
Teachers become repeat offenders! Students wake up to reveal the shocking truth!

author:Refreshing train CQ

Campus shock! The student's skull was smashed, the teacher became a suspect, and the disappearance of surveillance raised suspicions

Recently, there was a shocking incident in our school: a student's skull was smashed. What is even more bizarre is that according to the investigation results, the incident is related to a teacher, and the campus surveillance video has mysteriously disappeared, which has aroused public attention.

Teachers become repeat offenders! Students wake up to reveal the shocking truth!
Teachers become repeat offenders! Students wake up to reveal the shocking truth!

On the day of the incident, when the student woke up, the doctor was surprised to find that his skull had been smashed. This result aroused the attention of the school and the police, who immediately launched an investigation. After questioning, Su Xing finally recalled the scene of the day. During class, he said, he annoyed a teacher by accidentally knocking over a water cup in a classroom. And this teacher is the one who later discovered the head injury in the awakening.

Teachers become repeat offenders! Students wake up to reveal the shocking truth!

Investigators quickly pinpointed the teacher and questioned him. However, the teacher has always denied that it had anything to do with it. This left the investigation bogged down because there was a lack of direct evidence to prove the teacher's crimes. However, many students and colleagues expressed doubts about the teacher's behavior, saying that he often physically punished students and behaved unkindly.

Teachers become repeat offenders! Students wake up to reveal the shocking truth!

Meanwhile, investigators found campus surveillance footage missing during a critical time period on the day of the incident. This has raised questions among the public about the truth of the incident, which some believe was a deliberate cover-up. The school said there were some glitches in the surveillance system, but did not explain the loss of footage.

The incident raised questions about the school's safety management. Schools should strengthen the management and supervision of teachers to ensure the safety of students. At the same time, the maintenance and management of the campus monitoring system also needs to be strengthened to prevent similar incidents.

Police said they would continue to investigate the matter in depth and try to find out the truth. They will take all necessary measures to protect the rights and interests of the students who have been victimized and will hold accountable anyone suspected of committing a crime.

This incident has had a huge impact on the school and also reminded us of the importance of campus safety. It is hoped that the school can take this as a warning and strengthen management to ensure the safety and rights of students. At the same time, it is hoped that the police can find out the truth as soon as possible and give justice to the victimized students. Campus safety is the responsibility of every parent and educator, let us work together to create a safe and harmonious campus environment.

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