
Zhangjiahe|Wen Yuanling, gateway of Xiangxi

author:Snow Peak Mountain Tour
Zhangjiahe|Wen Yuanling, gateway of Xiangxi

Yuanling, 3,000 years of humanities, 3,000 years of legend.

In the nineties of last century, the Wuqiangxi Reservoir was built, and the thousand-year-old city sank to the bottom of the river, leaving only a few half-truncated old streets and alleys, watching the sky and clouds, and listening to the fishing boats singing at night.

"Thousands of sails pass by the side of the sinking boat, and the future of the sick tree is ten thousand wood spring." The old city sank, but the Yuanling did not sink. The new city is full of traffic during the day, and thousands of homes are lit up at night. The old does not go, the new does not come, it is common sense and philosophy, which caused me to sigh a lot. My emotion is actually dispensable, just like this big river around me, taking a scoop or adding a scoop does not affect its grandeur and vastness, and I still pick up a few pieces of autumn colors to make the memory more treasured.


Zhangjiahe|Wen Yuanling, gateway of Xiangxi

Approaching Borrowing Mother Creek, a strange thought flashed: Did Zhangjiajie give part of himself to Borrowing Mother Creek, or did Borrow Mother Stream give his own possession to Zhangjiajie? Zhangjiajie "debuted" early, and as soon as it "debuted", it "poured the country into the city", and no one saw each other until recent years to hate the late. The sitcom "The Fox Girl", which is based on folklore, is examined from the perspective of human ethics and is not in line with public order and good customs; From the perspective of human nature, there are a few rays of human light. The demands of men and women in the "beginning of man" are not original sin, and the borrowed mother is also a mother, and the tall perfection of the mother has no necessary connection with where the mother came from, and has nothing to do with human morality. The hero does not ask the source, but an ordinary mother and a woman in distress? I don't know how to treat the mother's unspeakable and difficult to put down the incense of the "Fox Girl", and crown this beautiful land with a name that makes people think of it.

Mountains, the homeland of mythology. There are monsters hidden in the water, and the gods live on the mountain. Jiang Ziya was sealed 365 gods, and 8 of them were sealed on the mountain, namely Penglai, Fangzhang, Yingzhou, Taishan, Hengshan, Songshan, Hengshan, and Huashan, collectively known as the Three Mountains and Five Mountains. Kwafu and Pangu are the mountain myths of Yuanling.

"Father and the sun are expelled away, and enter the sun; Thirst, desire to drink, drink in rivers and wei; River, Wei is insufficient, north drink Daze. Before he arrived, he died of thirst. Abandon his rod and turn into Dunlin. Yuanling believes that "Father Qua is day by day" in Yuanling, because there is a majestic "Quafather Mountain" with strange peaks and majestic mountains, which is located in Wuqiangxi Town.

Father Qua was due to the fact that there were too many ancient sun gods, Xihe, Yandi, Sun Lord, Eastern Emperor Taiyi, Dongjun, Sun Star Jun, and Sun Palace Tianzi, a total of seven. The sun is warm, and everything grows by the sun, but more is also a disaster, and the sun is also because there are too many suns. Father Qua went to the Yuanling Tomb day by day, not only with the presence of Father Quao, but also with the interpretation of the Yuanling Tomb of the "Classic of Mountains and Seas". River: Yuanjiang, ancient Chenzhou Zhiyuanling, Yuanjiang flows through Chenzhou, also known as Chenhe, a long-performing play called "Chenhe High Cavity"; Wei: Weixi, a large stream in the territory of Yuanling; Daze: Dongting Lake, located northeast of Yuanling; Deng Lin: Taolin, born when his father abandoned the staff. Taoyuan and Wuqiang River junction, Tao Yuanming's "Peach Blossom Source" shows that peaches have been planted there for a long time, and peach trees have become forests. This interpretation may not be in line with the original meaning of the Classic of Mountains and Seas, but it does not prevent it from becoming a theory. Father Qua praised the heroism and heroism of outnumbering the enemy, punishing evil and eliminating harm, and sacrificing his life and death. Such "zhi" and "qi" still shine on the Yuanling people.

Pangu created heaven and earth, and Nuwa was able to create people because of the living space of people. Pangu, great achievements.

Pangu Mountain is located in Lixi Township, Yuanling, 15 kilometers away from the county seat. A small boat, autumn water and long days, babbling. Pangu Mountain has Pangu Cave, and the mist is scattered, like a shadow. Song Ren Zhu Fu "Xi Manchang Cong Xiao" Yun "The barbarian of the five streams, all Panguye, the settlement is different, the name is also different, and it is the same as the old one." "Most of the ancient books that record Pangu are written by the people, and they are literary and non-history, but there is no literary history, and no history is not written." Pangu Yuanling said: "In addition to the clouds of ancient books, it also stems from the existence of objects such as stone bolts, stone locks, and stone beds in the cave. They are nature's work, but only human beings have this need. Reasonable logical imagination provides imagination space and material evidence support for Yuanling as the hometown of Pangu.

The autumn breeze could not dispel the tragedy of the father day by day, and the sound of Pangu opening the heaven and earth could not be stopped.

Zhangjiahe|Wen Yuanling, gateway of Xiangxi


What is Yuanling? Yuan refers to the Yuan River, Ling refers to the peak, and the name of water and the shape of the mountain are combined into Yuanling.

The Yuanjiang River is more than 1,000 kilometers long, of which more than 200 kilometers are in the territory of Yuanling. The natural scenery and humanistic customs of the Yuanjiang River, or the mystery and magic of the Yuanjiang River, are mainly distributed in the process of more than 200 kilometers. Without these more than 200 kilometers of ups and downs, there would be no bumpy boats on the tip of the waves and sails riddled with holes in the wind and waves, and the Yuan River would be a different scenery.

The Yuan River is the "mother river" of western Hunan. The big and small rivers in western Hunan almost all threw themselves into its arms without hesitation, and wrote together the Yuanshui culture of "big rivers rising water, small rivers rising and big rivers". The prosperity and decay on both sides of the strait stems from the ebb and flow of the Yuan River. The Wuqiangxi Reservoir is closed, and the water surface of the Yuanling section is much wider and deeper. On both sides of the river, the towers, the castle and the pastoral villages, the green mountains and the blue sky of Gaoyuan, and all the treasures of the Tianhua are swaying in the river. The Yuan River has the magnificence of the big river going east to the waves and sand, and there is also the charm of a river flowing with green mountains and blue mountains. Magnificence is the arrogance of a man, awe-inspiring; Feminine is the charm of a woman, giving people kindness. The Yuanling man spoke like a roar and drank heartily; The Yuanling woman is glamorous, enchanting but not charming, and the beauty is just like the Yuanling landscape. Man is a product of nature, life is nurtured by nature, and endowments are created by nature.

Youshui originates from Hubei, with a total length of 470 kilometers, entering Yuanling to complete the "Five Streams Returning to Yuan", and writing the humanistic concept of a hundred rivers to the sea and ten thousand mountains to the Emperor on the land of Yuanling. Huaihua is the transportation hub of today's southwest China, and Yuanling is the transit station of Xiangguichuan and Qian in ancient times, shouldering the same mission under different historical conditions.

Youshui is also known as the White River. In the early years, Shen Congwen was dressed in a military uniform, and the White River came and went. In history, there are many people who have thrown pen into the army, abandoning armor and following the text is rare, he is one of the few, and his life returns to his name: Congwen.

Youshui gave Yuanling the water wonder of "Youshui dragging blue". And now is not the season of "water dragging blue", but the "Ten Miles Gallery" decorated with autumn colors on both sides of the strait still makes my heart sparkle brightly, and my eyes are colorful.

There are thousands of large and small streams and rivers in Yuanling, Shenxi, Mingxi, Weixi, Lixi, Maxi, Yixi, Xiaoxi, Youxi, Borrowing Mother Creek, Wuqiang Creek... No creek no township, no creek no county. Respectable in the mountains, lovely in the water, even in autumn, people sigh at this "green mountains and white rivers" "not like spring light, better like spring light" landscape scenery.

Zhangjiahe|Wen Yuanling, gateway of Xiangxi


In 202 BC, Liu Bang destroyed Xiang Yu and ended the Chu-Han rivalry. This year Yuanling Li County. The long-standing and endless historical context constitutes the breadth and depth of Yuanling, and the origin of the context can be traced back to the Shang Zhou. Yaotou Village, 20 kilometers away from the county seat, was first the capital of Shangzhoupu State, and then the site of Qinqianzhong County. The cultural relics unearthed in the ancient tomb complex are the earliest "identity card" and "resume" of Yuanling. History books are written by descendants, tombs are buried by predecessors, there are false texts in the world, and there are no fake cultural relics underground. The "Wuyang" seal unearthed from the ancient tomb of Huxi Mountain indicates that Yuanling was a fiefdom of the princes of the Western Han Dynasty, and Wu Yang, a descendant of Wu Rui the King of Changsha, sealed the Yuanling Tomb before his death and was buried in the Yuanling Tomb after his death. The unearthed "Food Fang" is his recipe, and it is also the Yuanling recipe. Yuanling food has a good reputation, and Wu Yang is the first person to write Yuanling food culture.

Puguo and Qianzhong County were swallowed by the Yuan River, and Wuyang Marquis let the autumn breeze blow away, but a great soul remained, continuing the long road, searching up and down, he is Qu Yuan, a doctor and poet who does not seek to accept and talent, in 296 BC, exiled to Lupu, Wupeng boat to the dynasty, and the sunset to Chenyang. Chenyang is Chenxi. Some people believe that "Zhuzhu" is the city of Pu, which was once under the jurisdiction of Yuanling. If established, Qu Yuan had abandoned the boat and went ashore; No, the more than 200 kilometers of waterways in Yuanling are enough for him to enjoy the strange mountains and strange customs, and masterpieces such as "Wading the River", "Ode to Orange" and "Mountain Ghost" are what he has seen and heard of these more than 200 kilometers of waterways, and he feels sad all the way from Yuanling to Lupu.

In 278 BC, Qu Yuan, who could fail me and I did not live up to the country, had no order to return, but unfortunately he did not go out of Xiaoxiang with a long roar and sank himself. The cultural memory he left behind is like the flowing water of the Yuan River, the deeper the autumn, the clearer it is; The older it is, the deeper it is; The longer the stream, the greater the might. Behind him, Wang Changling, Liu Yuxi, Wang Yangming, Lin Zexu, Shen Congwen, Liang Sicheng, Lin Huiyin, Li Yining and other ancient and modern celebrities have all had a difficult relationship with Yuanling. They regarded Yuanling's actions as fortunate, and Yuanling was proud of their involvement.

Yuanling cultural heritage inheritance, Eryou Mountain is very important. Qin sweeps the liuhe, and the world is one. In order to fulfill the dream of "ten thousand lives", go to noise, eliminate different hearts, and burn books and pit Confucianism. Confucian Fusheng smuggled books in Eryou Cave, and Eryou Mountain became the source of "Xuefu Five Che and Shutong Eryou". There is no end to the sea of learning, and there is a road to the mountain of books. The road starts from Eryou Mountain and is fragrant all the way.

Zhangjiahe|Wen Yuanling, gateway of Xiangxi

Eryoushan protects culture, and Longxingjiao Temple spreads culture. At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the Yungui Plateau was on the territory of Tang, but it was not in the Tang system, and Nanzhao rebelled from time to time. Li Shimin could not tolerate this situation to continue to exist, but the world was initially decided, unable to take care of him, and the cat and mouse Nanzhao played well, and it was difficult to calm it down for a while, so there was the second year of Zhenguan (628) to build the Longxing Lecture Temple, more than 1300 years ago. The temple instilled Buddhist ideas and spread the culture of the Central Plains. Li Shimin's layout did not have immediate results, but he made ideological and public opinion preparations for the final pacification of the southwest. In 902, the 256-year Nanzhao reign came to an end. Nanzhao was once a towering tree, sheltering from the thunderstorm of spring and the heat of summer, but did not escape the fate of autumn wind and leaves. In the sixth year of the Ming Zhengde (1511), the psychologist Wang Yangming learned from Longchang Yicheng in Guizhou to Luling, Jiangxi, and on the way he taught "To Conscience" at the Lecture Temple. The descendants built the Yangming Academy to commemorate this Wang Wenchenggong, who was as famous as Confucius, Mencius and Zhu Xi, and integrated politics, ideology, military affairs, and literature.

The autumn breeze blew from the surface of the river, and the yellow leaves fell to the ground. Li Shimin foresaw that the location of the temple was exactly set at the highest water level of the Yuan River after the Wuqiangxi Reservoir was impounded. We cannot but admire Li Shimin's magnificence and foresight, and his eyes have traveled through thousands of years. Perhaps it is a coincidence, but history and reality always look for each other in coincidence.

Rivers and mountains create scenery, and history and culture become customs. How many famous people have been in Yuanling do not dare to make a judgment, but the leader of the "Wuling Man" is at least a generation of Qixiong, and the famous generals Liu Shang and Ma Yuan of the Eastern Han Dynasty died of one death and one died of illness. The reason why Yuanling alone did not leave his relics or ranks, is related to the historical role played by Yuanling. Yuanling is the "gateway to Xiangxi", near the Central Plains in Kaimen Lake District, and Wang Feng is blowing; The emperor is far away, and the "brute habit" is still there. From the perspective of Wang Hua, gathering the crowd to rebel is not honorable and it is not surprising that it has been forgotten. And Shang Shu and painter Zhang Shizhun of the Criminal Department of the Qing Dynasty, Feng Xiren of the Military Department, Jin Shan, a modern and contemporary drama and film art performer, poets Zhu Xiang and Long Peter, writers Xiang Bengui and Liu Jianping, lyricists Zhang Minghe and Shi Huangyuan, hybrid rice experts Li Bihu and Deng Huafeng, etc., are well-deserved continuators of the Yuanling context.

The earth spirit is called the dragon vein. The dragon vein is the literary context, so it is also called the human mastery spirit. The pagoda symbolizes the dragon vein and the cultural context, and the county and prefecture are accompanied by a tower, highlighting the power belief of the "river demon of the pagoda town". Yuanling has three pagodas, Fengming, Luming, and Longyin. The Fengming Pagoda stands on Incense Burner Mountain. Incense Burner Mountain and Phoenix Mountain are left and right, passing through the middle of the city avenue, passing through the bridge to the county seat, and the city sound on the other end of the bridge flies over the bridge, wantonly and noisy. In autumn, the Yuan River is as clear as a mirror, the phoenix tower is like a lotus flower reflected in the river, the wind blows green waves, and the "flower" swaggers underwater. One autumn night in the early eighties of the last century, there was an autumn moon in the sky, and the lights on the ground were shining. I stood on the beach and looked across the river, the tower on the mountain was hazy, the shadow of the tower in the water was faint, and the moonlight and stars crumpled by the autumn water were misty. That scene is Li Bai's poetry and painting of "Emei Mountain Moon Half Autumn, Shadow into the Pingqiang River". The Fengming Pagoda was built in the 16th year of the Wanli Ming Dynasty (1588), and has been rebuilt for more than 440 years, and has been rebuilt during the Qing Daoguang period.

Luming Pagoda is located in Luming Mountain, about ten kilometers away from Fengming Pagoda, almost in the same straight line, across the river from Longyin Pagoda. Three towers half-moon arch guarding the county seat. Luming Pagoda stands the tallest and is often struck by lightning, confirming Su Dongpo's "high place is cold".

The most emblematic of the "river demon of Pagoda Town" is the Dragon Yin Pagoda, like a sharp sword pierced on the river rising continent. On the Yuanjiang Bridge, the continent is like a wooden raft, and the tower is like a mast. Originating from the illusion, the continent and the tower seem to shake. In autumn, the Yuan River is much warmer, the wind blows happily on the surface of the river, the waves scatter around the continent into a river of waves, and the ups and downs after the Yuanling Ming Wanli are all sealed in the memory of the three towers. Sadly, Luming Pagoda was scarred by lightning strikes and "half-broken" for a long time, and the people also made up a "scandal", saying that the daughter of the heavenly queen mother fell in love with the Yuanjiang dragon son, a heavenly palace, a water on the ground, thousands of miles of marriage to them? There are medicines for all diseases in the world, but lovesickness is unique. The queen mother asked her daughter to go to the mortal world, admire the exotic flowers and grass to relax, and return after walking. Unexpectedly, my daughter went and did not return. In a fit of anger, the queen mother trapped the dragon son in the river, tied her daughter to the incense burner mountain, her body could not move, but her heart could fly, who knew that the flower heart wild deer halfway robbed love. The daughter fornicated with the dragon son, and now she is abducted by the wild deer, the way of heaven, the law of kings, and the human nature, it is tolerable, who is unbearable! So she turned the dragon son into a river rising continent, and the descendants built the dragon chanting tower; turned his daughter into an incense burner mountain, and his descendants built a phoenix tower; The wild deer were turned into Luming Mountain, and the descendants built the Deer Ming Tower. Some lovers can't become dependents, and they let out the bitterness of lovesickness and vent the anger in their hearts. The queen mother angered the wild deer, causing Lei to strike at it, which seemed unfair. Wild deer take advantage of people's dangers and take the blame for themselves.

Dragon chant, phoenix song, deer song, like grievance, like crying like complaint, for love, for hate? Commented on. Fortunately, the incomplete Luming Pagoda was finally repaired, and a small lightning rod made Lei Gong no longer come.

"Five Streams Returning to Yuan" is the most mountainous and spiritual natural landscape in Yuanling, and "Three Pagodas" is the most legendary cultural landscape in Yuanling, which has been chanted throughout the ages.

Ascend to the drunken dragon, draw his sword and sing like a rainbow.

Dare to block the huge waves with clear currents, and shame the poor with the peaks.

The angry waves are rolling mountains and rivers, and the falling wood Xiao Xiao is empty.

Endless Jiangdong dying water, ancient and modern scooping up a few heroes.

Zhou Fohai, an alternative "celebrity", the autumn wind made him go where he should go, but You Long Yin Pagoda did not lose his youthful arrogance.


Yuanling is the "gateway to Xiangxi", and it is inevitable that there will be beacon smoke.

In 1046 BC, King Wu of Zhou went on a campaign with Zhou. Pu and Zhou, subordinate and suzerain. Whether Jiaotou Village is Pudu or not is a Pudu for the time being, but Yuanling is Pudi, and Zhou Felling merchants cannot stay out of the matter. However, changing fiefdoms into dependencies has always been the suzerainty's great policy. Zhou Zhao Wang Xingshi failed to die Pu, indicating that Pu was not capable of overthrowing Zhou but had the strength to resist Zhou. In the middle of the Warring States period, the Zhou Chamber was in vain, and King Wei of Chu set up the two counties of Wu and Qianzhong, Pu was dismembered, and Yuanling returned to Chu from then on.

For more than 500 years of chaotic fighting in the Spring and Autumn Warring States, Qin and Chu fought many times and fought earth-shattering. In 280 BC, Qin Sima sent his troops to Longxi, passing through Bashu, crossing Youshui, and entering the Yuan River, with the intention of Qianzhong, and Yuanling was the place of the first battle. Historians mostly focus on the offensive and defensive attacks and huge battles of a country's capital, and other strokes are passed or ignored. Sima mistakenly entered the Yuanling Tomb, and Sima Qian could not say a word. Just like this autumn, people pay attention to the fiery red maple leaves and flying geese, not caring about a few wisps of dead grass and a few insects.

Yuanling was historically called "barbarian" and people were called "barbarian". The "barbaric" land has not yet arrived, and the weathering cannot be opened; The "barbarian" people are rude and fierce and do not understand the world. A "brute" word, solidifying too much discrimination. But the creation is fair, Ma Yuan's "conquest" did not have time to line up the troops, so I don't know whether it was "Zhongshu" or "Zhongshu", a plague, could not be defeated, and he himself died on Hutou Mountain, more than a hundred miles away from the county seat of Yuanling.

Ma Yuan volunteered after Liu Shang's death in the battle of "felling barbarians", and asked Ying to go to war, and the end shook the government and the public. I was confused, war brought disaster, left behind suffering. It is understandable that the imperial court praised Ma Yuan, and the Fubo Temple dedicated to Ma Yuan was strange on both sides of the Yuan River, and even made up the myth that Ma Yuan's soul protected the ship across Qinglangtan. Aren't you "Diao Min" and "anti-people" who do not take the DPRK seriously when people are going to fight before they die! On the passage loess wind and rain bridge, Guan Yunchang statue Lianyun: "There is only one Spring and Autumn Testament to read Confucius's suicide note, and the orthodoxy of the Han family will allow Wu Wei to be three." "The Fubo Temple was also built out of this concept.

"The past has been hurt several times in the world, but Yamagata is still in the cold. Today is the day of the four seas, so the autumn is small. ”

Chenlong Pass, the gateway of the "gateway", out of the Guanhu District, into the Guan Mountain; Retreat, the Central Plains and the southwest are like the end of the world; Switch, southwest and Central Plains are within easy reach. Looking outside the Guanli Pass and looking around the front and back behind me, I understood for the first time what Guan Shan was. During the Kangxi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, Wu Sangui, the king of Pingxi, rebelled, died in Changsha, and the remnants retreated to Yungui, strangling the Chenlong Pass and the Qing army failed to capture it for three years. Chenlong Pass was of great significance and far-reaching influence on the "cutting of the domain" in the early Qing Dynasty. More than 50 years later, Qianlong personally inscribed "The First Pass of the Dragon under the World", engraved on the cliff, announcing to future generations: this terrain is victorious.

Beishan Hai and Nanchenlong, witnessed Wushan Guifei Huang Tengda and his disgrace, witnessed the "Eight Flags" entering the Central Plains and pacifying the southwest. Two nodes, half of the Qing Dynasty.

"Maoling Liu Lang autumn wind guest, the night heard the horse hissing without a trace..." Wanlan sends guests to Xianyang Road... Weicheng is far away. "The majestic pass is no more, the majestic wind remains.

Chenlong Pass has blocked the sword light and shadow, but it cannot stop the cultural penetration of the Western powers. The "Chenzhou Lesson Plan" of 1902 was not only a political confrontation between countries, but also a cultural confrontation between East and West. In 1937, the "Lugou Bridge Incident", the Japanese army pressed step by step, the Republic of China moved the capital to Chongqing, and the capital of Hunan Province moved to Yuanling. This is the story of that autumn more than eighty years ago.

In November 1935, He Long led Minister Zheng to rest in Qiaoziping. In order to thank the resident Chen Dingxiang, when he left, he gave Chen the saber he wore when he was the commander of the first division of the Jianguochuan Army to express his gratitude. The five generations of the Chen family treasure more than eighty. In May 2015, the descendants of the Chen family handed over the saber to the descendants of the marshal. Red story, deeply moving. In October 1949, the People's Liberation Army advanced into Xiangxi to suppress bandits, and the military headquarters was set up in Yuanling County. Victory Park and monument to suppress bandits, inscribed with the beacon years of "the soul of hunters in high mountains and flowing waters".

Is it fate, or is it coincidence? These stories of Yuanling are always related to autumn.

Zhangjiahe|Wen Yuanling, gateway of Xiangxi


"Heart-wrenchingly beautiful" has become Yuanling's business card. "Heartache" because of "heart knot". The heart knot is a feeling.

In the past three thousand years, how many out-of-favor officials, down-and-out literati, romantic rioters, conscripted soldiers, and profit-seeking merchants, "five more drum horns urge the urgent, a pillow of hometown dreams are not broken"... As migrants, "looking northwest to Chang'an" is their common psychological appeal. Yuanling was fortunate to comfort their homesickness during their detention.

Shen Congwen made his eldest brother's private residence in the county seat his home in his early years, and that experience made him "think bitterly about the water and the people on the waterside in his hometown." "He is a phoenix person, Phoenix and Yuanling are separated by several counties, and the Tuo River in front of Shen's house is only a second-level tributary of the Yuan River, and the Yuanjiang River is called "hometown", with the truth of love and the depth of expression. His reluctance to Yuanling flows in works such as "Xiangxing Essays", among which "The People of Yuanling" reads hot.

In the late autumn of 1938, Zhang Xueliang was transferred to Phoenix Mountain for detention. Where is the country of mourning? "The blue sky is far away, and the journey of the old man is long. The youth's hair is getting old, only the spring breeze is still here"; Where are the loved ones? "Qing's name Feng Zhi is not ordinary, and Feng Zhi fell to Phoenix Mountain. Famous mountains and ancient temples have many Sanskrit languages, and there is no heaven and earth in the world. "The Phoenix Mountain in front of you is a mountain of autumn colors and colorful.

Yuanling people are born with good voices, and mountain songs are sung with a closed moon and a sinking goose. Migrants relocated, and a considerable number of farmers became citizens. They are in the city, and their hearts are in the mountains, so they sing the heavens and the earth, the ancient and the present, the people and things, and the joy and sorrow. Dating love with songs is a marriage custom of ethnic minorities, a mountain song, a lifelong relationship, into a marriage:

The brother sang mountain songs behind the house, and the younger sister stomped her feet in the embroidery building.

The mother asked her daughter what you stomped on, and the newly worn shoes did not fit.

The Yuanling release boats, the sound of trumpets, is spectacular, and now remains on both sides of the Yuan River as a cultural symbol. When I was intoxicated by the autumn water of a river holding up the autumn colors on both sides of the river, and the autumn colors on both sides embraced the autumn water of the river, the distant sail shadows, ropes, spirits, and shouts went and returned, making me look back at the Yuan River and the mountains and waters on this land.

"A pillow of dark incense listens to the sound of the bridge, and dreams go to the beach without a trace." Yuanling tea production has been around since ancient times. In the twenty-fourth year of Jiaqing of the Qing Dynasty (1919), Lin Zexu passed the Yuanling Tomb, and the prefect of Chenzhou waited for the official Zhuang Maojian. Lin exclaimed, "There is the first pass in the world in the county, and there is also the first tea in the world!" The prefect paid "one county with good water to keep guests, and five streams and autumn water for Junqing". Zuo Zongtang led his division to the south and ordered "The three armies drink tea without official Zhuang Maojian." "Jitan tea Han is the famous tea, and Tang is the tribute tea. There is a Chenhe Gao called "Li Dan and Feng Jiao", which plays Li Dan who is not favored by Wu Zetian, lives in Yuanling, and works as a servant in Hu Yuanwai's house. The widowed sister-in-law Wen has a female name Fengjiao, and she has mutual love with Li Dan, and Wen Shi Xu Nu and Li. Feng shui took turns, and Li Dan returned to the dynasty to ascend the throne, and made Fengjiao a concubine. This strange relationship between the emperor and the people's daughter came from the people, expressing the dissatisfaction of Li Tang's people with Wu Zetian and the Zhou dynasty. In 1972, when then Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka visited China, the stiff Sino-Japanese relationship warmed up in the fragrance of Jietan tea.

A cup of Jietan's tea promoted the marriage between the emperor and the people's daughter, witnessing the opening of the door of Sino-Japanese relations.

The tea plantation is tender green. The tea-picking woman carrying a bamboo basket sings mountain songs while picking tea, and the autumn tea garden and the autumn landscape of Yuanling are all sung in spring.

During the song, I looked at my phone, and the screen was full of autumn colors. (Zhang Jiahe)

Zhangjiahe|Wen Yuanling, gateway of Xiangxi
Zhangjiahe|Wen Yuanling, gateway of Xiangxi