
The employer left the child to the nanny and went on a trip, a pair of PhDs gave birth, and the Doctor brought it himself

author:Aunt Wang is in Shanghai

When I went to work at my employer's house in the morning, I saw Sister Chen sitting on the sofa feeding the child milk powder, I walked over to say hello to Sister Chen, and asked by the way: "Sister Chen, have you eaten?" Sister Chen said, "No, I didn't eat last night." "Ah! I didn't eat last night, why? Sister Chen said: "The child can't leave people, I leave for a while, she will cry." I quickly walked over and said to Sister Chen: "I'll help bring the child, you go to eat!" ”

The employer left the child to the nanny and went on a trip, a pair of PhDs gave birth, and the Doctor brought it himself

Sister Chen said: "Okay, thank you!" Then she handed the baby to me, and I asked her if she wanted to continue giving powder, and she said no. I took the child and held it, and Sister Chen went to the kitchen to get food.

I've held a child, and it's strange, in years, I haven't held a child this small, and I'm holding the child's head carefully, holding the child in both hands. And then I interacted with the child, and the child looked at me with wide eyes, maybe she was looking for her mother.

The mother has not left since giving birth to her, and this time she suddenly left, it has been two days, and the child may miss her mother. Her parents are now driving outside, leaving her alone with Grandma Chen.

I held the baby, the child suddenly hiccuped, it turned out that the child did not burp after eating the formula, I carefully held the child well, and then gently patted her back, patting the child to stop hiccuping.

The employer left the child to the nanny and went on a trip, a pair of PhDs gave birth, and the Doctor brought it himself

Sister Chen cooked a bowl of noodles and ate it, and she asked me if I had eaten it and if I wanted to eat it together, and I said that I had already eaten it. I asked Sister Chen what to eat for lunch? Sister Chen said that she didn't know what to eat yet, and she didn't have time to make it. I volunteered, "Let me cook for you!" Do a little more at noon, bring it to eat, and be sure to eat three meals a day. Sister Chen said very happily: "Okay, then trouble you, you still have a piece of beef, you can help me burn a carrot with beef, and then fry a bean seedling, you can do it." ”

I said, "Okay, if the beef might not be cooked before I leave work, then you can turn off the heat yourself, okay?" Sister Chen said, "Yes." ”

When Sister Chen has eaten breakfast, she comes to take the child, I go to do housework, I first soak the child's clothes in a basin, and then start washing the dishes, although only Sister Chen eats at home alone, but yesterday's, plus today's, there are also many pots and bowls to wash. After I washed the dishes, I went to clean up, I am going to clean up and cook later, after all, Sister Chen just had breakfast, let's make lunch later!

When I was cleaning the living room, Sister Chen said to me: "I'm at home alone, this land is not very dirty, you don't have to mop the floor today." I said to her, "Okay, I'll simply clean it, and when it's done, I'll go cook." ”

Although Sister Chen is at home alone and the home is not dirty, my routine hygiene still has to be cleaned, because their home has a camera, and the employer is always watching our every move on the camera. At the very least, take a mop and make a look.

I just dragged the floor under the camera, the master bedroom and the guest bedroom will not be dragged, because these two rooms mopped the floor yesterday, today no one will not drag, the baby room is still cleaned well, after all, the two of them live in it, it is still a little dirty, the main bathroom I did not clean, because yesterday has been cleaned, no one has used it today, the guest bathroom is still cleaned well.

All the hygiene was done and then went to cook. Sister Chen had already taken out the beef, and told me that the piece of beef had been blanched, and I directly cut the beef into small pieces and then braised it. Then I took four carrots out of the refrigerator, peeled them, cut them into hob pieces, and cooked them with the beef.

The employer left the child to the nanny and went on a trip, a pair of PhDs gave birth, and the Doctor brought it himself

The beef is roasted there, then a new pot is taken, a bean seedling is fried, and after the bean seedlings are fried, the rice is cooked. All of this was done, and it was exactly 11:30. I went to the living room to say hello to Sister Chen, and told him that she must remember to turn off the fire, and Sister Chen came to the kitchen to take a look, and then said, "Thank you!" ”

When I was changing my shoes at the door, I heard Sister Chen video chatting with others, and I heard Sister Chen say: "Sister Wang has already cooked for me, and I have food to eat today." ”

Sister Chen may be chatting with her husband! Or chat with her son and daughter, Sister Chen has two daughters and a son, both of whom are 55 years old, and are still working as live-in nannies in Shanghai, and sometimes they can't even eat, it's really not easy!

Contrary to the young employer's family, the parents of the twins are too attentive to their children, and they are very busy with work, but after the children return from the grandmother's house these days, the couple take turns to take leave and take the children at home, yesterday it was the father with the child, today it is the mother with the child.

When I arrived at their house, the door of their house was closed, the gentleman's slippers were at the entrance of the door, and the young lady's slippers were not there, and I knew that the young lady was at home today.

I went directly to the kitchen to cook, first look at the little white white, the small whiteboard said: fat beef roll fried onion, shrimp fried winter melon, whitebait scrambled eggs.

These three dishes are very simple, I first chop the fat beef roll, marinate it with light soy sauce, white pepper, white sugar, green onion, and ginger, then make the other two dishes first, and then make the fat beef roll and stir-fry the onion after the other two dishes are done.

When I was stir-frying, they were already awake, and the young lady came to the kitchen to cut fruit for the children, and while cutting the fruit, she chatted with me, she asked my employer if she gave birth to a boy or a girl, I said that she had a daughter, she said that her sister gave birth to a son, and the two children were only one month apart.

The difference is that my employer gave the child to the nanny and went out to play by herself, and her sister's family did not hire a nanny and always took the child by herself.

Her sister's family is actually in good condition, her sister and brother-in-law are both graduates of prestigious schools, one is Tsinghua University, the other is Shanghai Fudan University, both of them are doctors, give birth to a child and bring it themselves, do not ask for a nanny, and did not go to the confinement center.

The employer left the child to the nanny and went on a trip, a pair of PhDs gave birth, and the Doctor brought it himself

My employer's family went to the confinement center in the first month, hired a nanny in the second month, and drove to Qinghai by myself. It seems that people are still different from person to person, and everyone's ideas are different.

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