
65-year-old Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo was rumored to be cured without medicine, dermatologists: self-healing is unlikely

author:Dr. Health Coptin
65-year-old Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo was rumored to be cured without medicine, dermatologists: self-healing is unlikely

The mystery of Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo

Feng Xiaogang, the Chinese mainland famous director, screenwriter and actor, has extremely high popularity and influence in both the film industry and the variety show industry. His works are unique in style, humorous, and deeply socially critical and humanistic. His personal life is also very happy, and he has a sweet relationship with his wife Xu Fan.

65-year-old Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo was rumored to be cured without medicine, dermatologists: self-healing is unlikely

However, such a successful and happy person has a problem that has bothered him for many years - vitiligo. It is reported that Feng Xiaogang began to have symptoms of vitiligo in 2006, at first only the neck and left hand were slightly white, and then the symptoms gradually became serious.

He once admitted in an interview that because the treatment of vitiligo requires smoking cessation and alcohol, there are many taboos, he felt that "then I don't have to go over, in order to cure this face, it is not worth giving up so much." So he chose to give up the treatment and let the white patches spread.

But in the recent video of Feng Xiaogang's interview, as well as the video and pictures of his participation in the ceremony, his face has no symptoms of vitiligo, and his skin looks very good. This surprised and curious many netizens: Is Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo really cured? How did he do it? Is it natural self-healing? Or is there some secret recipe?

65-year-old Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo was rumored to be cured without medicine, dermatologists: self-healing is unlikely

Feng Xiaogang's acquaintance with vitiligo

Feng Xiaogang's acquaintance with vitiligo dates back to 2006. At that time, he was filming "Rally", a war comedy set in the Anti-Japanese War. During the shoot, he often had to be exposed to the sun outdoors and also applied a lot of foundation when applying makeup. These factors may have caused some damage to his skin.

One day, he noticed a patch of white on his neck. At first he didn't care, thinking it was just sunburn or skin allergies. But it wasn't long before he noticed a similar spot on his left hand. That's when he realized what disease he might have.

So he went to the hospital for examination, and the result was diagnosed with vitiligo. The doctor told him that vitiligo is a chronic skin disease with white spots due to the lack of melanin in the skin, which may be related to genetic, immune, endocrine, psychiatric and other factors. At present, there is no radical cure, and the condition can only be controlled or improved by drugs, phototherapy, surgery, etc.

65-year-old Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo was rumored to be cured without medicine, dermatologists: self-healing is unlikely

Feng Xiaogang's fight against vitiligo

Feng Xiaogang listened to the doctor's words and felt very uncomfortable. He feels that his face is his everything, his own logo, his own pride. He doesn't want his face to turn into a zebra face, be looked down upon by others, and make himself lose his confidence. He decided to fight vitiligo and try his best to cure the disease.

So he began a long and arduous process of treatment. He tried a variety of methods, from traditional Chinese medicine to Western medicine, from medicine to phototherapy, from acupuncture to home remedies. He spent a lot of time and money and endured a lot of pain and side effects.

But the effect is not satisfactory, the white spots not only do not disappear, but more and more, bigger and bigger. His face, hands, arms, and legs were covered with white spots, and even his hair, eyebrows, and beard turned white.

65-year-old Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo was rumored to be cured without medicine, dermatologists: self-healing is unlikely

Feng Xiaogang felt frustrated and desperate. He felt like a monster, afraid to see people, not daring to film, not daring to be on the show. He even thought about giving up his career and life. He lost confidence and interest in treatment. He felt that he had no cure.

Feng Xiaogang's acceptance with vitiligo

Just when Feng Xiaogang fell into a trough, he received the support and encouragement of his wife Xu Fan and friends. Xu Fan not only helped Feng Xiaogang in his career, but also carefully took care of Feng Xiaogang who suffered from vitiligo. She told Feng Xiaogang that she didn't care about his appearance, she only cared about his heart.

She said that she loved Feng Xiaogang, not Feng Xiaogang's face. She said that she would always accompany Feng Xiaogang, no matter what difficulties and setbacks he encountered. Feng Xiaogang's friends also gave him a lot of comfort and advice. They say that Feng Xiaogang is a talented, charismatic and personality person, and his value is not determined by his skin, but by his works and character.

65-year-old Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo was rumored to be cured without medicine, dermatologists: self-healing is unlikely

They persuaded Feng Xiaogang that you should continue to do what you like to do, continue to make good movies, and continue to bring joy and inspiration to the audience. You should be brave with your problems instead of running away and hiding.

Under the influence of his wife and friends, Feng Xiaogang gradually changed his attitude towards vitiligo. He began to accept that he had the disease, rather than resisting and denying it. He decided to rediscover his confidence and optimism instead of indulging in self-pity and pessimism. He began to refocus on his career and life instead of giving up and running away.

Feng Xiaogang said that he now does not care what others think of him, he only cares about his own opinion. He said he no longer sees vitiligo as a disease and a burden, but as a feature and a challenge.

65-year-old Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo was rumored to be cured without medicine, dermatologists: self-healing is unlikely

The mystery of Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo

So, how is Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo good? Is it really cured without medicine? Or is there some secret weapon?

In fact, Feng Xiaogang did not completely cure vitiligo, but only temporarily controlled the condition, and covered up white spots through makeup and retouching. We interviewed a dermatologist who told us that vitiligo is a chronic disease that is difficult to cure and that there is currently no way to completely return melanocytes to normal.

Even if drugs, phototherapy, surgery and other methods are used, it can only improve the skin color to a certain extent, and there is no guarantee that it will not recur or spread. The doctor also said that vitiligo has a certain possibility of self-healing, but it is very low. Only a small number of patients experience partial or complete melanin recovery, but this phenomenon is often unstable and unpredictable.

65-year-old Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo was rumored to be cured without medicine, dermatologists: self-healing is unlikely

The doctor said that if Feng Xiaogang really did not use any treatment, then the possibility of his facial white spots disappearing was very small. Doctors believe that Feng Xiaogang most likely used the following methods to control or mask his white spots:

Use of topical drugs: Some topical drugs can promote the activation or transplantation of melanocytes, which makes the skin darker.

Use cosmetics: Some cosmetics cover or adjust the color of the skin so that the skin looks even. Such as foundation, concealer, sunscreen, etc.

Use retouching software: Some retouching software can modify or beautify the skin color in photos or videos to make the skin look perfect.

65-year-old Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo was rumored to be cured without medicine, dermatologists: self-healing is unlikely

The doctor said that although these methods can temporarily improve Feng Xiaogang's appearance, they cannot fundamentally solve the problem of vitiligo. He suggested that Feng Xiaogang should continue to receive professional treatment while maintaining good living habits and psychological state to reduce the impact of vitiligo on him.

So, what exactly is vitiligo? How can it be treated and prevented?

Definition and classification of vitiligo

Vitiligo is a chronic skin disease in which white patches appear due to a lack of melanin in the skin. Melanin is a substance that provides color to the skin, hair, eyes, and other areas, and is produced by a type of cell called melanocytes.

65-year-old Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo was rumored to be cured without medicine, dermatologists: self-healing is unlikely

When melanocytes are damaged or reduced, it causes abnormal production or distribution of melanin, resulting in white spots of different sizes, shapes, and locations. Depending on the range and cause of leukoplakia, vitiligo can be divided into the following types:

Localized: refers to the appearance of white spots on only one or a few parts, such as fingers, cheeks, knees, etc. This type may be related to local trauma, infection, immunity, etc.

Extensive type: refers to the appearance of white patches on multiple parts or the whole body, such as arms, legs, chest, etc. This type may be related to genetic, endocrine, psychiatric and other factors throughout the body.

Segmented type: refers to the appearance of white patches along the distribution of ganglia, such as facial trigeminal ganglia, trunk spinal ganglia, etc. This type may be associated with damage or dysfunction of the nervous system.

65-year-old Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo was rumored to be cured without medicine, dermatologists: self-healing is unlikely

Mixed type: refers to the characteristics of the above types at the same time, such as limited type plus broad type, or extensive plus section type. This type may be related to a combination of factors.

Diagnosis and treatment of vitiligo

The diagnosis of vitiligo is mainly based on clinical examination and observation by a dermatologist. The doctor will ask about the patient's medical history, family history, eating habits, psychological state, etc., to rule out other diseases that may cause white spots, such as ichthyosis, psoriasis, scleroderma, etc.

Doctors also use a special light called a Wood lamp to examine the patient's skin. Wood's lamp can emit ultraviolet rays that fluoresce or brighten areas lacking melanin, giving a clearer picture of the extent and extent of white spots.

65-year-old Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo was rumored to be cured without medicine, dermatologists: self-healing is unlikely

At present, there is no radical cure for vitiligo, and the condition can only be controlled or improved by drugs, phototherapy, surgery, etc. Different treatments have different ranges and effects of adaptation, as well as different side effects and risks.

Therefore, when choosing a treatment method, patients should listen to the doctor's advice, weigh the pros and cons, and make a reasonable decision according to their own specific situation. Here are some common treatments:

Drug treatment: drug treatment is mainly divided into external drugs and internal drugs. Topical drugs refer to drugs that are applied to the skin and can promote the activation or transplantation of melanocytes, which darkens the color. Oral drugs refer to oral or injectable drugs, such as immunosuppressants, growth hormone, etc. These drugs can increase the number or function of melanocytes, which darkens the skin.

65-year-old Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo was rumored to be cured without medicine, dermatologists: self-healing is unlikely

Drug therapy is usually suitable for patients with less or smaller white patches, the effect varies from person to person, requires long-term adherence, and may cause some adverse effects, such as skin irritation, pigmentation, endocrine disorders, etc.

Phototherapy: Phototherapy refers to the use of light of a specific wavelength and intensity to stimulate melanocytes, which darkens the skin. Phototherapy is mainly divided into two types: ultraviolet phototherapy and excimer laser phototherapy. Ultraviolet phototherapy refers to the use of ultraviolet A (UVA) or ultraviolet B (UVB) to irradiate the leukoplakia, usually with some sensitizers.

65-year-old Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo was rumored to be cured without medicine, dermatologists: self-healing is unlikely

Surgical treatment: Surgical treatment refers to the transplantation of normal melanocytes or skin tissue to replace the defect in the white spot area, so that the skin color is restored. Surgical treatment is mainly divided into two types: autologous transplantation and allogeneic transplantation.

65-year-old Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo was rumored to be cured without medicine, dermatologists: self-healing is unlikely

Prevention and care of vitiligo

The prevention and care of vitiligo is mainly to reduce the occurrence or spread of white patches, as well as to protect the health and beauty of the skin. Here are some common prevention and care measures:

Avoid trauma and irritation: Trauma and irritation may cause damage or decrease in melanocytes, which can induce or worsen leukoplakia. Therefore, avoid skin damage such as cuts, scalds, frostbite, friction, squeezing, etc., as well as use of allergic or irritating cosmetics, cleansers, hair dyes and other irritation to the skin.

Avoid excessive sun exposure: Excessive sun exposure may cause the activity of melanocytes to decrease or die, which can induce or aggravate white spots. Therefore, avoid going out for a long time when the sun is strong, try to wear well-covered clothes, hats, glasses, etc., and use sunscreen and other sun protection measures.

65-year-old Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo was rumored to be cured without medicine, dermatologists: self-healing is unlikely

Regulate diet and life: Diet and life may affect the number or function of melanocytes, which can induce or aggravate leukoplakia. Therefore, we should pay attention to a balanced and nutritious diet, and eat more foods rich in vitamin B12, folic acid, copper and other foods that are conducive to melanin synthesis, such as animal liver, lean meat, eggs, dairy products, green leafy vegetables, etc.

Eat less foods that contain aniline or other harmful substances, such as citrus fruits, soy sauce, coffee, tea, etc. At the same time, we should pay attention to maintaining a regular work and rest and a good psychological state, and avoid the adverse effects on the body and psychology such as overwork, stress, and mood swings.

Enhance self-confidence and optimism: Self-confidence and optimism may affect the vitality or secretion of melanocytes, which can improve or stabilize white spots. Therefore, face your problems positively, do not feel inferior or self-pitying; Participate in social activities more, do not be withdrawn or autistic; Focus more on your strengths and strengths, and don't just see your weaknesses and weaknesses.

65-year-old Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo was rumored to be cured without medicine, dermatologists: self-healing is unlikely


So, what do you think about Feng Xiaogang and vitiligo? You are welcome to leave a message in the comment area to tell us! Let's cheer for Feng Xiaogang and all vitiligo patients together!

65-year-old Feng Xiaogang's vitiligo was rumored to be cured without medicine, dermatologists: self-healing is unlikely

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