wrong, otherwise it is related to the survival of the nation!"

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

The code is because they used their real names

You say helpless or helpless?

Also, in 2019, Morey of the Rockets made insulting remarks that everyone despised and was boycotted. Then in the overwhelming opposition, a netizen posted this paragraph in the circle of friends:

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

This paragraph is not his original, but reprinted from the Internet, I believe many people have also posted this paragraph, although it is not much funny, but looking at the picture below, I know that the person who posted the paragraph is not malicious.

However, his circle of friends was still interpreted by netizens as "supporting Team Rocket"

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....
Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

However, this classmate, because of this paragraph, had to apologize to more than 100,000 people on the company's official WeChat public account:

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

The president of China Sports Sports, a large company with a registered capital of tens of millions and revenue of hundreds of millions, has to apologize to everyone in the comment area:

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

Then the comments were all in support of this apology:

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

I knew that after this incident, I didn't know what words to use to express myself. It wasn't until I saw Ang Lee's emoji later that I knew that this was:

I couldn't read it, but I was blown away.

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

I support what they say that in China, it is not appropriate to joke in the face of big issues of right and wrong, especially not to joke about supporting Morey, and it is even not suitable to joke about supporting the Houston Rockets.

— But I don't see any support for the Houston Rockets in this paragraph.

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

Just like the person who went to Baidu "Rocket Bar" to post that the rocket bar was finally taken back by astronomy enthusiasts, the implicit meaning in these paragraphs is that "the Rockets are not great, and what we care about from childhood is not the Rockets in the NBA, but the Rockets in the Pokemon."

I dare not say anything else, but the person who made up this paragraph definitely did not express support, but more like a disdain.

Some people may not understand, then I will give you an example.

If Cai Xukun became the target of everyone at that time and was besieged by all netizens, a person wrote this paragraph:

I still support Kun Kun, after all, he overcame a lot of hardships to get to us, he really has strength, his face has inspired me countless times in countless nights, and it is his dancing that has sustained me to this day.

Then the picture was accompanied by a picture of Xie Guangkun.

Who did Apple employees recruit and who messed with.....

Do you think this is support or irony for Cai Xukun?

Do you think Cai Xukun's fans are happy or angry when they see this?

Think of such a joke as supporting Team Rockets.

You say outrageous or not outrageous?

It's no wonder that a blogger said before that we have entered the era of parentheses, that is, you can't write a sentence, you must use parentheses to write out all the meanings that you don't contain, otherwise you will be led to the rhythm.

The dormitory aunt can't just send a notice saying that Thanksgiving will give everyone chocolate, she should put a parenthesis:

(I just learned from the Internet that today is Thanksgiving, I want to send something to my classmates, there is no meaning to promote the festival, I am not religious, don't report me.) )

For example, the netizen who plays Team Rocket terrier in the circle of friends should also add a parenthesis:

(I just saw this meme and thought it was funny to copy it, and I definitely didn't mean to support the NBA Rockets, and I was also against the NBA!)

There is also Nanda, if you put a parenthesis on the sign held by the girl in this picture, you may not be rhythmic:

(The "I" here refers to Nanjing University.) )

Even if you surf the Internet more, you will become more and more sensitive, involuntarily add a lot of taboos to yourself, and constantly examine yourself.

Then when I go offline, I listen to people who don't go on social media very much, and I am often stunned.

"Is that what can be said too? This is discrimination. ”

"You are going to be raped online on Weibo."

"Can you still say that? It's also too arbitrary. ”

"That's too offensive."

"No sense of boundaries, hey!"

"Oh my God, you don't want to die for this!"

And so on and so forth.

Maybe the Internet has never represented freedom, after all, every word you type has to be picked by thousands of people, and you have to make sure that you don't touch some red lines.

So everyone can only be careful, what is said is more and more "correct" and more and more "correct".


The more careful you are, the more rhythmic people will get in.

When is it to retreat?


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