
The most real life of contemporary young people is hidden in the "fireworks" of Pinx!

author:Brave Dana 1F9w

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Today, the motto of young people's lives seems to be "save necessary, luxury has moderation". In this era full of temptation, there are a variety of products and different prices, and Pinduoduo seems to have become an indispensable shopping paradise for young people, and all kinds of benefits are in front of them, attracting more and more consumers, making them become "old customers" with a high rate of return.

When it comes to the hot topic of "wool", it is more fun to enjoy it alone or share it with everyone than to enjoy it alone.

The most real life of contemporary young people is hidden in the "fireworks" of Pinx!

Now, let's demystify Pinduoduo and share with you some unknown money-saving tips.

First of all, it needs to be clear: this article aims to share experience, not advertising, nor advertising for Pinduoduo. At the same time, some of Pinduoduo's questions also displeased me, and I was in the same mood as everyone. However, as long as the method is right, you can really reap some tangible benefits on Pinduoduo.

If you like it concise and clear, you can slide directly to the end of the article.

On the topic of playing Pinduoduo, I specially selected 11 selected good stores, including home textiles, soft decoration, storage and other categories, interested friends can taste later.

The most real life of contemporary young people is hidden in the "fireworks" of Pinx!

First, let's reveal a few tips for storing that will make it easy to find great value stores.

First of all, those small items with inherently affordable prices are the perfect shopping objects of Pinduoduo. Because almost all Pinduoduo goods are shipped for free, this is difficult to do on 1688 and Taobao; In addition, most Pinduoduo stores provide return shipping, and even support users to return for 7 days without reason, which even exceeds the after-sales service of 1688, which has been criticized.

For choosing stores, I recommend choosing stores that only sell one category, because it is easier to find reliable source supplies; Those shops that deal in all kinds of trivial goods may be second-class sellers.

The most real life of contemporary young people is hidden in the "fireworks" of Pinx!

Next, review your store's data. Stores with a rating below 4 stars can be ignored; The more repeat customers, the more guaranteed the quality. At the same time, you can judge the quality of the product by the detailed pictures posted by the buyer, just like on Taobao.

In addition, the brand's officially certified stores can often ensure the authenticity of the goods, because in order to obtain the status of a certified flagship store in Pinduoduo, merchants need to submit the same information as Tmall. If the information is incomplete or problematic, it will not pass the review.

However, the existence of counterfeit and inferior products on Pinduoduo cannot be ignored. This reminds us that things that are overpriced, regardless of the platform, are not worth buying.

The most real life of contemporary young people is hidden in the "fireworks" of Pinx!

For controversial large appliances and digital products, it is best to be cautious and not blindly try.

Perhaps many people will wonder if furniture and building materials can be bought on Pinduoduo. I would suggest that it is better not to try. Because in the furniture and building materials category on Pinduoduo, there are relatively few flagship stores of large brands, most of which are niche brands, and quality is difficult to guarantee.

To sum up, as long as you follow the above private collection skills, you can basically easily choose a cost-effective store in Pinduoduo.

In Pinduoduo, small household appliances of big brands are one of the most suitable products to buy and the easiest to get wool. For example, the same product is priced at 399 yuan after the Tmall flagship store coupon; In the flagship store of Pinduoduo, on the basis of the Double 12 activity price, plus a 100 yuan store coupon, the final price is only 269 yuan!

The most real life of contemporary young people is hidden in the "fireworks" of Pinx!

The magnitude of the offer is irresistible.

It is also important to emphasize that it is important to buy in an officially certified store to ensure the authenticity and quality of the product.

At present, Pinduoduo has many flagship stores of home appliance brands, such as Moke, Siemens, Jiuyang, Oaks, Chigo, Yamamoto, Subor, Midea, Meiling, Little Bear, Galanz, etc. By comparing these brands, you will find that many goods are significantly lower than Tmall because of the platform's huge subsidies. In addition, each store also provides independent coupons, which can be used without making up a single order, and the price advantage is obvious.

Then, we focused on the field of homewares and found some big-name bedding, and the price gap was staggering.

The most real life of contemporary young people is hidden in the "fireworks" of Pinx!

For example, a "warm" weighing 4 and a half pounds

The "duvet", with a specification of 2m×2.3m, is priced at 1368 yuan after Pinduoduo's tens of billions of subsidies, and the price of the Tmall flagship store is as high as 2129 yuan, and the difference between the two is as high as more than 700 yuan! This gap makes people sigh at the benefits of Pinduoduo.

The same price advantage appears in the goods of other brands. For example, in the flagship stores of the "Jiuyang" brand on Tmall and Pinduoduo, the price difference of most of the same products is about 30-60 yuan.

In the field of home textiles, well-known brands such as "Fuana", "Mercury Home Textiles", "Mengjie" and "NetEase Yanxuan", there are also many preferential products in the Pinduoduo 10 billion subsidy activities, such as seasonal goose down quilts, down pillows, etc., the price is quite attractive.

The most real life of contemporary young people is hidden in the "fireworks" of Pinx!

Of course, shopping is not limited to bedding and home appliances, but also the soft decoration field. For example, in Pinduoduo shopping, hanging pictures are regarded by many as an element of free creativity, especially on Pinduoduo, and the price is relatively affordable. Although it may be difficult to find hanging pictures on Pinduoduo that are similar to Taobao's price, the gap will not be too big.

Wooden pallets, acrylic storage, iron home accessories and other categories of goods also enjoy relatively low prices on Pinduoduo, and the quality is also good. For example, wooden pallets, vases, table mats and other goods have an average price of between 5-20 yuan, which is more affordable than Taobao.

Of course, there is no lack of controversy in Pinduoduo's "chopping a knife" and "big red envelope" activities.

The most real life of contemporary young people is hidden in the "fireworks" of Pinx!

However, as an ordinary consumer, as long as the goal of shopping is clear in his heart to save money and not be confused by the temptation of price, he will not become a "leek" for Pinduoduo.

Before concluding, I want to emphasize once again that the experiences and tips we share are not designed to encourage shopping, let alone advertise a platform. I hope that while enjoying shopping, you can also remain rational and not be fooled by too cheap prices.

Finally, if you want to know more, I've also prepared some additional perks for you, including a list of quality stores on 1688 and Pinxi, as well as some money-saving search terms to help you choose wisely when shopping.

The most real life of contemporary young people is hidden in the "fireworks" of Pinx!

Don't forget to give us a thumbs up!

To sum up, today's young people can really enjoy a lot of benefits on Pinduoduo, through wise choices and some shopping skills, they can not only find cost-effective goods, but also easily save a considerable expense. This is the life philosophy of "the province, the flower" pursued by contemporary young people, so that every shopping is worth the money.

Once again, I declare that the article I created is only the first time in today's headline creation, without authorization, it is strictly forbidden to reprint or plagiarize on other platforms, and violators will be prosecuted by copyright. Thank you for reading and following, take the hard work, and look forward to sharing more valuable content with you.

The most real life of contemporary young people is hidden in the "fireworks" of Pinx!

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