
Capital won again? The good voice rebroadcasted, and the new variety show flowed out, and the mentor grinned the whole time

author:Xiaofeng teased

In the entertainment industry, the two seemingly diametrically opposed concepts of justice and capital are engaged in a silent struggle. This struggle has no clear battlefield, no gunsmoke, but affects every viewer and fan in a subtle and complex way. Recently, a spate of scandals has once again attracted widespread attention.

Capital won again? The good voice rebroadcasted, and the new variety show flowed out, and the mentor grinned the whole time

The Voice of China is one of the most popular singing talent shows in China, known for its fair judging and gorgeous stage. Recently, however, there have been some discordant voices on this stage. Some talented players were inexplicably eliminated, while some who were not outstanding made it all the way to the cut. This has raised questions from many fans about the fairness of the show, and even doubts about whether there is a shady scene. The righteous side quickly exposed these wrongdoings, pointing the finger at the program producers and judges.

However, the power of capital does not seem to have been affected much. Despite the controversy, "The Voice of China" was rebroadcast, a decision that angered many fans. They see it as a neglect of justice, a compromise on capital. However, Zhejiang Satellite TV's decision did not seem to have been greatly affected, and they chose to continue broadcasting the show, as if all the controversy was just a passing eye.

Capital won again? The good voice rebroadcasted, and the new variety show flowed out, and the mentor grinned the whole time

Na Ying, as a long-term mentor of The Voice of China, also successfully avoided the limelight. In the new season of "The Voice of China", she still serves as a mentor. In the new variety show "Listen to My Sister", she served as a guest and was excited. It has raised questions about whether Na Ying knows anything about the series of scandals or whether he thinks the issues are irrelevant.

However, the struggle between justice and capital is not over. The Gao Yixiang incident once again triggered this struggle. Gao Yixiang was a much-loved actor who died due to overwork during the recording of the show. This incident has aroused public attention to the working environment in the entertainment industry, and people have begun to reflect on whether the health and lives of artists have been sacrificed in pursuit of profit.

Behind the seemingly gorgeous and glamorous entertainment industry, there are many unknown secrets. In order to seek profits, capital may sacrifice the rights and interests of some people, and these people are often the vulnerable groups most in need of protection. The righteous side strives to expose these improper behaviors and let more people know the truth behind the entertainment industry.

Capital won again? The good voice rebroadcasted, and the new variety show flowed out, and the mentor grinned the whole time

However, the end result of this struggle seems to be a victory for capital. Zhejiang Satellite TV decided to continue to broadcast "The Voice of China", and Na Ying's new variety show was also broadcast smoothly. This seems to show that even with injustice and shady practices, capital can still survive with its powerful influence.

However, should we abandon the pursuit of justice because of this? Should the triumph of capital be turned a blind eye? I don't think so. While capital may gain the upper hand in the short term, the quest for justice never stops. Fans and the public are still paying attention to every move of the entertainment industry and looking forward to a more just and fair stage.

The struggle of capital against justice may not see immediate results, but that does not mean that our efforts are worthless. On the contrary, it is these efforts that have promoted the progress and development of the entertainment industry. We should firmly believe that only by adhering to justice can we truly promote the entertainment industry to a healthier and more just path.

In general, the struggle between capital and justice continues, and although capital has achieved some victories in the short term, we should firmly believe in the power of justice, continue to pay attention to the development of the entertainment industry, and fight for justice. Only in this way can we truly promote the progress and development of the entertainment industry and create a healthier and more fair working environment for artists.

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