
It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

author:When you want to dust


This is a true story strung together with ancient poems about the friendship between Bai Juyi and Yuanshu. There will no longer be such friendships in such a world, but they can be slightly emulated.

I don't create, I just listen to the voice of the world and record it.

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)


A little summary

Bai Juyi, born in 772, was a great realist poet and one of the "Three Great Poets of the Tang Dynasty" (Li Bai, Du Fu, and Bai Juyi).

Born in 779, Yuan Shu was a Tang dynasty writer and poet.

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

Bai Juyi

Bai Juyi and Yuan Shu jointly advocated the Xinlefu movement and co-created a poetic style, the Yuan Bai body. (Yuan: 元樹. White: Bai Juyi. The main characteristics of this poetic style are: the language is straightforward and easy to understand; Long-form arrangements are often used.

Some of Bai Juyi's works: "Long Hate Song", "Pipa Xing", "Selling Charcoal", "Twilight River Yin", "Giving Farewell to the Ancient Grass".

Some of Yuan Shu's works: "The Legend of Yingying" (Zhang Sheng and Cui Yingying), "Xinggong", "Chrysanthemum".

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

Yuan Tree

They come from similar origins.

They are of the same temperament.

They share the same ambition.

After they met in Chang'an, they became friends at first sight, and remained unchanged for life.

Okay, so let's start the story.

First encounter

In 802, Bai Juyi came to Chang'an to prepare for the civil service examination (the "Book Judgment Section" held by the Ministry of Officials). At this time, Bai Juyi was 30 years old, and his father, who was a five-rank official (Xuzhou Bechai), had died when he was 22 years old.

Although he was a conceited wizard, Bai Juyi felt that he should still visit the celebrities of the imperial court. (This is called "dry advice," which means showing a poem written by oneself to the powerful and asking for appreciation.) )

Guided by his father's friend, Bai Juyi went to visit the "Shu Zaro" Gu Gu. Gu Wei looked at the business card handed by Bai Juyi, shook his head and said: "Chang'an rice price is very expensive, Chang'an living is not easy, you "Juyi" is a bit exaggerated." ”

Bai Juyi smiled awkwardly and did not make a sound. Gu opened Bai Juyi's "dry advice" poetry collection, and what jumped into his eyes was "Giving Ancient Grass a Farewell":

Away from the grass on the plain, one year old and one withered. Wildfires burn endlessly, and the spring breeze blows again. Yuanfang invaded the ancient road, and the clear green connected the deserted city. He sent Wang Sun again, full of farewell.

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

The banter on Gu Chen's face gradually faded, first serious, then surprised, then excited. Said to Bai Juyi: "I was just joking just now, with a poetry like you, you will definitely be famous in the literary world in the future." Living in Chang'an is easy, very easy. Ahem..."

This Gu brother later became the pioneer of the "Yuanbai Xinlefu Movement". (Yuan: 元樹. White: Bai Juyi. )

The exam time has not yet arrived, for a top student like Bai Juyi, preparation for the exam is not a thing, so let's walk around.

Bai Ju was invited to a party of poets, and he went. Listening to everyone's praise for Teacher Li (Li Bai), Bai Juyi felt a little uninterested. In his mind, he prefers Teacher Du (Du Fu).

He felt that Teacher Li was too romantic, or Teacher Du was a little more realistic. Mr. Li's romanticism is good, but Mr. Du's realism can help him overcome the dilemma of "Chang'an Migui". He vaguely felt that poetry to write stories, novels and the like might be more popular.

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

Bai Juyi looked around boredly, and suddenly noticed a young man in the corner. This young man is quieter and dressed plainly, which makes him look a little different.

Bai Juyi walked over and said pleasantly, "What do you call brother?" ”

The young man replied, "Mr. Bai, it's nice to meet you. My name is Motoki. At that time, Bai Juyi was already famous, but Yuan Shu was still unknown.

Bai Juyi said: "What Mr. Bai, just call me Brother Bai, I should be older than you." ”

They are of good age, Bai Juyi is 7 years older than Yuanshu.

What made Bai Juyi sad was that Yuanshu's father, who was a petty official when he was eight years old, died, and his family was too poor to read, and it was his mother who personally initiated the education. Bai Juyi thought to himself: It's about the same as me, the same decline and poverty, but worse than me.

Bai Juyi sighed and said, "It's not easy." He asked, "They seem to like Teacher Li very much, Brother Yuan, what do you think?" ”

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

Du fu

Yuanshu said: "I like Teacher Du more, and Mr. Li's poems make me feel a little weak in my heart. ”

Bai Juyi secretly said in his heart: "Soulmate, soulmate." ”

At this gathering, Bai Yuan (Bai Juyi, Yuan Shu abbreviated) talked very happily with each other, and talked a lot, for a long time.

Before the exam, they met to play around (Yuanshu is also a top student, no need to prepare for the exam), chanting poetry. The relationship is getting deeper and deeper.

Later, Bai Juyi and Yuanshu both passed the civil service examination, and both were awarded the official position of "Secretary Provincial School Shulang", becoming enviable civil servants, and they were both civil servants in the imperial capital Chang'an.

As the name suggests, the so-called "school scrivener" is the person who edited the classics and collected the books. This is a nine-grade official position. However, the "Secretariat Province" is not a province, but a central agency specializing in the management of the national book collection, with its office in Chang'an.

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

Secretary Province

Chang'an, Chang'an

A Tour of the Ci'en Pagoda

Bai Juyi and Yuanshu are idle officials, and their fortunes are not high, but because of each other's company, the life of grassroots civil servants in Chang'an is still very comfortable.

In their spare time, they meet to play together and discuss knowledge. Qujiang Pond, Ci'en Pagoda, Apricot Garden, Huangzipi, Zhicheng Road and other places of great and small places have left their figures.

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

I remember that not long after they were admitted to the civil service, they went to the Ci'en Pagoda together. Seeing the inscription monument full of names (people who are civil servants in the exam like to leave their names here, such as a certain civil servant visiting here and so on), on a whim, they all left their names here: Bai Juyi, Yuan Shu.

Coming out of the Ci'en Pagoda, passing a house, white and yellow chrysanthemums blooming around the house, and the air is filled with a refreshing fragrance. Yuan Shu couldn't help but burst into poetry, exported into chapters, and chanted a poem "Chrysanthemum":

The autumn bush surrounds the house like a potter's house, and the edge of the fence is becoming more and more oblique. It is not the flower that prefers chrysanthemums, and this flower blooms even more flowerlessly.

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

After Bai Juyi listened, he shouted loudly and said: "Brother Xian, I'm not praising you, your wind bone is the same as the chrysanthemum, high and fragrant, making people intoxicated." I also echo half of the poem, which is addressed to you. After speaking, he thought for a long time, and then leisurely chanted half of the poem "Sentence":

At the inscription place under the Tower of Ci'en, the youngest of the seventeen.

Yuanshu listened, and quickly said: "Big brother is praised, praised." ”

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

B-tuple white body

The days of friends, sightseeing, poetry, and academic exchanges are really comforting. This academic exchange is at the national level, because these two are national bigwigs.

It's autumn, and there aren't many tourists by Qujiang Pond. Bai Yuan and the two sat on the bench by the pool and talked about the future of poetics. It was a conversation that changed the fate of poetry. A summary of the meeting is provided below.

Yuan Shu said: "Big brother, the novel "Yingying Biography" I wrote not long ago has really read a lot, and there are many likes, favorites, and retweets. ”

Bai Juyi said: "I also read it, it is a novel based on your first love, which is very touching. It will definitely affect future generations and become a legend. (Later, many characters in "Tales of the West Wing" were derived from "The Legend of Yingying".) )

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

Yuanshu said: "Big brother, we won't care about the future life, and we won't receive royalties from future generations." I'm talking about the present. ”

As soon as he heard about royalties or something, Bai Juyi's interest increased greatly.

Yuan Shu continued: "Look at Mr. Du's poems "Three Officials" and "Three Divisions", how many tears and praise have earned today's people, and people now like this. Teacher Du was born at an opportune time, if he was born now, he would definitely be responsible for the flow. Right? ”

Bai Juyi replied: "Yes, Mr. Du was born in troubled times, and people are struggling to survive, where can they have the energy to appreciate the deep meaning of his old man?" Now it's different, everyone is well-fed, has energy to spray, and likes to mix blindly. Yes, yes, we must needle the shortcomings of the times, do not want Mr. Li's romanticism, and want Mr. Du's realism. Not only to be realistic, but also to hit the hot spots. ”

Yuanshu then said: "Big brother, you are very right! But there is something more important, that is, many of Mr. Du's poems are story-based. I didn't think I was impressed, but since I saw the reading volume of "The Legend of Yingying", I suddenly realized that storytelling is a future of poetry. ”

Bai Juyi slapped his thigh and said, "Yes, yes, Brother Xian is so right, it's like this." Use poetry to write stories sensational, I don't believe that the gang doesn't cry. When they cry to the fullest, they must like the collection and forward it. ”

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

Yuan Shu added: "Use poetry to write stories, whether it is good or not, the key is that you can write a long time, isn't the reading time going up?" ”

Bai Juyi said: "Another point, the language must be easy to understand, so there are many people who see it." Brother Xian, I suggest that after we finish writing the poem, we read it to the old ladies first to see if they can understand it. If they can understand it, others will not be a problem, so that they can be uploaded to the public opinion network. ”

Yuanshu said: "It seems that only Lefu Shi meets the above conditions, but it needs to be changed. ”

Bai Juyi said: "Yes"

Near the end of the meeting, Yuanshu said: "Big brother, I will go back and sort out the conversation just now, and get an outline of poetry reform to show you." ”

Bai Juyi nodded and said, "Hard work brother." ”

Later, this outline of poetry reform became known as the program of the "New Rakufu Movement". Poems written under the guidance of this program are known as "meta-white bodies".

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

C "Long Hate Song"

One summer night in 806, Motoki visited. Bai Juyi just handed him the manuscript of the new poem "Long Hate Song" yesterday, and today he came to visit him.

Bai Juyi said: "Brother Xian, what do you think of the new poem of the foolish brother? ”

Yuan Shu said: "Long, long, really ** long." ”

Bai Juyi said: "Who can't see this? There are 120 sentences in total, each sentence is 7 words. ”

Yuan Shu said: "The story is very strong, describing the poignant love story between Tang Minghuang and Yang Yuhuan, which is deeply touching. ”

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

Looking at Bai Juyi's slightly disappointed expression, Yuan Shu continued: "Very easy to understand. Yesterday I asked the stupid servant in my house to read it to me, and he wiped his tears and snot as he read it, and he really understood. I think it can be uploaded to the public opinion network after the modification. ”

Bai Juyi couldn't bear it and said, "That's it? Can't you see the allegory in the poem? ”

Yuanshu said, "I was about to tell you about this." In the poem, it is okay to say that "the Han Emperor is heavy on thinking about the country", "From now on the king will not be an early dynasty", "Yuyang Shrew came agitated", "The Holy Lord dynasty is in the twilight", etc., which is okay. But this love should be beautified even more, as much as possible, so as not to offend the Holy Son of the Present Day. Make him feel like this is a hymn from a fan. ”

Bai Juyi said: "What Brother Xian said is extremely true, I will revise it today. I also learned the lesson of Teacher Du, who exposed the dark poem too bluntly, the end was very bleak, and his young son was starved to death. It is completely impossible to resist the reality of "Chang'an Migui". ”

He pondered for a long time, and then said: "But in this way, will those netizens on the Internet think that it is just a pornographic poem?" ”

Yuan Shu, the allusion to "Chang'an Migui", knew it, and he said with a smile: "Don't worry, big brother." You forgot what you said, they are well-fed. ”

In this way, "Long Hate Song" was born, which has been circulated on the Internet to this day. This is an outstanding masterpiece of "Yuan White Body".

In the same year, Bai Juyi also wrote "Selling Charcoal". It is still a "meta-white body", but the critical meaning is much more explicit than "Long Hate Song".

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

In the same year, Yuan Shu was not to be outdone, thinking that I would also be able to satirize, so he wrote "Xinggong":

The ancient palace is lonely, and the palace flowers are lonely and red. The white-headed palace maid was there, sitting idly and talking about Emperor Xuanzong.

This poem says: After Tang Xuanzong, the Tang Dynasty is not very good. Later emperors did not even go to the palace because there was no money to go out and wave.

These two brothers are so bold in the officialdom, they are still really bold.

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

D respectively

An unmotivated civil servant is not a good civil servant.

In the autumn of 806, Bai Juyi and Yuanshu took a higher-grade civil service selection examination (i.e., "Talent and Knowledge"), and both were admitted, and the rank was promoted from 9th to 8th.

In this year, Motoki's mother died. He had to resign from his official position and go home to observe filial piety for his mother for two years and three months.

Yuanshu is a little difficult, his father-in-law has already died, his official salary is low, now it is gone, how can it be good?

Yuan Shu prepared to leave Chang'an and go to Luoyang.

The night before leaving, Bai Juyi went to visit Yuanshu. The deep winter is bitterly cold, and the snow has not disappeared.

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

Bai Juyi took Yuanshu's hand, held each other tightly, and did not let go for a long time, and the two of them were teary-eyed.

Bai Juyi said: "When the virtuous brother goes to Luoyang, he must mourn. I know that your family is poor, and in the future, the foolish brother's mercy will divide you half. The epitaph of my virtuous brother's mother, let me also write it. (It costs a lot of money to find someone else to write, and you can't write it yourself.) This is called cautious and long-term. )

Yuanshu couldn't speak, just shed tears.

Bai Juyi said again: "Alas, just this time the virtuous brother left, Chang'an City will be empty, and there will be no more people who know their hearts." In the future, I will write more letters, and send me new poems. ”

Yuanshu just nodded and choked up.

Bai Juyi said again: "When you leave tomorrow morning, I won't come to see you off, but I'm afraid that you and I won't be able to shed my tears." ”

After Yuan Shu left, Bai Juyi wrote in "Beyuan Jiu Hou Yong Hua":

Scattered paulownia leaf rain, depression hibiscus wind. Leisurely early autumn, born in this secluded. In addition, there is no doubt about the deceased. Don't send each other, heart to Qingmen East. There are many acquaintances, but the questions are different. Go alone and sit in Chang'ankong.

(Yuan Jiu: Yuan Shu, he ranks ninth among his family peers.) )

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

Chang'an Kong

The brief scenery of the inspector

In 809, Ding Xuan ended, and Yuan Shu was promoted to superintendent of imperial history. Although the official rank is not high, it is only the eighth grade, but it can supervise officials at all levels and has a wide range of authority. It is equivalent to the current leader of the investigation team.

In office, Yuanshu was very competent and impeached many unjudges. Many people were offended, so much so that they were pushed out to remote areas to continue monitoring.

Bai Juyi admired Yuan Shu's behavior very much, and wrote him a poem "Gift of Fan's Works", praised:

Its heart is like a lungstone, and its movement will reach the poor. Eighty families in Dongchuan, a word of indignation.

Between Bai Yuan, the heart is connected.

One day, after Bai Juyi and his friend (Li Shiyi) finished visiting the Ci'en Temple, they were drinking in a nearby tavern, and suddenly remembered Yuanshu who went to Liangzhou, so they inscribed a poem on the wall of the tavern, "With Li Shiyi Drunken Memories of Yuan Jiu":

When flowers are drunk, drunk to break the spring worry, drunkenly fold flower branches as wine chips. Suddenly remembering the old man went to the sky, and the taxi arrived in Liangzhou today.

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

On the same day, Yuanshu, who was in Liangzhou, also wrote a poem "Liangzhou Dream":

Mengjun circled the head of the river and also traveled to the courtyard of Ci'en Yuan. The pavilion official called for people to line up the horses, and suddenly he was in Guliang Prefecture.

The poem says: I dreamed of playing with you (Bai Juyi) in Chang'an, and when I woke up, I found myself in Liangzhou.

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

In 810, Yuan Shu offended the powerful because of his position, and after being beaten, he was framed again, and finally demoted to the rank of Gangneung Prefecture Shicao to join the army. Thus began his derogatory life for more than a decade.

Bai Ju Yi Ding worried

In 811, Bai Juyi's mother died, leaving Ding Xuan and returning to Xiayi County (near Chang'an) in Guanzhong.

Life suddenly became strapped for money, and the officials were still small, and there were not many deposits in the bank, similar to the modern moonshine family.

At this time, Yuan Shu demoted the official Jiangling, personally wrote the epitaph for Bai Mu, and sent his nephew to make a special trip to pay homage on his behalf. Yuan Shu was well aware of his friend's financial constraints during Ding Xuan, and although his salary was not much, he sent money to support Bai Juyi three times, totaling more than 200,000 yuan.

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

Later, Bai Juyi wrote a poem "Send Yuan Jiu":

Have mercy on the prince as an official, and the poor and the poor are poor. Three food and clothing expenses, a profit of 200,000. (Poverty: poverty.) )

How much is 200,000? It is equivalent to Yuanshu's salary for more than half a year!

The friendship between Bai Yuan is really deep.

He is also an official

A Bai Ju is easy to degrade Jiangzhou

In 814, Bai Juyi ended Ding Ji and returned to the imperial court. Because he missed his dead mother, he wrote a poem "Village Night":

Frost grass and insects cut and cut, and the south and north of the village are extremely pedestrianized. Looking out at Noda alone, the moon is bright and buckwheat flowers are like snow.

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

In 815, Prime Minister Wu Yuanheng was killed, and Bai Juyi advocated strict arrest of the murderer, offending the powerful. Think he's overstepping his duties. Later, Bai Juyi was framed again, saying that his mother died because she fell into the well because she saw flowers, but he wrote poems such as "Flower Appreciation" and "New Well", which was harmful to famous teachings. (In fact, these poems were written by Bai Juyi before his mother's death.) In the end, Bai Juyi was demoted to Sima of Jiangzhou.

At this time, Yuan Shu was the Sima of Tongzhou, and when he heard the news that Bai Juyi was degraded, he was in a serious illness. He struggled to get up and wrote a poem "Wen Lotian Gives Jiangzhou Sima" :( Lotte: The Character of Bai Juyi. )

The residual lamp has no flame shadow, and this night I heard about Jiujiang. Dying sickness sat up in shock, and the dark wind blew rain into the cold window.

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

B Baiju Yi Jiangzhou took office

Bai Juyi left Chang'an and went to Jiangzhou. Come to the Blue Bridge Inn and browse the inscriptions on the wall by passing civil servants. (This is the same as the message board at the train station.) Suddenly found Yuanshu's poem, and couldn't help but burst into tears. That night, he wrote a poem "Blue Bridge Yimi Yuan Jiu Poem" :( Yuan Jiu: Yuan Shu. )

Blue Bridge Spring Snow Jun returns to the day, Qinling autumn wind when I go. Every time you go to the post pavilion, you first dismount and follow the wall around the pillar to find Junshi .

(Jun: Motoki. Jungui Day: refers to Yuanshu's accidental return to Chang'an in the spring, and immediately degraded Tongzhou. )

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

In fact, when Yuanshu was in Tongzhou, he had a similar experience. On the pillar of a hotel, he saw a poem by Bai Juyi, who did not know who had inscribed it. Seeing the poem like seeing people, I was excited and wrote a poem "See the Lotte Poem":

Tongzhou to Riri Pingxi, Jiangguan unmanned tiger printing mud. Suddenly to the remnants of the broken eaves, see Jun Shi in the heart of the column.

It seems that the habit of leaving words "visit here" everywhere has been around since ancient times.

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

On the way to his post, he was lonely and had difficulty sleeping. On the boat, Bai Juyi lit a lamp to read Yuanshu's poetry book at night, and Mu Ran sat until dawn. He wrote a poem "Reading Yuan Nine Poems in the Boat":

Read the Jun poem in front of the lamp, and the poem is still unclear. The eyes hurt and the lights were still sitting darkly, and the wind was blowing against the waves and hitting the boat.

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

Later, Yuan Shu read this poem by Bai Juyi and wrote a poem "Rewarding Lotte Boat Night Reading Wei Poem", the full poem is:

Zhijun secretly anchored on the bank of the West River, reading my idle poems until the light. Tongzhou has not slept tonight, and the sound of wind and rain and azaleas is full of mountains.

C Pass on the Road

Bai Yuan and the two were degrading officials outside at the same time. In addition to business, my favorite thing to do is to give the newly written poem to the post office to give to the other party, which is called the Yilu Book. Their poems also spread along the road and spread around. It's a spectacle.

There is a characteristic of Yilu Chuanshu, that is, slow, not ordinary slow, but really ** slow. This made Motoki feel devastated. If you can't understand Yuanshu's feelings, you can try to think about it: when you urgently need an important information on the Internet, but the Internet speed is too slow to open for half a day. How do you feel? After figuring out this layer, you can understand the story below.

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

One day in 816, Motoshu returned home, looking unusual and bursting into tears. The little daughter was scared to cry, thinking that something terrible had happened. The wife was shocked at first, but finally understood, and asked, "Did you receive a letter from Lotte (Baiju Yizi Lotte)?" ”

Yes, Yuanshu finally received Bai Juyi's letter. Later, he wrote a poem "The Book of Delotte":

There were tears at the beginning of the distant letter, and the wife and daughter cried and asked He Ru. Ordinary unconscious once like this, should be Jiangzhou Sima Shu.

One day in 817, Bai Juyi wrote a poem "The Night of August 20, the 12th Year of Mengwei":( Weizhi: The Character of Yuan Shu. )

In the morning, the wind is sad, and the water is broken. I don't know why I remembered it, but I dreamed of Jun three times last night.

(Jun: Motoki. )

The poem was passed to Yuan Shu through the post office, and Yuan Shu wrote a poem "Rewarding Lotte Frequent Dreams" to harmonize:

The Ten Thousand Books of Mountains and Waters are cut off, and Nian Jun has mercy on me and hears my dreams. I am overwhelmed by illness today, and I only dream of idlers and not dreams.

It seems that Yuanshu has forgotten that he cried bitterly because he received Bai Juyi's letter late.

D "Pipa Walk"

In 816, Bai Juyi was 44 years old and wrote "Pipa Xing". This is a classic of the "meta-white body", which hides the traffic password of the time.

Famous sentences include: the same is the end of the world, why should you have known each other!

Frequently quoted sentences are: Who weeps the most in the seat? Jiangzhou Sima Qing's shirt is wet.

Artistic features: storytelling.

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

This poem signifies a change in Bai Juyi's thinking: from the early stage of "reaching the rule and benefiting the world", gradually to "poor people are left alone".

As soon as this poem came out, it was forwarded along the post road, and soon swept the entire public opinion network.

Yuanshu often said proudly: "This is written by my eldest brother. ”

Common official goods

As the saying goes: people are clustered, things are grouped.

One of the reasons why Bai Yuan has such a deep friendship is that they have common official qualities. They are all people who serve as officials and benefit one side.

In order to commemorate Bai Juyi's political achievements, the name of "White Causeway" in Hangzhou is to commemorate Bai Juyi, the outstanding old mayor.

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

White Causeway

In order to commemorate Yuanshu's achievements, many places have the custom of "Yuanjiu Ascension Festival".

Write poems for the sake of the people, and be an official for the sake of the people.

Final difference

In 829, Bai Juyi was appointed official Luoyang. Yuan Shu passed by Luoyang on business, and he was reluctant to leave for a long time, and finally even delayed his official affairs.

Bai Juyi said: "Brother Xian, this can't work, the imperial court blames it and can't afford it." ”

Yuan Shucai reluctantly bid farewell to Bai Juyi, and when he was leaving, he gave two poems "Passing the East Capital Bele Lotte Two Songs, One of One":

Jun should blame me for staying for a long time, I want to say goodbye to Jun. The white-headed disciples are becoming rarer, and tomorrow I am afraid that the king will not have such joy.

"Pass the East Dondo Lotte Two Song · Part 2":

Self-knowledge came three times, this time the old beard is white. The lover does not go to the junxu meeting, and he will see each other after he knows it.

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

This was their last parting. Yuan Shu died of illness in 831, and the poem "see each other after knowing it" did not expect to become a saying.

Bai Yuan's friendship will last forever.

After Motoki's death. Bai Juyi personally wrote him an epitaph. The descendants of the Bai family offered a remuneration, about 700,000 yuan. Bai Juyi pushed but had to accept. Then donate all the money to rebuild the Xiangshan Temple. After the repair, Bai Juyi said:

I want to use this merit to hope that in the next life, I will still meet you (Yuanshu) in this land and bond with you.

In his later years, Bai Juyi called himself a Xiangshan resident.

It is said that human feelings are indifferent, the world is cold, and after seeing Bai Yuan's friendship, I am silent (historical story)

The last poem

Finally, post another poem, and it's time to end the scene after reading it.

In 840, Bai Juyi was 68 years old, and Yuan Shu had died for 8 years. Bai Juyi, who had just recovered from a serious illness, often dreamed of Yuanshu. wrote this poem "Dream Micro":

Come and dream together at night, and cry in the morning. Zhangpu was sick three times, and Xianyang was eight times old.

Jun buried the mud under the spring, and I sent the world full of snow. Ah Wei Hanlang went one after another, and the night platform was confused to learn no?

(Zhangpu: Where Bai Juyi lived.) Xianyang: Where Yuan Shu buried his bones. Ah Wei: Motoki's youngest son. Han Lang: Won-ki's son-in-law. Night Terrace: Jifu. )

Bai Juyi died six years later. He was 74 years old.

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