
A change of dignified is too unrestrained! Liu Yifei's new drastic change "lust for a woman", kissing too fiercely, Peng Guanying froze

author:Those things in the entertainment industry

The word goddess always gives people an unattainable, cold and dignified feeling. However, there is a goddess-level actress who has been in the film for many years, and recently subverted the public's inherent impression of "goddess" because of the exposure of a kiss scene.

She is Liu Yifei. Not long ago, when she was filming a new drama, a kiss scene between her and the male protagonist was captured by netizens and widely disseminated. Liu Yifei in the picture was very active, "kissing" the other party until he blushed.

A change of dignified is too unrestrained! Liu Yifei's new drastic change "lust for a woman", kissing too fiercely, Peng Guanying froze

Netizens can't stand it, it's too exciting!

Recently, the costume drama "The Story of the Rose" co-starring Liu Yifei and Peng Guanying is on the air. In the play, the two have a kiss scene with a strong affection that has attracted widespread attention. Liu Yifei in the camera showed a surprisingly bold performance.

I saw her wrapped her arms around Peng Guanying and kissed him directly on the lips. Peng Guanying's reaction was very embarrassing, his whole face was flushed, and his expression appeared briefly panicked.

In this kiss scene of about 20 seconds, Liu Yifei can be said to be a very active party. Her hands first covered Peng's cheeks, then slowly moved to the back of his head, caressing his hair.

A change of dignified is too unrestrained! Liu Yifei's new drastic change "lust for a woman", kissing too fiercely, Peng Guanying froze

When the lips of the two touched, Liu Yifei obviously felt Peng Guanying's body stiffen, but she did not stop, but continued to deepen the kiss.

Finally, before leaving, Liu Yifei also gently touched Peng Guanying's earlobe, which seemed to be the last straw that broke the camel, and Peng Guanying's ears instantly became red. His reaction can be said to have written embarrassment and overwhelm completely on his face.

A change of dignified is too unrestrained! Liu Yifei's new drastic change "lust for a woman", kissing too fiercely, Peng Guanying froze

The exposure of this kiss scene undoubtedly subverted the audience's impression of the two. Liu Yifei, who has always been cold and arrogant, was surprised by his hungry kisses at this time. Peng Guanying also changed from his previous stable image, showing a helpless appearance.

In fact, the reason why Liu Yifei showed such a bold and proactive side in the kiss scene is not entirely for nothing. We should not stereotype the goddess as a cold and dignified image, in reality she is also an ordinary woman of flesh and blood.

A change of dignified is too unrestrained! Liu Yifei's new drastic change "lust for a woman", kissing too fiercely, Peng Guanying froze

Since her debut, Liu Yifei has had more than 20 years of acting career in the field of film and television dramas. Among them, she has created many classic roles and gradually established her acting skills and image.

In the early days, Liu Yifei played the role of a young and lively girl. For example, Bai Xiuzhu, who starred in "Gold Fan Family" at the age of 14, is a kind and innocent girl image, giving people a sunny and positive and optimistic feeling.

At the age of 15, she played the role of Wang Yuyan in "Dragon Babu", playing a talented woman who is smart and agile and good at music rhythm.

A change of dignified is too unrestrained! Liu Yifei's new drastic change "lust for a woman", kissing too fiercely, Peng Guanying froze

At the age of 16, Liu Yifei began to try to transition to more mature roles. She played the pure and lovely Zhao Linger in "The Legend of Sword and Fairy", showing the vivid and vivid inner world of a young girl.

At the age of 17, she successfully interpreted the cold and proud little dragon girl in "The Condor Heroes", with solid martial arts skills, and interpreted the role as a cold and domineering Valkyrie.

After entering the age of 20, Liu Yifei began to switch to literary and artistic works. In "Night Peacock", Liu Yifei boldly challenges the role of a female spy, successfully increasing the charm of mature women.

A change of dignified is too unrestrained! Liu Yifei's new drastic change "lust for a woman", kissing too fiercely, Peng Guanying froze

In recent years, Liu Yifei has also tried some contemporary roles that are appropriate for her age. For example, in "To a Windy Place", she played Shen Feng, an independent urban white-collar worker, which enhanced the femininity of her era.

In "White Hair", she created an image of a strong woman. These have enriched her acting range.

It can be seen from Liu Yifei's acting process that from a girl to a mature woman, she continues to try different types of roles, interpreting the personality and charm of each role to the fullest.

This also allowed her to successfully transform from a little Hua Dan into a powerful actress, showing excellent acting growth. Her extensive acting experience laid the foundation for her to play more diverse roles in the future.

A change of dignified is too unrestrained! Liu Yifei's new drastic change "lust for a woman", kissing too fiercely, Peng Guanying froze

As she grew older, Liu Yifei's acting skills became more mature. She has been able to navigate a richer range of roles and is no longer limited to a fixed image. Therefore, when filming the kiss scene, she can also faithfully give her emotions and interpret the role to life.

It can be said that Liu Yifei's bold performance in the kiss scene this time allowed the audience to see the multi-dimensional attributes of the goddess.

Leng Yan and dignified are only one aspect of her, and she can also be enthusiastic and unrestrained. Just like every ordinary woman in real life, they have a rich inner world and should not be simply labeled.

Liu Yifei's breakthrough also broke people's stereotype of the group of "goddesses" to a certain extent. Her charm is more three-dimensional and full, and it is closer to the real female group portrait. This undoubtedly won her a higher degree of recognition and favor in the hearts of the audience.

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