
The spy drama that is heavier than the pretender is coming, Liu Yunlong directs himself, and the two male partners are too in place

author:Entertainment does not kill o

Speaking of spy dramas in recent years, one that must be mentioned is the 2015 "The Pretender" directed by Li Xue and starring Hu Ge, Jin Dong, Wang Kai and others, which was full of popularity as soon as it was broadcast, and finally it was a double harvest of ratings and word of mouth.

The spy drama that is heavier than the pretender is coming, Liu Yunlong directs himself, and the two male partners are too in place

However, in the 6 years since "The Pretender", although spy dramas have emerged in an endless stream, there has never been a play that can be compared with it, which is the pride of "The Pretender", but the sadness of spy dramas.

In the past 6 years, there have been countless spy dramas, but the only ones that can really be taken are "Autumn Cicada", "Sparrow", "Hidden and Great", "Rebel" and so on. Is spy drama really going downhill? Of course not!

The spy drama that is heavier than the pretender is coming, Liu Yunlong directs himself, and the two male partners are too in place

The spy drama that is heavier than the pretender is coming, Liu Yunlong directs himself, and the two male partners are too in place.

A few days ago, it was revealed that a blockbuster spy drama is about to strike, the drama is directed by Liu Yunlong, and there are two major male supporting strong franchises.

For Liu Yunlong, who must like spy dramas, the audience is still very familiar, he has always been respected by everyone as the "father of spy wars", and even many viewers said that "Liu Yunlong's works must be fine". This shows his position in spy dramas and the audience's support for his work.

The spy drama that is heavier than the pretender is coming, Liu Yunlong directs himself, and the two male partners are too in place

In 2005, Liu Yunlong was well known for his "Dark Calculation", and then directed many plays such as "Blood Mist", "Kite", "Informer" and so on, each of which received a high evaluation. Therefore, the audience has been looking forward to the birth of his new work.

Now finally exposed the news of Liu Yunlong's another spy war drama, the drama is called "The City of Ling", from the latest poster released, there is not too much news to reveal, only know that the drama is self-directed by Liu Yunlong, but also invited two strong male partners.

Liu Yunlong can be called a "wizard" in the circle, although the director and actor are proficient, but they never hype, just focus on doing business. This time, he personally directed and starred in this "City of Chicks", which shows that he still attaches great importance to the play.

The spy drama that is heavier than the pretender is coming, Liu Yunlong directs himself, and the two male partners are too in place

Not only Liu Yunlong, the drama also invited Yu Hewei and Lei Jiayin two strong male partners, seeing such a lineup, many netizens directly called "in place"!

Yu Hewei and Lei Jiayin can be regarded as veritable old drama bones, and the plays they have starred in are innumerable, the most important thing is that the wind evaluation of the two of them has always been very good, and most of the plays they have participated in have been double harvests of ratings and word of mouth. For example, Yu Hewei's "The Age of Awakening" and "On the Cliff", Lei Jiayin's "The Wind Rises longxi", "The World of Man" and so on.

The spy drama that is heavier than the pretender is coming, Liu Yunlong directs himself, and the two male partners are too in place

With the two of them as the two male supporters of the play, coupled with Liu Yunlong's personal battle, many netizens said that "such a lineup is really heavier than "The Pretender". Although the lineup is there, the plot is not yet known, so the final ratings and word of mouth, whether it can really catch up with "The Pretender" remains to be determined after the show is broadcast.

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