
Liu Yunlong is coming another spy drama, the cast is already a blockbuster reservation, and the title is more ambitious

author:Loose Pickpocket

Speaking of spy dramas, we have to mention Liu Yunlong, as the "father of spy dramas" in the minds of many fans, every work of Liu Yunlong has been stamped and recognized by the audience, and what is even more rare is that Liu Yunlong is not only an excellent actor, but also a spy drama director who is good at bringing surprises to the audience.

Liu Yunlong is coming another spy drama, the cast is already a blockbuster reservation, and the title is more ambitious

From "Dark Calculation" to "Kite", Liu Yunlong's self-directed and self-acted works have won unanimous praise from the audience, and the word of mouth and ratings are extremely high.

And now Liu Yunlong has another spy war drama coming, this "City of The City" is still directed by Liu Yunlong, from the name of the play, it has already shown the ambition of this drama, many viewers who love to watch spy war dramas have said: Once you see the title of the play, you know that this drama must be a big production.

Liu Yunlong is coming another spy drama, the cast is already a blockbuster reservation, and the title is more ambitious

"The City of Lingyue" mainly tells the story of Ling Yunzhou, who returned from studying abroad, successfully entered the Shanghai financial circle with his talents and wisdom, lurked into the Wang Pseudo Economic Special Committee, and together with his brother Ling Yuezhou under the leadership of the party, helped the anti-Japanese base areas to raise military materials, and contributed greatly to the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Liu Yunlong is coming another spy drama, the cast is already a blockbuster reservation, and the title is more ambitious

As we all know, in recent years, whether it is spy dramas or spy war films, they are known for their high quality, and works on this theme have always only invited strength to star. Take "The City of Chicks", for example, this work invited Yu and Wei Lei Jiayin to join strongly, and just looking at the cast is already a blockbuster booking.

First take the male protagonist Yu Hewei, the acting skills of this uncle-level actor have long amazed everyone. From the early works "Hitchhiking" and "Three Kingdoms", to this year's "The Age of Awakening" and "On the Cliff", Yu Hewei's acting skills are as always full of substitution. There are also many viewers who jokingly call him "an actor standing on everyone's tears", and every character is very good at crying.

Liu Yunlong is coming another spy drama, the cast is already a blockbuster reservation, and the title is more ambitious

For example, in "The Age of Awakening", Chen Duxiu, played by Yu Hewei, runs for the great righteousness of the country and sacrifices blood and tears for new ideas and new youth.

Zhou Yi, the agent he played in "On the Cliff", lurked alone inside the enemy for many years, every day is tantamount to licking the blood with the tip of the knife, and finally for the sake of the family and country affairs, he had to draw a gun to his comrades, and in the film, he only relied on his eyes to convey the inner struggle of the characters...

Liu Yunlong is coming another spy drama, the cast is already a blockbuster reservation, and the title is more ambitious

With such acting skills, Yu Hewei successfully won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Supporting Actor, the Best Supporting Actor at the Macao International Television Festival, and the Best Actor at the Magnolia Award, becoming a low-key representative of the good people of the play. Now Yu Hewei can join the "City of Chick", which is also a win-win for Yu Hewei himself and this work.

As for another male actor Lei Jiayin, he is a late-blooming "net red middle-aged actor", who once entered the public eye with a "Temptation to Go Home", and became popular overnight with the "ex-husband brother" in "The First Half of My Life", and the broadcast of several works such as "Living Together in Time" and "Chang'an Twelve Hours" also made Lei Jiayin's popularity go all the way.

Liu Yunlong is coming another spy drama, the cast is already a blockbuster reservation, and the title is more ambitious

Coupled with the fact that Lei Jiayin has received scripts for the main drama in the past two years, such as "My Motherland and Me", "My Hometown and Me", "Meritorious Service" and other works, this also means that Lei Jiayin has gained a firm foothold in the circle of positive drama, coupled with the blessing of Liu Yunlong's new work "The City of Ling", Lei Jiayin's future star path will also get better and better.

Liu Yunlong is coming another spy drama, the cast is already a blockbuster reservation, and the title is more ambitious

Of course, the biggest attraction of this "City of The Dragon" is Liu Yunlong itself, after all, as an actor, Liu Yunlong has starred in too many spy dramas, and many people have equated him with the word "spy war", and he himself has also gained a firm foothold with the three classic roles of "undercover, spy, and agent".

Such an all-round player who can act and direct and sing the theme song may bring more surprises to everyone this time.

Liu Yunlong is coming another spy drama, the cast is already a blockbuster reservation, and the title is more ambitious

"The City of The City" has released official stills in June, from all sources, this work is likely to be launched in 2022, friends who like to watch spy dramas must not miss this annual masterpiece of Liu Yunlong, Yu Hewei and Lei Jiayin!

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