
Who designed the Uniforms of the Germans in World War II? The Weimar Constitution entered into force on 11 August 1919

Who designed the Uniforms of the Germans in World War II? The Weimar Constitution entered into force on 11 August 1919

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Author: Sasha

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【Sasha Lecture Hall No. 16218】 (Lecture 518 of the Military Series) Who designed the uniforms of the German army in World War II? The Weimar Constitution entered into force on 11 August 1919 after it was signed by Albert, the first President of the German Republic of Weimar. German military uniforms are very complex, and Sasha can only talk about it briefly.

Who designed the Uniforms of the Germans in World War II? The Weimar Constitution entered into force on 11 August 1919

Hitler famously said: Military uniforms must be beautiful, so that young people will be willing to join the army. This is not nonsense, but Hitler's personal experience. Hitler lived in a small town in Austria and experienced a celebration of the Austro-Hungarian Empire as a teenager. Hitler recalled that he and his friends saw some imperial cavalry in full costume. Seeing these soldiers dressed in ornate embroidered military uniforms, wearing brightly colored headdresses, and riding horses, Hitler's heart surged with infinite envy and yearning. Although he aspired to be an artist, he did not give up on becoming a soldier.

Who designed the Uniforms of the Germans in World War II? The Weimar Constitution entered into force on 11 August 1919

At the outbreak of World War I, Hitler was obviously not German, but he took the initiative to join the army and became a German soldier. Ironically, the price of putting on this uniform was that hitler's first entry into the war was two holes in his sleeve by a machine gun bullet. Their infantry squad of 12 men, after the first charge, was left with only Hitler and another without casualties.

Who designed the Uniforms of the Germans in World War II? The Weimar Constitution entered into force on 11 August 1919

The wehrmacht uniforms of World War II were not designed out of thin air, but had a long evolutionary process. The uniforms of the Wehrmacht were different from those of the SS. The uniforms of the Navy, Army and Air Force in the Wehrmacht are also different.

Who designed the Uniforms of the Germans in World War II? The Weimar Constitution entered into force on 11 August 1919

After the surrender of the German army in World War I, the 100,000 German troops during the Weimar government wore M19 uniforms. This uniform is different from the German uniform of the First World War, and has been improved a lot, inheriting the characteristics of the old Prussian army. This was the demand of the victorious powers, and did not want this army to be equated with the Germans in World War I.

Who designed the Uniforms of the Germans in World War II? The Weimar Constitution entered into force on 11 August 1919

The M19 military uniform has many differences from previous military uniforms, one of which is that it does not adopt a four-pocket design and does not use the traditional 8-button style. The uniforms of soldiers and officers are relatively close in style, and there is no great difference. Discerning people can find that the M19 military uniform is quite close to the German military uniform of World War II.

Who designed the Uniforms of the Germans in World War II? The Weimar Constitution entered into force on 11 August 1919

In the following 10 years, the M19 military uniform underwent several small-scale changes, but the overall style did not change.

Who designed the Uniforms of the Germans in World War II? The Weimar Constitution entered into force on 11 August 1919

Immediately after the Nazis came to power in 1934, they began to rebuild the German army. The army naturally needs a new military uniform, so the M34 military uniform was born, which is divided into regular clothes and dresses. Compared with the M19 type, the M34 military uniform has no major changes, but wears the eagle emblem and the collar is green.

Who designed the Uniforms of the Germans in World War II? The Weimar Constitution entered into force on 11 August 1919

The M36 uniform did not change much, continuing to use a green collar, and the officers adopted green sleeves, changing two of the four pockets to very practical large pockets, no longer a simple decoration.

Who designed the Uniforms of the Germans in World War II? The Weimar Constitution entered into force on 11 August 1919

In 1940, after the outbreak of war, the German army introduced the M40 uniform. In actual combat, it was found that several independent pieces of green were an exposure that would lead to the death of officers and soldiers. As a result, the M40 uniform removed the green sleeves and collar.

Who designed the Uniforms of the Germans in World War II? The Weimar Constitution entered into force on 11 August 1919

After the outbreak of the Soviet-German War in 1942, the M42 uniform was born. The uniform featured many modifications, including an open collar design, to suit combat. The above says a lot, in fact, since the M34 military uniform, the Wehrmacht uniform has not changed much. The M34 itself is also an improvement of the M19 type.

Who designed the Uniforms of the Germans in World War II? The Weimar Constitution entered into force on 11 August 1919

In the more than 20 years of improvement, many fashion designers have participated in the related work. For example, today's famous German Bauhaus Design Institute, that is, one of the improvers. It should be noted that no matter how much the Wehrmacht uniform is improved, special emphasis is placed on aesthetics. In particular, the uniforms of officers are based on aesthetics as the first priority, and on this basis, they take into account practicality.

Who designed the Uniforms of the Germans in World War II? The Weimar Constitution entered into force on 11 August 1919

There are practical reasons for this. After World War I, the military was no longer a respectable profession. At that time, German society was almost disintegrated, and the Weimar government was weak and incompetent, with only 100,000 troops used to protect the border and the people, and no heavy weapons were allowed to be equipped, which was like security. This kind of army was seriously contrary to Prussian tradition, and was even regarded as a puppet army controlled by the great powers in Germany, a symbol of shame. In addition, the government's inability to pay allowances for disabled soldiers in World War I, coupled with the collapse of the German economy, made mark grass paper. Disabled veterans with crosses and world war uniforms at one point begged everywhere along the streets. In this case, the Nazi emphasis on military uniforms is easy to understand. They must re-establish the people's admiration and yearning for the army and join the army voluntarily.

Who designed the Uniforms of the Germans in World War II? The Weimar Constitution entered into force on 11 August 1919

Let's look at the SS uniforms again. Unlike the Wehrmacht, the SS was born very late, and the two had little to do with each other. The SS originated from the Nazis' private armed savoys and belonged to a different origin from the Wehrmacht. Hitler was in alliance with the Wehrmacht, and the Wehrmacht generals often opposed him. Hitler, naturally, was extremely dissatisfied, so he learned from Stalin and built an army that was completely subordinate to him, the SS. The SS was Hitler's SS, and naturally designed more aesthetically pleasing uniforms. At the same time, Hitler also had the intention of using the SS as a storehouse for excellent German races, and the uniform would be exhausted. The SS was newly formed, the uniforms were completely new, and there was a chief designer.

Who designed the Uniforms of the Germans in World War II? The Weimar Constitution entered into force on 11 August 1919

German artist Carl Dibic, in 1932 designed the famous SS M32 uniform. Carl Dubic falsely reported his age at the age of 17 and fought in World War I. During the war, he was brave and received the cross that soldiers dreamed of. After the war, he entered the Munich Academy of Arts to study graphic design. He graduated from the University of Fine Arts in the 1920s and is a designer by training.

Who designed the Uniforms of the Germans in World War II? The Weimar Constitution entered into force on 11 August 1919

His ideas were close to those of the Nazis, and he worshipped nationalism, statism, and anti-Semitism. Therefore, Dibic joined the Nazi Party as early as the 20s, the party number is 1436, and he is a member of the senate level. Dibic is an excellent artist, specializing in painting, sculpture and costume design. Hitler, who had artistic talent, had contacts with him and admired each other, and Himmler had a good relationship with him.

Who designed the Uniforms of the Germans in World War II? The Weimar Constitution entered into force on 11 August 1919

In 1932, Himmler needed to design an SS uniform and found the 33-year-old Dibic. With the help of Heck and others, Dibic completed the design of the M32 uniform with great enthusiasm. It can be said that the design of this SS uniform is the biggest embodiment of Dibic's genius. From today's point of view, the SS M32 uniform is still very beautiful and can be called a classic in military uniforms. It should be noted that the designer of the SS uniform is Dibić, and the producer is Bosch. A lot of people think that Boss is the designer, which is not true. At the time, the company had no design capabilities, just a small garment factory on the verge of bankruptcy.

Who designed the Uniforms of the Germans in World War II? The Weimar Constitution entered into force on 11 August 1919

Dibic was an artist who designed artwork during World War II, including SS-specific swords, rings, belts, folder covers, and various badges, and managed the production of Nazi-specific porcelain during the war. Although Dibic had the rank of brigadier general, he had never been on the battlefield, had no atrocities, and had nothing to do with the persecution of the Jews. He was not tried after the war and lived to the 1980s at the age of 86. statement:

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