
What do mosquitoes hate the most? Teach you three tricks, and there will be fewer and fewer mosquitoes at home

author:Health Hangzhou

"I don't want to be hated by anyone unless it's a mosquito!"

Every summer

"Buzzing" mosquitoes are always around

Every now and then I will send you a "bag"

What do mosquitoes hate the most? Teach you three tricks, and there will be fewer and fewer mosquitoes at home

Shen Jun pharmacist of Hangzhou Red Cross Hospital

Teach you three tricks

Immediately become one

Attract mosquitoes "nasty" people



Install window screens, screen doors, and set up a mosquito net on the bed at home to achieve the simplest physical isolation.

What do mosquitoes hate the most? Teach you three tricks, and there will be fewer and fewer mosquitoes at home

When going out at night, try to choose lightweight, light-colored long-sleeved trousers, avoid going to grass, water, and shady places, and do a good job of personal protection.



Materia Medica mosquito repellent


What do mosquitoes hate the most? Teach you three tricks, and there will be fewer and fewer mosquitoes at home

Li Shizhen's "Compendium of Materia Medica" quoted Sun Simiao's prescription: "In May, duckweed is dried in the shade, and burning smoke can repel mosquitoes." ”

Duckweed is supplemented by Qianghuo and Atractylodes atractylodes at the same time, which is suitable for the long summer season of humid and hot steaming. Artemisia leaves

The smoke formed after the burning of mugwort leaves is rich in volatile oils, with a strong aromatic odor, which has the functions of dispelling evil, killing insects, and inhibiting bacteria and fungi.

What do mosquitoes hate the most? Teach you three tricks, and there will be fewer and fewer mosquitoes at home


When the leaves and flowers of the shepherd's cabbage are smoked and roasted, it gives off a mosquito-repellent aroma.

We can also dry the shepherd's cabbage in the shade, hang it in the corner of the wall, or use it as a flower arrangement, which can also repel mosquitoes while beautifying the indoor environment.

What do mosquitoes hate the most? Teach you three tricks, and there will be fewer and fewer mosquitoes at home

Mosquito repellent sachets, incense sticks


30 grams of mugwort leaves, 6 grams of duckweed, 12 grams of angelica, 10 grams of root, 10 grams of calamus, 6 grams of rosemary, etc., coarse powder, take an appropriate amount and put it into a non-woven bag to make a sachet, take it on the body or hang it at the head of the bed, which has the effect of dispelling dampness and repelling mosquitoes.

What do mosquitoes hate the most? Teach you three tricks, and there will be fewer and fewer mosquitoes at home

Incense sticks

10 grams of duckweed, 6 grams of atractylodes, 6 grams of angelica, 3 grams of rosemary, 40 grams of elm bark, a total of very fine powder, cold water into a paste, and then use an incense squeezer to make incense sticks, dry in the shade. When lit, it can be smoked to repel mosquitoes.

What do mosquitoes hate the most? Teach you three tricks, and there will be fewer and fewer mosquitoes at home

Wind oil essence

The main components of wind oil essence are menthol, camphor, etc., which have a strong mosquito repellent effect.

We can put a few drops on the mosquito net, or apply some wind oil essence to the fan blades of the fan. The rotation of the fan will accelerate the dissipation of the smell of wind oil essence, so that mosquitoes will retreat.

What do mosquitoes hate the most? Teach you three tricks, and there will be fewer and fewer mosquitoes at home

Mint bath

Take 15-20 grams of mint and a piece of gauze. Wrap the mint in gauze, boil it in boiling water for 5 minutes, and take out the gauze medicine bag after the liquid is cooled, which can be used for bathing.

It can repel mosquitoes, clear wind and heat, detoxify and penetrate rashes, cool the skin and relieve itching, refresh the mind, etc.

What do mosquitoes hate the most? Teach you three tricks, and there will be fewer and fewer mosquitoes at home


(1) Patients with allergy to aromatic drugs or pregnant women should use with caution;

(2) Beware of fire and ventilation when burning;

(3) After the medicinal effect of the sachet has evaporated, the medicinal materials need to be replaced;

(4) The sachet should not be wet, pay attention to mildew and mothproof;

(5) Patients with severe heart, liver, kidney insufficiency or other major organ diseases should use sachets with caution, or those with iatrogenic immunodeficiency caused by long-term use of drugs.



Mosquito eggs, larvae, and pupae all live in water, and their development and growth are inseparable from the presence of water. Therefore, the most effective way to control mosquitoes is to avoid stagnant water and clean up stagnant water to eliminate mosquito breeding and reproduction.

What do mosquitoes hate the most? Teach you three tricks, and there will be fewer and fewer mosquitoes at home

Tips: Prepare a bowl, pour in laundry detergent, sugar, and toilet water in turn, with a ratio of 1:1:2, then add a small amount of water to dissolve, and stir thoroughly.

After stirring well, take a paper towel, cut a hole in the middle, cover it on the bowl, and put it in a place where there are many mosquitoes in your home, and the mosquitoes will be attracted by the smell and throw themselves into the net.

  • Guidance in this issue: Shen Jun, a Chinese pharmacist from Hangzhou Red Cross Hospital
  • Contributed by Hangzhou Red Cross Hospital
  • Please indicate "Healthy Hangzhou"

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What do mosquitoes hate the most? Teach you three tricks, and there will be fewer and fewer mosquitoes at home

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What do mosquitoes hate the most? Teach you three tricks, and there will be fewer and fewer mosquitoes at home

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