
I didn't expect the Imperial War Museum in London to be so set up...

author:Chang Siyong

Perception of common sense 2023-09-09 17:51 Posted in the United Kingdom

Passing by by the bus the other day, I saw that there is also an Imperial War Museum in London, and I imagine that the Imperial War Museum must be showing the glorious historical moment of the empire that never sets, and I am curious about how the British will tell...

I didn't expect the Imperial War Museum in London to be so set up...

Today, I didn't expect that the British had changed the mission of the Imperial War Museum to "make people understand modern warfare and its impact on individuals and society."

I didn't expect the Imperial War Museum in London to be so set up...

The museum's collections include personal and official archival documents, photographs, film and video materials, as well as oral history recordings, books, works of art, military vehicles and aircraft, among others.

The first floor is dedicated to the First World War

I didn't expect the Imperial War Museum in London to be so set up...

The second floor is dedicated to World War II

I didn't expect the Imperial War Museum in London to be so set up...

The third floor houses the permanent Holocaust exhibit, while the fourth floor has a vaulted roof space that houses the Lord Ashcroft Gallery.

The point is that when the British show the First World War and the Second World War, they are not emphasizing how the British braved and made great contributions in the Second World War, but show the Second World War and its impact on individuals and society from different angles.

For example, in the World War II gallery on the second floor, it is presented with these six questions.

I didn't expect the Imperial War Museum in London to be so set up...

I didn't expect the Imperial War Museum in London to be so set up...

I didn't expect the Imperial War Museum in London to be so set up...

I didn't expect the Imperial War Museum in London to be so set up...

I didn't expect the Imperial War Museum in London to be so set up...

I didn't expect the Imperial War Museum in London to be so set up...

Or in Part IV: How did the war turn global? Among them, when it comes to China, there are several such exhibits.

I didn't expect the Imperial War Museum in London to be so set up...

I didn't expect the Imperial War Museum in London to be so set up...

The fifth section of the exhibition area also shows a photograph of Chiang Kai-shek on the cover of the June 1942 issue of Time magazine.

I didn't expect the Imperial War Museum in London to be so set up...

The most interesting part of the exhibition area, How did the war chang the world? The section on the impact of war on Asia shows a propaganda poster on the founding of the People's Republic of China published by the Political Department of the Third Field Army of the East China Military Region.

I didn't expect the Imperial War Museum in London to be so set up...