
CCTV female director Lou Naiming, suffering from breast cancer and breast removal, her husband is 7 years younger than her, what is the current situation

author:It's nice to look at the world

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In the Chinese television industry, the light of famous directors such as Zhao An and Zhang Ji shines, however, in this industry, there is also a female director, Lou Naiming, she may not be as well-known as the former, but her directorial works "Six Fingers" and "We Don't Understand Love When We First Love" are deeply loved by the audience. However, her love story may be her true legend.

Lou Naiming has been focusing on work, is still single in his thirties, treats feelings very Buddhistly, and believes that fate will come. When she most inadvertently met Sun Wenju, who was ten years younger than herself, a male protagonist in a drama, the encounter between the two was not ordinary.

CCTV female director Lou Naiming, suffering from breast cancer and breast removal, her husband is 7 years younger than her, what is the current situation

The first time they met, Lou Naiming was attracted by Sun Wenju's appearance and talent, and she introduced him to a friend, however, an accident in the filming scene, Sun Wenju was injured and admitted to the hospital, and Lou Naiming's concern made the two gradually get closer. Although the age difference is seven years, their relationship feels bizarre, but love is often unexpected.

Lou Naiming was loved when he was a child, with a big grin and understanding. Her passion for the arts germinated early in the school's drama performances. Her career climbed the way to become a famous director. She is not only talented, but also has an amiable personality, and is loved by her colleagues.

CCTV female director Lou Naiming, suffering from breast cancer and breast removal, her husband is 7 years younger than her, what is the current situation

However, in the face of doubts and strange eyes on female directors in society, the marriage of Lou Naiming and Sun Wenju faced challenges. Even their own family members do not approve of them being together. However, they were not overwhelmed by the doubts of the outside world and bravely came together to get a license to get married.

Sun Wenju became Lou Naiming's assistant and took care of her silently. Although Sun Wenju is the husband of a well-known director, he has always kept a low profile. In people's eyes, he is just Lou Naiming's assistant, but in fact, their feelings are deep. The two even welcomed a daughter the following year.

CCTV female director Lou Naiming, suffering from breast cancer and breast removal, her husband is 7 years younger than her, what is the current situation

However, life after marriage is not all smooth sailing, and family conflicts and work pressure make the relationship between the two tense. They even considered divorce, but eventually decided to work hard to get along. During this time, the two fell into a cold war, and Lou Naiming felt breathless.

However, fate took a turn again. During a bath, Lou Naiming accidentally found a lump in her chest, and after a hospital examination, she was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer and needed emergency surgery. This news shocked and puzzled her, but it also awakened the love in Sun Wenju's heart.

CCTV female director Lou Naiming, suffering from breast cancer and breast removal, her husband is 7 years younger than her, what is the current situation

Lou Naiming's illness forced her to take off work and undergo surgery and chemotherapy. During this time, Sun Wenju has always been by her side, and his strength and love have given Lou Naiming strength. Lou Naiming defeated the disease, but her health declined, and rumors of marriage followed.

However, their love was not shaken by rumors from the outside world. They stick together and support each other. Sun Wenju is not only Lou Naiming's assistant, but also her husband, and their relationship has become deeper. After a difficult time, their marriage became stronger.

CCTV female director Lou Naiming, suffering from breast cancer and breast removal, her husband is 7 years younger than her, what is the current situation

Today, Lou Naiming and Sun Wenju enjoy their old age together, and their daughter has also been nurtured in their relationship. Their marriage teaches us that love is not bound by appearance, age, and social questioning, but is built on strength, mutual understanding, and mutual support. Their stories inspire us and teach us to pursue our own happiness courageously.

Overall, the story of Lou Naiming and Sun Wenju is a story of strength and love, their emotional journey experienced difficulties and challenges, but in the end, with each other's persistence and understanding, they overcame everything. Their love tells us that no matter how big the age difference is, no matter how the outside world looks at it, true love is not easy to put away

CCTV female director Lou Naiming, suffering from breast cancer and breast removal, her husband is 7 years younger than her, what is the current situation

Discarded. The marriage of Lou Naiming and Sun Wenju is a story full of courage and tenacity, and it is also the most beautiful interpretation of love.

Lou Naiming directed the large-scale sitcom "Wu Zetian", and her career reached its peak, but at this time, she chose to retire and accompany her husband through her old age. Their daughters have also grown up, and they are single and taught by their parents, believing that they will also find the same happiness as Lou Naiming and Sun Wenju.

Lou Naiming's later life was full of love and warmth. Instead of pursuing the pinnacle of her career, she enjoys the quality time she spends with her husband. Although the years are not spared, and her physical condition has also declined, Sun Wenju has always been by her side and firmly guarded her.

CCTV female director Lou Naiming, suffering from breast cancer and breast removal, her husband is 7 years younger than her, what is the current situation

The couple's love story tells us that true love can overcome all difficulties and setbacks. No matter how old the age difference is, no matter how the outside world evaluates, as long as you truly love each other and stick to each other, you can get through the ups and downs of life.

Their stories also reflect the progress of Chinese society, where more and more people are beginning to respect individual choices and are no longer subject to traditional ideas and social pressures. The marriage of Lou Naiming and Sun Wenju demonstrates the power of love, which enables people to bravely face the challenges of life and walk firmly.

CCTV female director Lou Naiming, suffering from breast cancer and breast removal, her husband is 7 years younger than her, what is the current situation

Overall, the story of Lou Naiming and Sun Wenju is a marriage story full of warmth and touching, and their tenacity and love are deeply inspiring. Their love tells us that true love is priceless, and regardless of age, appearance and social opinion, it has the ability to create miracles and make people's lives better. May this couple be happy and have a wonderful old age together.

CCTV female director Lou Naiming, suffering from breast cancer and breast removal, her husband is 7 years younger than her, what is the current situation

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