
Changling County held the 2023 National Fitness Games

author:Ji Pao investigation

Golden autumn sends people refreshing, and the fragrance of dan gui is fragrant. On September 4th, the Songyuan Changling County National Fitness Games kicked off at Laifu Road Primary School in Changling County. It is understood that the National Fitness Games is the sports event with the highest specifications, the largest number of participants and the most complete competitive events held in Changling County in recent years.

Changling County held the 2023 National Fitness Games

At the opening ceremony, in the majestic athletes' march, the national flag guard, drum and bugle team and various teams entered the parade in turn with sonorous and powerful steps. In the subsequent group exercise performance, the novel form, rich content and neat and uniform movements of the team members won warm applause from the audience, fully demonstrating the spiritual outlook of the people of Lingcheng.

Changling County held the 2023 National Fitness Games

In recent years, Changling County has deeply implemented the Healthy China Strategy, and while developing rapidly and healthily economically and socially, the cultural and sports undertakings have prospered and developed and performed successively. Changling athletes won 1 gold and 2 silver at the 19th Provincial Games, the aviation flight camp achieved a wonderful start of sailing, successfully held the first automobile off-road challenge, and held a series of cultural and sports activities such as square dance competitions and volleyball competitions for government officials for many years, which further stimulated the enthusiasm of the whole people for sports.

Changling County held the 2023 National Fitness Games

"In recent years, Changling County's urban trail and fitness greenway system has been upgraded, and the township and village-level fitness network has been comprehensively built, allowing the masses to enjoy sports and life in comprehensive fitness, creating a strong atmosphere of vitality, unity and excellence in the whole society, and effectively promoting the healthy development of various undertakings in the county." Relevant responsible comrades of Changling County said.

Produced by Jilin Daily

Author: Jilin Daily all-media reporter Zhang Hongyu Wang Xuelei

Curator: Han Xuejie

Executive editor-in-chief: Yu Yue

Editor: Han Yuhong