
When Jin Jing and Spicy Yoko embarked on the sexy road, the aesthetics of netizens faced challenges

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In recent years, many funny entertainers have gained the attention of the elderly.

Amateurs can become popular through comedy works,

Jin Jing and Spicy Yoko are among the best.

When Jin Jing and Spicy Yoko embarked on the sexy road, the aesthetics of netizens faced challenges

Her appearance, even in the eyes of ordinary people, is not up to par.

However, relying on the rise of self-media, the aesthetic tolerance of netizens has improved, and a large amount of traffic has also been obtained.

Now they have even taken the sexy route, and a large number of fans are full of praise for them,

When Jin Jing and Spicy Yoko embarked on the sexy road, the aesthetics of netizens faced challenges

The development of society is amazing.

Jin Jing

Jin Jing was born in 1992 and graduated from Shanghai University of Political Science and Law.

Her academic performance was not ideal, but she was interested in acting in sketches.

When Jin Jing and Spicy Yoko embarked on the sexy road, the aesthetics of netizens faced challenges

Funny appearance is their unique advantage.

Later, she had a good performance in many variety shows.

For example, "Mars Intelligence Agency", "The Temptation of the Dinner Game" and so on.

Most famously, she caused a sensation in Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room.

When Jin Jing and Spicy Yoko embarked on the sexy road, the aesthetics of netizens faced challenges

The mouth did not stop, and the two also formed CP.

However, many old fans know that Jin Jing revealed that he had a boyfriend before becoming popular.

It's just that after becoming famous, I deleted all the previous Weibo content and played CP hype.

When Jin Jing and Spicy Yoko embarked on the sexy road, the aesthetics of netizens faced challenges

Sometimes, celebrities tend to be intimate in order to take care of their fans, or the fans of CP objects.

The girls in the video are just putting on great shows to satisfy the fantasies of their fans.

Of course, they still get support from fans and paid behavior.

When Jin Jing and Spicy Yoko embarked on the sexy road, the aesthetics of netizens faced challenges

In addition to hyping CP, she laughs that she is deducting her assistant's salary and is proud of her management talent.

After losing weight, Jin Jing also showed off his bust.

It can be said that it is still very plump.

When Jin Jing and Spicy Yoko embarked on the sexy road, the aesthetics of netizens faced challenges

Her fans rave about her graceful curves.

However, some netizens still find it difficult to accept her appearance. No matter how sexy she is, she cannot be associated with the word goddess.

Do it

When Jin Jing and Spicy Yoko embarked on the sexy road, the aesthetics of netizens faced challenges

Like Jin Jing, Spicy Yoko is also known for her funny videos.

She has single eyelids, small eyes, bucket waist, elephant legs.

These flaws made her popular with the actress community. They claim that the era of pluralistic aesthetics is coming.

In this way, spicy Yoko became a goddess that no one dared to criticize.

When Jin Jing and Spicy Yoko embarked on the sexy road, the aesthetics of netizens faced challenges

Her fans perform rainbow farts, making people who don't know think that Yoko Spicy is a beauty comparable to Wang Zuxian.

She then took a series of sexy photos, with fringed poses and heavy makeup as her main selling points.

When Jin Jing and Spicy Yoko embarked on the sexy road, the aesthetics of netizens faced challenges

An ordinary amateur who was named a god by fans and became a top figure in the entertainment industry.

In the end, spicy Yoko opposed traffic, whether it was starring in Japanese TV dramas,

Or the true nature shown in reality TV shows, whose reputation declines.

When Jin Jing and Spicy Yoko embarked on the sexy road, the aesthetics of netizens faced challenges

As singer Li Jian said, Chinese netizens like to create gods and destroy gods. Spicy Yoko fell off the altar after a few years of redness. Fans who once supported her goddess,

It was also Fanfen who came out of the Holy Slash, no longer defended her, but also attacked her appearance.

When Jin Jing and Spicy Yoko embarked on the sexy road, the aesthetics of netizens faced challenges

She wanted to bake CP with Wang Heli, which angered Wang Heli's fans even more.

It's really like the line "Journey to the West" in the movie: it used to be called Britney, and now it's called Mrs. Niu.

When Jin Jing and Spicy Yoko embarked on the sexy road, the aesthetics of netizens faced challenges


Jin Jing and Spicy Yoko became popular because of their funny personalities, and after the team's packaging and operation,

Become an alternative goddess of the present era.

Think of the actresses who were active on the comedy stage at that time, in fact, their appearance was not low.

Teacher Cai Ming, Teacher Song Dandan, Teacher Yan Xuejing, their looks are all covered by talent.

When Jin Jing and Spicy Yoko embarked on the sexy road, the aesthetics of netizens faced challenges

I hope that the aesthetics of the mainland entertainment industry can be diversified, but we cannot open our eyes to talk nonsense.

For stars who are obviously substandard, don't praise them too much and turn them into goddesses.

We don't attack their appearance, but we also can't accept true aesthetics.

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