
China's first nuclear radiation victim rushed to the hot search: Japan's nuclear sewage was discharged into the sea, and the disaster officially came

author:The wild goose said something


Recently, the discharge of nuclear sewage in Fukushima has caused widespread concern and panic around the world. This incident not only plunges us into fear that we can't focus on, but also reminds us of a man named Song Xuewen, whose story may become the fate that everyone cannot escape in the future. Before telling this story, however, let's go back in time to a morning in 1996.


In the early morning of January 5, 1996, Song Xuewen was on his way to work when he stumbled upon a metal chain on the snow, like a key chain. He asked if anyone around had lost the item, but no one responded. So, he put the chain in his pocket and prepared to find the owner later. Soon after, however, Song Xuewen began to feel dizzy, nauseous, followed by drowsiness and vomiting. By 5 or 6 p.m., he was almost collapsed and in a state of mental confusion.

China's first nuclear radiation victim rushed to the hot search: Japan's nuclear sewage was discharged into the sea, and the disaster officially came

It wasn't until a leader came to tell him that Song Xuewen learned that he had mistakenly picked up a radioactive substance iridium-192, which was lost by plant operators. Generally speaking, the amount of radiation that a normal person can withstand should be much less than 0.5Gy, however, Song Xuewen's whole body radiation was as high as 2.9Gy at that time, and the maximum absorption of his right leg was even as high as 3738Gy. Doctors eventually had to undergo amputation to save his life, and his life changed from a sunny young man to a disabled person.

China's first nuclear radiation victim rushed to the hot search: Japan's nuclear sewage was discharged into the sea, and the disaster officially came


In the fight against nuclear radiation, Song Xuewen regained hope for life. He began to look forward to Yang Guang's call every day, and a deep relationship was established between the two. They even exchanged pseudonyms, wrote letters to each other, and found that they had a lot in common. Although Song Xuewen once doubted whether he was worthy of love, Yang Guang resolutely decided to spend the rest of his life with him, and the two eventually married each other.

With Yang Guang's support, Song Xuewen wrote his experience into an autobiographical novel "Chain of Life and Death", and began to actively defend his rights, claiming compensation from the factory that lost radioactive sources in violation of the law. Although the final compensation amount was small, he still felt satisfied. Together, they opened a kindergarten and their lives gradually improved. However, when everything seemed to be on track, the sequelae of nuclear radiation struck again, and Song Xuewen suffered from various complications and finally passed away.

China's first nuclear radiation victim rushed to the hot search: Japan's nuclear sewage was discharged into the sea, and the disaster officially came


Although Song Xuewen's story is full of ups and downs, he at least found love, established a family, and even achieved career success in the process of fighting nuclear radiation. However, not everyone can be so lucky. Back in 1999, Ouchihisa, an employee at the Tokyo dye factory in Japan, experienced a period of terrifying torture after being exposed to nuclear radiation, his body was completely destroyed, and he even experienced several deaths and resurrections.

The Fukushima nuclear discharge incident stemmed from the Fukushima nuclear accident 12 years ago, and Japan's choice to discharge nuclear sewage into the ocean caused global concern and protests. The decision not only hurts fishermen in Japan, but also threatens the entire marine ecosystem. The discharge of Fukushima's nuclear wastewater has become a global crisis, and carbon-14 in contaminated water may remain in the ocean for thousands of years, with long-term effects on the earth's ecology.

China's first nuclear radiation victim rushed to the hot search: Japan's nuclear sewage was discharged into the sea, and the disaster officially came


In the face of this worldwide catastrophe, the global response has become increasingly intense. There is widespread concern about the harm of nuclear-contaminated water to the human body, and scientific studies have shown that long-term exposure to nuclear radiation can lead to large-scale outbreaks of cancer, impaired immune systems, decay of flesh, and eventually accelerated death. Many countries held demonstrations to protest Japan's actions. China announced a complete suspension of imports of Japanese seafood, and sanctions against Japan have gradually escalated.

This incident reminds us that environmental protection and ecological issues are not the private affairs of one country, but the major affairs of all mankind. We must work together to put in place regulations and conditions to prevent environmental damage and ecological catastrophe. Otherwise, each of us could fall victim to this mistake. As Liu Cixin said: "At first, no one cared about this disaster, until this disaster was closely related to everyone..."

China's first nuclear radiation victim rushed to the hot search: Japan's nuclear sewage was discharged into the sea, and the disaster officially came

In the face of this challenge, we cannot sit idly by, and we need to act to protect our land

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