
$28 trillion printed to pay off debts, the US economy collapsed?

author:Gossip comrade

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With the Biden administration in office, U.S. economic policy is undergoing unprecedented changes. However, the $1.9 trillion bailout bill and the $3 trillion infrastructure package require huge sums of money, which has led some to question why they are not repaid all at once

$28 trillion printed to pay off debts, the US economy collapsed?

What about debt? However, doing so would trigger severe inflation and cause enormous damage to the economy. Therefore, the United States adopted a policy of monetizing the fiscal deficit, and as long as inflation does not occur, the government can finance the fiscal deficit by printing money. However, 28 trillion were printed at once

$28 trillion printed to pay off debts, the US economy collapsed?

The dollar will lead to inflation, seriously damage the national credit of the United States, and even threaten the dollar's status as a world currency. China has taken measures to restrict the free convertibility of the dollar and the renminbi, protecting national wealth and forming a strong line of defense. If the United States prints 2 in one go

$28 trillion printed to pay off debts, the US economy collapsed?

$8 trillion to repay debt will have serious consequences, which is worth pondering. If the United States continues to take this action, it could lead the United States to a decline and cause the dollar to depreciate even more than any situation in history. As a result, the international market will quickly reduce its dependence on the dollar, less

$28 trillion printed to pay off debts, the US economy collapsed?

A number of powerful countries, such as Britain, Germany, Japan, and China, will be the builders of a new international monetary order. If you like this article, please click "Follow" and become my iron fan, so that you can receive my article as soon as possible. The article was only published in today's headlines and was forbidden to be moved.

$28 trillion printed to pay off debts, the US economy collapsed?

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