
Zhou Libo cut off the Chinese entertainment industry, cancelled the studio, and chose the United States to retire

author:Xiao Hao said entertainment

Recently, according to the Tianyancha APP, Zhou Libo's studio in Shanghai, Shanghai Libo Culture Communication Co., Ltd., has been cancelled. This means that Zhou Libo has completely given up his career in China, perhaps he realized that after a series of turmoil, his acting future has been ruined. This also means that he may no longer participate in any performances, choose to put aside the red dust and focus on aging in the United States.

Zhou Libo cut off the Chinese entertainment industry, cancelled the studio, and chose the United States to retire

Zhou Libo is a Chinese burlesque actor, program host, and the founder of Haipai Qingkou. He has won the love and support of a wide audience with his unique performance style and sharp social commentary. His representative works include "Xiaokan Shanghai", "Thirty Years of Xiaokan", "Yizhou Libo Show" and so on. He has also served as a judge or guest on programs such as "China's Got Talent", "China Dream Show" and "Brilliant Chinese".

Zhou Libo cut off the Chinese entertainment industry, cancelled the studio, and chose the United States to retire

However, Zhou Libo's career has not been smooth sailing. The content of his performances is often controversial, and he has been accused of territorial discrimination, moral kidnapping, plagiarism and other issues. He has also had many verbal battles with other laughing stars, such as Guo Degang and Xiao Shenyang. On January 19, 2017, Zhou Libo was stopped and searched by police on Long Island, USA, and cocaine and firearms were found from his car and arrested on the spot. Although he was eventually acquitted on June 4, 2018, the incident dealt a huge blow to his reputation and career.

Zhou Libo cut off the Chinese entertainment industry, cancelled the studio, and chose the United States to retire

During his time in the United States, Zhou Libo repeatedly expressed his gratitude and nostalgia for the motherland, and expressed his desire to return to China to continue performing. However, he also faced many difficulties and resistances. It is reported that he tried to hold a solo concert in Shanghai, but the organizers refused. He was also exposed to domestic violence with his wife Hu Jie, and was sued for divorce by Hu Jie. In addition, he was accused of owing millions of dollars in debt and being recovered by multiple creditors.

Zhou Libo cut off the Chinese entertainment industry, cancelled the studio, and chose the United States to retire

Under such circumstances, Zhou Libo may realize that he has no market and future in China, so he chose to cancel his studio in Shanghai and cut off his connection with the Chinese entertainment industry. He is said to have settled in Santa Clara, California, USA, and has purchased a $5 million mansion. He has also given up his career to focus on enjoying retirement in the United States.

Zhou Libo cut off the Chinese entertainment industry, cancelled the studio, and chose the United States to retire

Zhou Libo's move sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens expressed their understanding and blessings, thinking that Zhou Libo is a talented and courageous artist, hoping that he can find his happiness and peace. Some netizens also expressed disappointment and dissatisfaction, believing that Zhou Libo was a coward who betrayed and gave up, and would only evade his own problems and responsibilities. Some netizens expressed indifference and indifference, thinking that Zhou Libo was no longer the object of their attention, and his whereabouts had nothing to do with them.

Zhou Libo cut off the Chinese entertainment industry, cancelled the studio, and chose the United States to retire

Zhou Libo cancelled the Shanghai studio, stopped performing, and concentrated on the United States for the elderly, which has a non-negligible impact and enlightenment on China's entertainment industry and society. First of all, this incident affected China's laughing star industry and the inheritance of Haipai Qingkou. Zhou Libo is the founder and representative of Haipai Qingkou, and his works and styles have made important contributions and influences to the laughing star world in China. His withdrawal from the circle means the lack and decline of Haipai Qingkou, and also means that China's laughing star world has lost an artist with talent and personality. This is a loss and regret for China's laughing star industry and cultural diversity.

Zhou Libo cut off the Chinese entertainment industry, cancelled the studio, and chose the United States to retire

Secondly, this incident has enlightened the tolerance and sense of responsibility of China's entertainment industry and society towards artists. Zhou Libo often touches on sensitive and controversial topics in his performances, such as politics, society, region, etc., and his remarks range from positive criticism and reflection to negative attacks and provocations. His performances have both the support and appreciation of fans, and the disgust and resistance of the audience.

Zhou Libo cut off the Chinese entertainment industry, cancelled the studio, and chose the United States to retire

After his arrest in the United States, it also aroused the attention and discussion of public opinion, some people cried and prayed for him, and some despised and ridiculed him. These reflect the attitude and expectations of China's entertainment industry and society towards artists, and also reflect the norms and supervision of artists in China's entertainment industry and society. These are all worth thinking about and improving.

Zhou Libo cut off the Chinese entertainment industry, cancelled the studio, and chose the United States to retire

Finally, this incident enlightened the respect and understanding of artists in China's entertainment industry and society. As an artist, Zhou Libo is also an ordinary person. He has his own dreams and pursuits, as well as his own difficulties and setbacks. He has achieved glory and achievements in his career, but also suffered challenges and crises.

He enjoyed honor and wealth in life, but also suffered stress and pain. He's choosing

Zhou Libo cut off the Chinese entertainment industry, cancelled the studio, and chose the United States to retire

China insisted on its own style and proposition, but also gave up its own market and future. After writing off the studio, he chose the lifestyle he thought was best for him. Whether we agree with or like his work and remarks, whether we understand or support his experiences and choices, we should respect his rights and dignity as an artist and as a person. We should all understand his complexity and diversity as an entertainer and as a person. We should all hope that he can find his happiness and peace as an entertainer and as a person.

Zhou Libo cut off the Chinese entertainment industry, cancelled the studio, and chose the United States to retire

In any case, Zhou Libo's decision also marked the end of his acting career. He was once one of China's most popular and influential comedic stars, as well as one of China's most controversial and criticized artists. His works and statements brought laughter and reflection, as well as debate and reflection.

Zhou Libo cut off the Chinese entertainment industry, cancelled the studio, and chose the United States to retire

His experiences and choices also reflect the changes and complexities of Chinese society. He is a figure with brilliance and shadows, as well as a character with successes and failures. He is a figure that cannot be ignored and cannot be copied, as well as an unpredictable and incomprehensible figure. He is Zhou Libo, an unforgettable name.

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