
Zhang Zhijun and his party went deep into Dongyuan Township, Dongxiang County, to investigate and guide the work of rural construction

author:Dongxiang released

On the afternoon of July 29, Zhang Zhijun, deputy secretary of the prefecture party committee, Zhang Zhuo, member of the party group of the state government and director of the state rural revitalization bureau, and his party went to Linjia Village in Dongyuan Township to investigate and guide the rural construction work.

In Linjia Village, Zhang Zhijun and his party walked along the laneway of the village community and watched in detail the progress of key rural construction work such as environmental sanitation improvement, village style transformation, natural gas households, and dry toilet transformation.

Zhang Zhijun and his party went deep into Dongyuan Township, Dongxiang County, to investigate and guide the work of rural construction

Zhang Zhijun affirmed the rural construction work in Linjia Village and put forward specific requirements for doing a good job in the next step. He stressed that the implementation of rural construction actions is a powerful starting point for promoting the strategy of rural revitalization, and relevant departments should deeply study and study the "Implementation Plan for Rural Construction Demonstration Actions" issued by the province, compare the creation standards, adhere to planning and guidance, scientifically and rationally formulate construction plans, rationally arrange arrangements, and accelerate rural construction actions with higher standards, greater intensity and more practical measures. It is necessary to plan and implement projects such as rural roads, high-standard farmland, power guarantees, natural gas into villages and households, sewage and garbage treatment, and network services, so as to ensure that after the completion of the project, it can benefit one party and the masses, and give full play to the greatest benefits. It is necessary to continue to carry out the work of rural environmental sanitation and rectification in depth, increase the intensity of demolition of broken walls and dilapidated houses, do a good job in the transformation of style and beautification and lighting, improve the long-term mechanism for rural environmental sanitation and rectification, and ensure that the rural living environment is continuously consolidated and improved. It is necessary to thoroughly and meticulously do a good job in household inspection and registration, policy publicity, and other work, fully respect the opinions of the masses, mobilize the participation of the masses, actively respond to the concerns of the masses, strictly control policies and procedures, earnestly do a good job, and constantly enhance the people's sense of gain and happiness. It is necessary to attach great importance to safe production work, strictly implement the responsibility of territorial management, departmental supervision and enterprise responsibility, and the departments of emergency response, housing construction, transportation, industry and information technology should sink to the construction site and the production line, inspect and rectify potential safety hazards in various fields, and curb accidents from the source. It is necessary to promote the construction of beautiful villages as a battlefield for testing the ability of cadres and tempering the work style of cadres, increase the intensity of supervision and inspection of project quality and construction safety, focus on rectifying problems such as chaotic management of construction sites, lack of supervision, and non-implementation of safety protection measures for construction personnel, and build every project into a high-quality project, a safety project, and a reassuring project.

Ma Xiulan, member of the Standing Committee of the Prefecture Party Committee and secretary of the county party committee, and Ma Weimao, deputy county governor, accompanied the investigation.


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