
Eye health is important, keep these seven in mind!

author:Huang said doctor

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【Fan Letter】

Hello doctor, I have been feeling particularly uncomfortable in my eyes recently.

At first, I felt that I was overusing my eyes, so I didn't look at my phone or computer after every work.

Eye health is important, keep these seven in mind!

But this still does not work, but it is getting more and more serious. So I want to ask how to alleviate this situation? Do I need to eat any nutritional supplements?

Modern people's eyes are exposed to various rays of light every day, and the frequency of using eyes is increasing.

Although everyone's nutrition has kept up with it, there are still many people who cause astigmatism, myopia, cataracts and other diseases due to poor eye habits.

Therefore, eye health is very important, and the following seven eye use treasures deserve everyone's attention.

Eye health is important, keep these seven in mind!

Get into the habit of blinking an eye

The first way to use the eye is to rotate the eyeballs at our leisure, which can help our eyes soothe the eye muscles and promote blood circulation.

Eye movement exercises are also very simple, that is, first close your eyes and then slowly turn your eyes, trying to turn them upwards as much as possible.

Then turn up right, then turn to the right, then turn down right, and finally down.

In this way, a circular movement is formed, and it is necessary to be as smooth as possible in the process of rotation, and not to use too much force.

Eye health is important, keep these seven in mind!

After turning the eyeball thirty times clockwise, turn the eyeball counterclockwise thirty times, so that the number of turns left and right is balanced, forming two circular movements.

Note that each time you turn your eyeball, try to turn to the maximum range, but do not exert excessive force or cause discomfort.

Eat plenty of dark vegetables

In addition to the action of rolling the eyes, you can also make the nutrition more adequate through food supplements, including eating more dark vegetables.

Eye health is important, keep these seven in mind!

Why focus on dark vegetables? This is because dark vegetables are rich in antioxidants and nutrients, which are very beneficial for eye health.

For example, spinach rich in chlorophyll, vitamin C and vitamin E, carrots rich in β-carotene and vitamin A.

Tomatoes rich in the antioxidants lycopene and vitamin C and purple cabbage rich in vitamin C, vitamin K and antioxidants.

All in all, these dark vegetables all contribute to eye health.

Eye health is important, keep these seven in mind!

Eye hygiene should be taken care of

Many people rub their eyes directly after work, toilet or mobile phone because of itchy eyes, which is not a good habit.

If you usually pay great attention to hygiene and hand cleanliness, it is good to directly start rubbing your eyes. However, if some people who do not pay attention to hand hygiene always have these actions of kneading glasses, it is very easy to cause eye allergies.

Therefore, in life, you should avoid always rubbing your eyes, and if you want to knead your eyes, you must pay attention to washing your hands with hand sanitizer in advance.

Eye health is important, keep these seven in mind!

Secondly, when wearing contact lenses or beautiful pupils, pay attention to replace the previous contact lens liquid after each contact lens removal, otherwise it is easy to cause eye infection.

Exercise more and rest more

If you want to pay attention to eye hygiene, paying attention to improving personal resistance is the first priority.

Especially after exertion or overuse of the eyes, you must pay attention to rest, ensure that you have enough sleep, and avoid staying up late leading to increased intraocular pressure and increased redness in the eyes.

Eye health is important, keep these seven in mind!

Also pay attention to exercise a lot to maintain a healthy body.

You can exercise for one hour or forty minutes every morning or afternoon, which helps to shape the individual's body shape and improve immunity.

Eat enough vitamins

In life, we must pay attention to eating enough vitamins needed, especially in the daily diet, pay attention to the combination of ingredients and nutritional intake.

Be sure to consume a variety of nutrients to avoid insufficient vitamin intake due to a single source of nutrition.

Eye health is important, keep these seven in mind!

Do more eye exercises

We used to do eye exercises in primary and secondary school, but when we grew up, especially after working, we did not do eye exercises again.

Eye exercises are important for eye health, and doing eye exercises for about ten minutes a day is good for maintaining good vision.

Look less at electronics

The last point is to look less at electronic products, especially some electronic products with smaller screens or small fonts.

Eye health is important, keep these seven in mind!

The smaller the word, the more strenuous the eye, so it is best not to look at the word on the small screen and look at the phone or tablet in a dark environment.


All in all, to take care of the health of the eyes to do the above seven things, these are all empirical words. The eye is a very important human organ, it is one of the important bridges that connect us to the world, and it is non-renewable.

So be sure to protect your eyes.

Well, today's health article is shared here, if you still have different views and suggestions, welcome to leave a message in the comment area, thank you for reading, we will see you in the next issue.