
Li Mingqing: Consolidate the organizational foundation and stimulate the vitality of officers

author:Xinxiang Review
Li Mingqing: Consolidate the organizational foundation and stimulate the vitality of officers
Li Mingqing: Consolidate the organizational foundation and stimulate the vitality of officers

General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China: "We must adhere to the clear orientation of grasping the grassroots level, promote the use of party building to lead grassroots governance, and build grassroots party organizations into strong fighting fortresses for effectively realizing the party's leadership." "To build grassroots party organizations into the main position for promoting the reform and transformation of public institutions, innovating and developing, and serving the masses, it is necessary to improve the organizational system, enhance organizational functions, optimize the working mechanism, continue to consolidate the foundation of grassroots organizations, and comprehensively stimulate the entrepreneurial vitality of officials."

Li Mingqing: Consolidate the organizational foundation and stimulate the vitality of officers

Improve the organizational system to ensure full coverage. Grass-roots party organizations in public institutions should, in accordance with the actual situation and development situation of unit reform, closely follow the center and focus on the overall situation, constantly adjust and optimize organizational settings, match and strengthen the contingent of grass-roots leading bodies, and ensure full coverage of grass-roots party organizations and party building work. Further standardize and innovate the party building work system and work process of public institutions, clarify the party building task list, establish a work account, improve the evaluation mechanism, further promote the implementation of the "three sessions and one lesson", democratic centralism, heart-to-heart talks and other systems, take the construction of "five modernizations" as the starting point, and continue to improve the standardization and standardization level of grassroots party branches. Coordinate grassroots party building resources, adopt methods such as joint formation and temporary formation, expand the breadth and intensity of grassroots party organizations, and build a grassroots organization system with full coverage and full coverage of all fronts in all fields.

Enhance organizational functions and cultivate hard skills. Strictly implement the responsibility of the "first responsible person" of the secretary of the grassroots party organization for party building, and continuously improve the ability of the secretary of the party branch to grasp the party building and promote development; It is necessary to put grassroots party members and cadres and technical backbone cadres in the most arduous and arduous tasks to experience and test, guide the broad masses of grassroots party members to take the lead and be the vanguard in urgent, difficult, dangerous, and arduous tasks, and give full play to the "head geese effect." Strictly implement the system of contact points for grassroots party building and the system of dual organizational life for leading cadres, and promote party-member cadres to regularly go to the front line and grassroots level, so that wherever professional work is carried out, party building work will be followed up. Pay attention to the combination of party spirit tempering and professional training, select young party affairs cadres with certain party building work experience and excellent political quality in grassroots party organizations to enrich the professional team, guide young cadres and workers not only to continuously strengthen ideological and theoretical arming, but also to cultivate strong professional skills, so as to provide a steady stream of motivation and fresh blood for career development.

Optimize the working mechanism and stimulate new vitality. Pay attention to the innovation of party building to lead the business excellence, through the implementation of model party branches, party member pacesetter posts and other demonstration projects, select advanced individuals and teams of "high-quality party building leads high-quality development", demonstrate and drive grassroots party organizations to benchmark first-class, strive for excellence, and create a characteristic party building brand that serves the transformation and development of public institutions. Explore the use of "digital party building" to empower the cohesion of grassroots party organizations and guide the optimal allocation and reorganization and regeneration of party building resources. Explore the application of digital scenarios of "doing practical things for the masses" in multiple fields to promote the solution of the urgent and difficult problems of the masses. Strictly implement evaluation, rewards and punishments, vigorously advocate the evaluation reward and punishment mechanism of "speaking with results and testing based on actual performance", and build a comprehensive evaluation system for party building work and business work. It is necessary not only to shake off the "whip" of institutional punishment, but also to raise the "banner" of institutional incentives, strengthen the use of results through quantitative assessment, supervision and rectification, force the implementation of responsibilities, comprehensively stimulate the vitality of officials who want to do, can do, and dare to do, and truly achieve high-quality party building leading the high-quality development of the cause. (Author's unit: Hunan Institute of Ecogeological Survey and Monitoring)

(From Xinxiang Review, Issue 16, 2023)

Li Mingqing: Consolidate the organizational foundation and stimulate the vitality of officers
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