
Some state-owned enterprises began to cut wages

author:Tai Chi Angle

What you need is not stability, but stability and at the same time, a reasonable salary + good benefits. State-owned enterprises just meet the requirements.

So it doesn't matter if you cut your salary, as long as there is a degree, don't go too far, you can endure it. It's okay if it's too much, you can still live with it. Because you believe that state-owned enterprises will not treat you badly, there will always be a day when the situation improves, and when the time comes, it will be doubled.

So the conclusion: as long as you don't lay off employees, you'll stay quiet.

Everything must have a degree, this degree is not the other, one is the degree of one's own mastery, the other is the degree that others master, the world is different. Everyone likes stability, and they all like to work less and get more. But there will always be an unaffordable day for businesses. The last time was more than 20 years ago, and guess how long this time it takes.

Prepare some food and grass in advance. You can't go wrong at the end of the day. Don't wait for things to come to an end and be laid off, sit there, protest there, cry there, and let society give a way to live.

Some state-owned enterprises began to cut wages
Some state-owned enterprises began to cut wages
Some state-owned enterprises began to cut wages
Some state-owned enterprises began to cut wages
Some state-owned enterprises began to cut wages
Some state-owned enterprises began to cut wages

The reason why some people can work less and get more is because some people work more and get less. Don't envy those who work less and get more, we are born without that life. What we care about is whether we get enough for daily life, and it doesn't matter if we work more or less. What we believe is that no matter what society, people with real skills can live well.

The poor man must have something to hate, and although the words are ugly, they do have some truth.

We must have a sense of distress, whether it is a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise, we must abide by the basic laws of society. How much ability, how much benefit. Although there are some opportunistic tricks, it is possible to obtain excess returns on a temporary basis. Or bad luck and not getting the reward you deserve. However, society will fix these bugs soon.

For example, a very capable person who contributes a lot to the company, but is not reused and does not get the reward he deserves. What is the outcome, he will inevitably leave his job and find another way out. There is no place for the master to stay here. A company, if it is to treat those who are meritorious and reward those who have no ability but sycophantry, then capable people will definitely not be able to stay, leaving a group of incapable, sooner or later the company will end.

Some state-owned enterprises began to cut wages
Some state-owned enterprises began to cut wages

Classmates who went to state-owned enterprises before are now mixed officials. They will definitely not be able to come back to the road of technology, but they are all doing better. The students who took the technical road were still working overtime bitterly, and they were already able to settle things and deal with them well in the conversation and laughter of the wine bureau. Society needs officials, but it cannot be all officials, and it also needs people.

Everywhere there needs to be competent and capable people who are welcome everywhere.

State-owned enterprises are the same, and now, they are indeed stable. The epidemic has made too many people feel the chill of the market, and almost all the society is envious of the iron rice bowl of state-owned enterprises. But whether it is a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise, the general public goes to work and work.

Don't go to the palace once, learn to be a eunuch, and castrate yourself. Don't be blinded by the momentary prosperity and think that everything will be fine as soon as you enter a state-owned enterprise. Bustling has nothing to do with you. You still need to study hard and work hard.

Ordinary people, only by taking the right path, is a good road.

Source | Foreword (ID: agesofgold)

Author | xumu; Edit | xumu

The content represents the independent views of the author only

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