
48-year-old singer Pinguan recent exposure: after middle age, life needs "resilience"

author:Intensive reading

Some time ago, the previously popular "Love Song Prince" Pin Guan, posted on Weibo to expose his recent situation.

Due to the special period, he was unemployed for more than 9 months, sticking to his wife and children every day.

48-year-old singer Pinguan recent exposure: after middle age, life needs "resilience"

He used to perform a lot of commercial performances, but this year he was forced to rest at home, and even the musicals he cooperated with other stars could not start.

48-year-old singer Pinguan recent exposure: after middle age, life needs "resilience"

Idle at home, he can only go to his daughter's school to teach children to sing nursery rhymes, but he is dismissed as "childish" by his daughter's classmates.

The daughter cried on the spot, and Pinguan could only change the song of TFBOYS later.

48-year-old singer Pinguan recent exposure: after middle age, life needs "resilience"

Participating in the variety show "The Voice of Heavenly Gifts" was unanimously praised by the judges, but when the music partners chose, Pinguan did not get a single vote and was eliminated.

48-year-old singer Pinguan recent exposure: after middle age, life needs "resilience"

There is no doubt that this year's pin crown can be described as a "famine year" in life.

I have seen such a sentence: People live a lifetime, there are always "good years" and "famine years".

When the days are comfortable, don't be complacent, be prepared for possible accidents at any time.

When the days are difficult, don't be discouraged, as long as you live, there will sometimes be opportunities to operate.

Just like Pin Guan, even when idle at home, you can adjust your mentality and share the slow time with your wife and children.

48-year-old singer Pinguan recent exposure: after middle age, life needs "resilience"

Don't give up on improving yourself, while practicing songs, while exercising your body, live a good self-disciplined day.

48-year-old singer Pinguan recent exposure: after middle age, life needs "resilience"

After middle age, people must learn the ability to grow in adversity.

Adults' lives are all about carrying weights forward, adjusting their mentality, lowering expectations, and facing unpredictable black swan events.

Only then can you walk through the trough and climb to the next high.


About life

48-year-old singer Pinguan recent exposure: after middle age, life needs "resilience"

Little Coconut: The writer Bing Xin said: "Everything goes with nature, and everything cannot be forced." But be unashamed. This body is like grass and mustard dust, and the world has turned into emptiness. Face it calmly and get through it calmly. Gratitude, happiness, progress, forgetfulness, atmosphere. ”

Don't be bothered by a momentary setback, don't be impatient for a momentary detour, and an indifferent state of mind is a person's great wisdom.

48-year-old singer Pinguan recent exposure: after middle age, life needs "resilience"

Little Coconut: Heraclitus said, "Change is the only constant in the world." ”

In today's world of uncertainties, there is no constant stability, only constantly changing norms.

If you have enough resilience and resilience, you have the initiative to manage yourself.

48-year-old singer Pinguan recent exposure: after middle age, life needs "resilience"

Little Coconut: If you want to spoil and not be embarrassed by the world, the most important thing is to be good at yourself and be a better self.

When you are alone, calm down and precipitate yourself, read, write, exercise, make close friends, and cultivate your temperament. When your heart is abundant, all the good will meet you unexpectedly.


About learning

48-year-old singer Pinguan recent exposure: after middle age, life needs "resilience"

Little Coconut: Kazuo Inamori mentioned in the Living Law that if you really want to do something, you will try to do everything you can to do it.

If you don't do it, it means that your desire is not strong enough, you don't really want to do it, you don't really want to change the status quo.

Thinking is a problem, and doing it has results. A little bit of progress every day will allow you to really make a difference.

48-year-old singer Pinguan recent exposure: after middle age, life needs "resilience"

Little Coconut: Chasing dramas, brushing short videos, watching entertainment gossip, playing games... These actions allow you to get short-term pleasure, get instant feedback, and give you a virtual sense of satisfaction.

So you fall into the vortex of behavioral addiction, and time is occupied, day after day. Be wary of not accidentally losing self-control and becoming a slave to pleasure.

48-year-old singer Pinguan recent exposure: after middle age, life needs "resilience"

Little Coconut: There is a passage in "The Girl Who Killed Quail": "When you are old, looking back on your life, you will find that when to go abroad to study, when to decide to do your first career, when to choose a partner and fall in love, when to get married, in fact, are all great changes in fate."

It was only at that time that you stood at the fork in the road, saw the storm clouds, and the day you made your choice, in the diary, was quite dull and ordinary, and I thought it was an ordinary day in my life. ”

Life is made up of choices, don't underestimate every choice, weigh the pros and cons, listen to the heart, in order to have no regrets.


Interpersonal communication

48-year-old singer Pinguan recent exposure: after middle age, life needs "resilience"

Little Coconut: "The most foolish life is evil to smell one's own life, and the most evil in life is to talk about others."

Always staring at the shortcomings of others, it is you who will hurt you all your life. When it comes to picking on others, look at yourself first.

48-year-old singer Pinguan recent exposure: after middle age, life needs "resilience"

Little Coconut: Schopenhauer said, "When talking to others, we must refrain from correcting the impulses of others, even if we do so out of kindness."

Because it is easy to hurt others, but it is very difficult to improve others, even if there is no obstruction. ”

There is a term called the "backfire effect," which means that when people encounter ideas or evidence that contradict their beliefs, unless they are enough to completely destroy the original beliefs, the original beliefs are strengthened.

Others are difficult to change, and it is better to reflect on yourself than to forcibly correct others.

48-year-old singer Pinguan recent exposure: after middle age, life needs "resilience"

Little Coconut: The sense of proportion is the grasp of the distance between people, the recognition of the gap between each other, and also a kind of mutual respect and self-protection.

Only by knowing how to score inches can we better respect others and properly settle our friendships and feelings.

Finisher: Little Coconut, Intensive Reading Creator, Life Must Live A Little Swag.

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