
Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

author:Ordinary people who love to travel
Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

I used to be healthy and loved fishing

I am an honest ordinary person, when I was a child, my family was good, my parents were complete, and I was harmonious and happy. Because my family has encountered several minor illnesses and pains, my body has always been healthy, and my personality is also happy.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

After growing up and starting a family, I met my lovely wife, as well as a son and daughter. For the sake of my family, I worked hard and tried to earn money to support my family.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

When I retire, I finally have plenty of time to do what I love. I have a long-lost interest - fishing.

After retiring, I spent almost all of my free time fishing. On weekends, I wake up early and head out with my tackle on my back.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

I would throw the bait into the water and just sit quietly, watching the fish drift and listen to the sound of the lake crashing on the shore.

Sometimes the fish are not hooked, and I may sit all day without feeling bored. I love smelling the grass, blowing the breeze, and watching the sparkling light on the lake, and I feel incomparably calm.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

I also chat with other anglers and share fishing experiences and life insights.

Every time I catch a big fish, I am very happy. It's like a major achievement that makes me happy.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

I rarely get close to my family, but every time I bring back a new catch, I make them happy. I also get satisfaction from it.

Sometimes I would fish for days on the lake and completely immerse myself in the joy of fishing. I know my wife and kids may be worried, but that's how I live.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

It has become an important part of my life and I will continue to do so for the rest of my life.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

I was hospitalized three times, and my son and daughter's attitude ranged from concern to indifference

My life of love fishing lasted for many years. At first, my children could understand my habits, but my frequent fishing trips also worried my family.

The first time I was hospitalized, I suddenly fainted while fishing in the lake. The fisherman panicked and took me to the hospital.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

My children were very worried about my condition and stayed in the hospital room day and night to take care of me.

When I woke up, my children were in tears, and they were scared. They begged me to fish less in the future, rest more and take care of my body.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

That hospitalization made me realize that I could no longer indulge myself so much and think about my family.

After I was discharged from the hospital, I began to have a regular routine and eat more nutritious food. It didn't take long for me to get a lot better weight and complexion.

I am often grateful for their concern, which makes me determined to continue to take care of my body.

But my days of giving up fishing didn't last long. I really miss the breath of nature and long to feel the far-fetched force of the fishing rod again.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

I went out without telling my family, and as a result, my body went wrong again.

This time in the hospital, the attitude of the children was noticeably cold. They reproached me for not listening to advice and went fishing behind their backs.

But my children were so disappointed with me that they stopped paying attention to me.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

I blamed myself very much, knowing that my children were against me fishing, I still did what I wanted to do, and the result caused everyone to worry.

I repeatedly vowed to supervise myself in the future, and I would never let my children worry about it again.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

After I was discharged from the hospital, I tried to get my life back on track, but I still had a passion for fishing. In this way, there is a struggle between abstinence and indulgence.

I knew it would hurt my family, but I lost to my weakness and wrong thoughts.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

In the end, I still did not quit this bad habit, and fell ill in the hospital for the third time due to fishing. This time my children were directly angry with me, and I could see that they had been completely disappointed in me.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

I understand that wishful thinking to go fishing is selfish and irresponsible. I should have listened to my family's advice and not gone it alone.

I have to face this problem and stop fooling myself.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

I followed advice at first, but then I went my own way

After two hospital stays, I realized I had to change my lifestyle and stop fishing feverishly.

My children are glad that I finally realize the seriousness of the problem. In order to get me back to health, they began to take turns to take care of me at home and often prepared nutritious meals for me.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

I started going to bed early and getting up early and kept exercising every day. In order to supplement nutrition, I am no longer a picky eater and eat various dishes carefully prepared by my children.

I appreciated my children's intentions and began to rejoice that I was able to heed their advice.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

In this way, I lived a regular and peaceful life. My family saw that I was really reflecting on and correcting myself, and I gradually felt relieved.

For a while, we survived the most difficult days.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

However, my love for fishing has not faded. When my health improved, I started to endlessly miss fishing again.

In the end, I chose to go back to the lake to fish.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

I knew it would disappoint my family, but I just couldn't help myself. I secretly prepared my tackle and went out and spent days and nights alone in the lake.

It wasn't until my body went wrong again that I realized what a mistake I had made.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

Once again, I was admitted to the hospital. This time, my children were very angry with me. They reproached me for being unrepentant, first promising not to fish again, but turning around and going my own way.

After I was discharged from the hospital, I made a promise again that I would definitely be a person again. However, my self-control was so poor that I couldn't resist returning to the old way.

I knew I was hurting my family, but I couldn't stop the loss in time.

My selfishness and incompetence caused me to fall into the painful situation of being admitted to the hospital for the third time. This time, I could see that my children had lost all trust and expectations for me.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

I realized that this was all my fault, and I should not have failed their concern many times to cause them to despair of me.

I understand how selfish and stupid it is to fish wishful thinking. I should learn to restrain my desires and cherish the care of my children, rather than doing what I want.

I vowed to quit this habit and become responsible for my family again.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

My son and daughter value money and are inconsiderate of my needs

My frequent hospitalizations not only damaged my health, but also put enormous financial pressure on my children. I had to pay high medical bills and couldn't take care of myself, so I needed their care.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

The son is an employee of a company and the daughter is still in college. They were already financially strained, and my illness was even worse when I was hospitalized.

They worked and studied during the day, and they had to come to the hospital at night to take care of me, and they were very tense physically and mentally.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

I was afraid of being a burden to them, but I had to rely on their care. My children did not directly confront me, but I could feel their inner complaints and suffering.

I wanted to explain what fishing meant to me, but I couldn't say anything to justify them in front of their tired faces.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

But I've found that simply stopping fishing isn't enough to put my children at ease. They are tired of taking care of me, and I need money and time from them.

They monitored my every move for fear that I would do something to hurt myself again.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

I felt their mistrust and felt guilty for being a burden to my family. I understand that personal happiness should not be based on the suffering of others, and I should not continue my joy in life in this way.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

In order for them to see my repentance, I began to save on living expenses and minimize expenses. I also tried to do some housework on my own, but my physical weakness made it difficult for me to be independent.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

My self-blame and helplessness became stronger and stronger, and the indifference of my children also made me feel lonely. I longed to get back to fishing freely, but I knew it would only burden my children.

I realized that in order to regain the understanding of my family, I had to quit my old problems and live a regular and simple life.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

I want to learn to take care of myself and save money, and become a person who contributes to the family and not drags down. It will take time and effort, but I believe that as long as I really change my heart, there is still hope of re-establishing the relationship between my family.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

I felt my children's filial indifference, despair and self-blame

After this series of hospitalizations, I felt more lonely and hopeless than ever. My children became more and more indifferent to me, and I realized that their filial piety had been worn down by me.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

Every time I was hospitalized, my children came to see me very little. At first they felt sorry for me, but then they just came over and left on a routine trip.

Once, my son came to the hospital and lashed out at me. He slammed the door and left, leaving me alone to face the empty hospital room.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

I realized that their concern had been exhausted by me, that they no longer saw me as a father who needed to be taken care of, but that I was in extreme trouble.

Every night, I was more and more eroded by the bone-eroding loneliness. Once upon a time, we were a harmonious family.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

I know that there is no going back, and I have ruined the beauty of my family with my own hands, which I deserve.

In addition to loneliness, I felt more often than not, self-blame. I should not indulge my willfulness, ignore the feelings of my family, and be obsessed.

It is clear that the parents who gave birth to me and raised me are still alive, but I broke my family because of my own desires.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

If I were young, maybe I could start over, quit bad habits, and be a new person. But I was old and frail, and I knew there wasn't much time left.

I have lost my chance of redemption and can only wait for my end in despair.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

Sometimes I think that if I had realized the problem earlier and saved for retirement, I would not have affected my children now.

Life is short, but I can't grasp the time in time, which is my biggest regret.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

I would have trouble sleeping late at night, and my mind would be full of regret and self-blame. I understood that it was too late, and even if I was alone to death, I could only accept that this was the end of my own fault.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed

I vowed to quit this habit that had haunted me all my life and become a responsible person again.

Hospitalized three times in half a year, my son was anxious and white-faced, my daughter sneered, and I understood everything while lying in the hospital bed