
Qi is full of yang, weak qi is yang weak, and the solidity of the essence lies entirely in the strength of yang

author:Wang Feng, the heir of the imperial physician of the court

Recently, many young male friends have asked me why my body is still very weak after quitting for so long, although I feel a lot better, mental state, mental outlook, but some functional problems still have not improved. Because of such problems, I am very anxious every day, sometimes even sad can not sleep, want to adjust but afraid of the wrong detour, if not to recuperate, the disease will not be good, immediately face the problem of marriage and childbirth, I can't afford to wait.

Qi is full of yang, weak qi is yang weak, and the solidity of the essence lies entirely in the strength of yang

For a healthy male friend, the state of his body is a state of vigorous yang and a fiery life. Our people's state of existence is a fire continuous burning, the energy required for combustion is yang, there is yang fire can be sustained, so the quality of life of normal people will be improved, full of energy every day, strong memory, good sleep quality, well-proportioned body, not often sick, the same intercourse will also improve the quality, there will be no defection too fast.

On the contrary, when some young friends hurt the essence for various reasons, it will lead to a weakness of yang, less energy, the fire of life will become weak, although it will not be extinguished, but it will be a state of gluttony, can only make you live without quality, but there is no quality of life at all, easy to get tired every day, old face, dull eyes, memory decline, easy to forget, drink some water and want to go to the toilet, stool is not formed for many years, the critical time is either looking at the door or giving up halfway, or directly unable to be powerless. All in all, this bit of Yang Qi, this bit of fire of life, can only keep you alive, but it will not make you live wonderfully. Therefore, if you want to change this situation, you must greatly replenish the yang qi and start the fire of the door.

Qi is full of yang, weak qi is yang weak, and the solidity of the essence lies entirely in the strength of yang

Case study: Mr. Wei, Chinese New Year's Eve six years old, suffered sperm injuries due to some unspeakable reasons, and his body is very weak, and he has not started a family so far. In his own words, even if he insists on it for three or five minutes, he has the courage to face his life, but he can't stick to it before it starts and ends early, and Seiguan always feels fixed. Symptoms: depressed personality, more thought, especially easy to fall into an inexplicable sadness, physical sleepiness and fatigue, less breath and lazy speech, always thinking of lying flat and resting, in winter is particularly afraid of cold, cold hands and feet without temperature at all, spleen and stomach are very sensitive, eat a little greasy immediately soothe the stomach, get up many times.

It is seen that the tongue is light, the tongue body is thin and small, and the base of the tongue is sunken. The comprehensive dialectic is that the yang qi is deficient and the life gate is decaying. Cure with a large tonic yang qi, accompanied by fire. Astragalus, white art, codonopsis, dodder seed, yam, yam, poria, zeppelin, danpi can be used. Tell them to eat as few meals as possible and insist on being pure in their hearts. After a period of time, I feel energetic, my stool is formed, and I continue to fill in the lean pith with skill, and after a period of time, the yang is strong and the symptoms are full of fire, and the symptoms can also be reduced and restored.

Qi is full of yang, weak qi is yang weak, and the solidity of the essence lies entirely in the strength of yang

Yang Qi this thing can not be seen and touched, but it is a real existence, Yang Qi is actually a person's feelings, a person is full of red light, Yang Qi is full, a person's face is dull, Yang Qi is weak. What we have to do is to delay this aging, usually have good living habits, do not do too much of a thing, give the body time to recover, after all, everyone will have the ability to recover themselves.