
Wood ginger, which is common in rural areas, is a treasure all over the body, and the oil is sold for 230,000 tons, which is the nemesis of mosquitoes

author:Wu Jianping

Wood ginger, which is common in rural areas, is a treasure all over the body, and the oil is sold for 230,000 tons, which is the nemesis of mosquitoes

There are many treasures in the countryside, some of these treasures seem ordinary, but they have a very high value, but many people know little about these treasures, resulting in not playing out. For example, the wood ginger that I want to introduce to you today.

Wood ginger, which is common in rural areas, is a treasure all over the body, and the oil is sold for 230,000 tons, which is the nemesis of mosquitoes

Wood ginger is very common in rural areas, but it is a treasure all over the body, not only as a seasoning, but also refined into wood ginger oil, which is widely used and highly valued. Let's get to know this wood ginger.

The appearance and action of wood ginger

Wood ginger is an evergreen shrub or small tree that usually grows in mountain forests or in the wasteland near villages, preferring warm, humid climates. Its leaves are oval or oblong, with a smooth surface and gray hairs on the back. Its flowers are small but beautiful, with oval buds and short peduncles.

The fruit of the wood ginger is a small pear fruit with many tumor-like protrusions on the surface that looks like a miniature football. The ripe fruit is dark brown and the seeds inside have yellow pseudocoats.

Wood ginger is often used as a seasoning in rural areas. Put some wood ginger seeds while stewing or cooking, which can add flavor to the dish. In addition, wood ginger can also be processed into wood ginger oil, which has a strong aroma and spicy taste and can be used as a food additive. In Guizhou Province, the price of wood ginger in Jiamian Township, Congjiang County, Guizhou Province, is about 115 yuan / jin, equivalent to 230,000 yuan a ton.

The role of wood ginger oil

Seasoning: Wood ginger oil is a high-quality seasoning, with a strong aroma and spicy taste, can be used in cooking food, especially in Hunan cuisine, Hubei cuisine, Qian cuisine is widely used. In addition to its use in cooking, wood ginger oil can also be used as a seasoning for cold vegetables, pickles, pickles, etc., and is very versatile.

Wood ginger oil is also called mountain pepper oil in Hunan, which is a specialty of Hunan, and it is customary to put some mountain pepper oil when eating powder and noodles.

Wood ginger, which is common in rural areas, is a treasure all over the body, and the oil is sold for 230,000 tons, which is the nemesis of mosquitoes

Insect repellent: Wood ginger oil also has the effect of repelling mosquitoes. Mosquitoes hate the smell of wood ginger oil very much, so wood ginger oil can be used to prevent and treat mosquito bites. Applying wood ginger oil to the skin or lighting mosquito coils in summer can effectively avoid mosquito bites.

Preservative: Wood ginger oil also has an antiseptic effect. In food processing, an appropriate amount of wood ginger oil can be added as a preservative to extend the shelf life of food.

Medicinal Properties: Ginger oil also has medicinal properties. It has the effect of dissipating cold in warmth, qi and pain relief, and can be used to treat stomach cold, indigestion, stomach pain and other symptoms. In addition, wood ginger oil also has a bactericidal effect and can be used to treat bacterial infections such as skin ulcers and mouth ulcers.

Wood ginger, which is common in rural areas, is a treasure all over the body, and the oil is sold for 230,000 tons, which is the nemesis of mosquitoes

Other uses: In addition to the above uses, wood ginger oil can also be used as one of the raw materials for soap and perfume, and can also be used to make cosmetics and dyes and other products.

In short, wood ginger oil is a very useful natural organic compound, not only has a rich fragrance and spicy taste, but also has multiple effects such as mosquito repellent, antiseptic, medicinal, and other uses. If you are a farmer or have more knowledge and attention to rural life, you may be more aware of the value of wood ginger. In short, I hope this knowledge can help you understand the many uses and benefits of wood ginger, thank you!

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