
Biden stupid? China is wrong to abandon Russia!

author:Vatican HHHH

Article introduction:

The outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict has not only led to the intensification of contradictions between Russia and Ukraine, but also caused a series of complex differences and disputes in the West. At the same time, political strife within the United States has created additional uncertainty for European allies and Ukraine. This article delves into these issues, revealing the different positions of the two parties in the United States on the relationship with Russia, as well as the views of one US presidential candidate on the situation.

As the situation in Ukraine continued to deteriorate, the positions of Europe and the United States began to diverge. The European Union expressed concern that the United States may change its position, especially that the United States will turn to supporting the Russian-Ukrainian peace talks. Behind this concern lies the complex implications of internal politics in the United States.

The upcoming U.S. election next year complicates the issue. On the issue of Russia and Ukraine, the differences between the two major political parties in the United States are comparable to the contradictions between Russia and Ukraine.

Within the Republican Party, there is almost unanimous opposition to support for Ukraine and advocates promoting peace talks between Russia and Ukraine.

Biden stupid? China is wrong to abandon Russia!

A number of Republican candidates made it clear that if elected, they would take immediate action to prompt Russia and Ukraine to sit down and negotiate.

Instead, the Democratic Party tends to continue to support Ukraine in order to maintain tensions between Ukraine and Russia. This disagreement is not only related to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, but also involves the global strategy of the United States, and may even have a profound impact on the US policy towards China.

US presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy expressed his views in a foreign policy article. Ramaswamy, a wealthy Republican, claims that his foreign policy was inspired by Washington, the first president of the United States, but in reality, his policies are more inherited from the Trump administration.

Ramaswamy has steadfastly opposed the creation of a new military alliance, arguing that U.S. allies should take responsibility for their own defense rather than relying too heavily on U.S. protection. At the same time, he stressed that he will ensure that the interests of the United States always come first.

Biden stupid? China is wrong to abandon Russia!

In the article, Ramaswamy alluded to current President Joe Biden, calling him a "stupid uncle" and saying he would not allow the United States to play that role again.

Not only that, Ramaswamy also emphasized his position on China. He promised that if elected, he would actively seek reconciliation with Russia in order to achieve a peaceful settlement of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. He then slammed the Biden administration again, saying that it is trying to alienate China from Russia when in fact it should adopt the opposite strategy, that is, to keep Russia away from China.

The remarks sparked widespread discussion because the United States has been trying to alienate China by sanctioning and isolating Russia. However, this strategy did not succeed, and instead led to closer cooperation between China and Russia. Ramaswamy believes that the failure of this strategy stems from its fundamental mistakes and that the strategy should be changed to keep Russia away from China.

In fact, whether it is the Republican Party that supports the strategy of "Russia before China" or the Democratic Party that supports the strategy of "suppressing Russia and China", their essential goal is to deal with the rise of China.

Biden stupid? China is wrong to abandon Russia!

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