
Attention: At the 2023 Munich Motor Show, the performance of Chinese car companies is particularly eye-catching, which worries European manufacturers

author:Chunguang reviews the car

This year's Munich Motor Show can be described as exciting, especially the performance of Chinese car companies. At this exhibition, not only European automakers showed their latest technologies and models, but also Chinese auto companies showed their strength, which brought a lot of surprises to people. #Headline Hotspot##IAA2023 Munich International Motor Show##Number One New Car#

Attention: At the 2023 Munich Motor Show, the performance of Chinese car companies is particularly eye-catching, which worries European manufacturers

At this exhibition, Chinese car company Leapmotor released the LEAP3.0 architecture and announced that it will launch five models for overseas markets in the next two years. This news is undoubtedly a strong performance of China's auto industry in the international market, and will also play an important role in promoting the development of China's auto industry.

Attention: At the 2023 Munich Motor Show, the performance of Chinese car companies is particularly eye-catching, which worries European manufacturers

In addition, the Fengxing brand of Avita and Dongfeng also released new cars at the auto show, and Chinese brands such as BYD, SAIC, Cialis, Xpeng, CATL and other Chinese brands also appeared at the exhibition. According to Reuters, about 41 percent of exhibitors at this year's Munich Motor Show are from Asia, with the number of Chinese exhibitors doubling. However, companies such as Toyota, Nissan and Hyundai-Kia were absent. This may indicate the strong development momentum of China's auto industry, and also reflects the gradual improvement of the status of Chinese car companies in the international market.

Attention: At the 2023 Munich Motor Show, the performance of Chinese car companies is particularly eye-catching, which worries European manufacturers

However, data from automotive consultancy Inovev shows that since the beginning of this year, the market share of Chinese brands in new electric vehicles sold in Europe has increased from 4% in 2021 to 8%. In the first seven months, local sales of Chinese brands increased by nearly 55%, causing concern in the local industry. To a certain extent, this also reflects the strength and potential of China's automotive industry, and also reminds European automakers to remain vigilant and strengthen their own research and development and innovation.

Attention: At the 2023 Munich Motor Show, the performance of Chinese car companies is particularly eye-catching, which worries European manufacturers

In general, the performance of Chinese car companies at this Munich Motor Show is enough to attract the attention of the world. The development momentum of China's automobile industry is strong, and its strength and potential cannot be underestimated. At the same time, European automakers should also remain vigilant and continuously strengthen their own research and development and innovation to cope with competitive pressure from China and other countries.

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