
I went to the home of my two sons to retire, they were both playing each other's balls, and they had no choice but to make a move and immediately came to pick me up

author:The old fisherman lives


In this world, if children have difficulties, then parents will almost always come to help, even if they are unwilling, but they are still very honest in action.

But if parents are in difficulty, their children may not be able to help, and some people are too late to even dodge.

71-year-old Uncle Liu, in his later years, wants to go to the home of his two sons to retire, but the two sons are shirking each other's responsibilities, and no one wants to take responsibility.

Treat Uncle Liu, the two kick back and forth like football.

These behaviors made Uncle Liu very angry, and in desperation, out of revenge, Uncle Liu had to make a move that both sons regretted.

And when Uncle Liu also began to trick the two sons, the two sons suddenly realized and immediately rushed over to pick up Uncle Liu.

I went to the home of my two sons to retire, they were both playing each other's balls, and they had no choice but to make a move and immediately came to pick me up

From Uncle Liu's narration

Once upon a time, I heard a story about a monk carrying water to drink.

It is about a monk carrying water to drink, two monks carrying water to drink, and three monks having no water to drink. The more people, the more people are lazy, and in the end things can't be done.

This is the same when children fulfill their filial piety to their parents.

In the past, I thought that with two sons in the family, if they both had filial piety, my old age would be quite good.

But I didn't think about it, and later I found that families with more children are more unfilial, and those only children are doubly good to their parents.

And my two sons, that's it.

I have two sons, and I'm in my 40s this year.

Frankly speaking, in the past, my wife and I treated our two sons as benevolent and righteous, and we spoiled them since we were young, hurt them, and did not let them suffer a little and suffer a little.

So the two children have been white and clean since they were young, and they are tall and big.

I went to the home of my two sons to retire, they were both playing each other's balls, and they had no choice but to make a move and immediately came to pick me up

It's just that what makes my wife and I often feel sad is that the two sons seem to be very indifferent, never caring about themselves, and rarely caring about our second elder.

Let's just say that the two sons had something to do after they went to college, in their time, there were not many opportunities to go to college.

My two sons were able to go to college, or our family was a little lucky, I built a building with a total of seven floors, and I could collect a lot of money every month just by collecting rent.

In addition, my wife and I sell vegetables in one vegetable market on weekdays, and the other will go out to help others decorate, so that we can earn some money for our two sons, otherwise they would have gone to work early.

But since the two sons went to college, it has been difficult to return home almost once a year, and every time they call the landline at home, they have never just asked for money, and the rest has nothing else.

After coming out to work, they had no conscience, in addition to having no conscience, the two brothers often compared each other and asked for things from us.

When the eldest married his daughter-in-law, we gave 80,000 bride price, but the eldest daughter-in-law's family said that it was not enough to have a bride price, and after marriage, we could not live together as a large family, and we had to separate.

In this way, my wife and I have to buy a house for our eldest son, otherwise my son and daughter-in-law will have opinions.

But two years later, the second eldest is also going to marry his daughter-in-law, and this time the other party wants more, and he needs 150,000 bride price before he is willing to get married.

I went to the home of my two sons to retire, they were both playing each other's balls, and they had no choice but to make a move and immediately came to pick me up

After getting married, the second eldest often feels unbalanced in his heart, thinking that we bought a house for the eldest but did not buy it for him, which is a manifestation of eccentricity.

I can only helplessly tell the second brother, you don't know the situation at home, I bought a house for your brother two years ago, and there is no money at all.

However, the second elder obviously understood this truth, but he couldn't accept this reality, and in the end, helplessly, my wife and I could only make up a car for them.

But in this way, the eldest daughter-in-law also often has opinions, thinking that the same daughter-in-law gave her family only 80,000 yuan, but gave the second daughter-in-law's family 150,000 yuan, and bought them a car.

For these topics, at first I will explain to them, saying that parents are the same for both children, you have a house without a car, and if you have a car, isn't it normal?

Parents just don't have much money, if they have money, they will arrange it for you long ago.

However, people are like this, always focusing only on what they don't have, inferior to others, but rarely paying attention to what they have.

Because of these things, the eldest and the second elder have grudges, and by the way, even our second elder hates it.

Anyway, I can't remember the last time a big family ate together.

Even later, my wife and I worked hard to save some money, replenished the car for the old man, and bought a set for the second family, it stands to reason that this is fair.

I went to the home of my two sons to retire, they were both playing each other's balls, and they had no choice but to make a move and immediately came to pick me up

Yet they still feel that we owe them as parents.

Over the years, my wife and I have grown old, tired, and burned out.

How the children's lives are, we can't figure it out, we have done what we need to do.

Six years ago, my wife had a serious illness, and in those two years she often needed chemotherapy, medicine, and hospitalization.

It stands to reason that these things should be helped by two young and strong sons, who are educated, powerful, and take good care of their wives.

But in the past two years, except for a chance visit, my two sons basically did not come to see each other, and most of the time I took my wife to the hospital, and then accompanied her in the hospital.

Until the end of his wife's life, the two sons did not look at them again.

Before my wife left, my wife and I had a plan, that is, in the future, the family's money could no longer be given to our two sons, and when we were old, we had to rely on ourselves, and our son could not count on it.

But this is a few years, the first year after my wife left, I didn't feel anything, but at the beginning of these two years, I gradually felt very lonely.

Perhaps it is the big environmental impact of the past three years, coupled with the weakening of my body after a serious illness last winter, which made me start to miss my two sons, and look forward to living with them and letting them give me pensions.

I went to the home of my two sons to retire, they were both playing each other's balls, and they had no choice but to make a move and immediately came to pick me up

I naively thought that my son was always my own son, and now that I am old and sick, they should be able to treat me better.

The two sons did not want to go home, so I took the initiative to find them.

But later I found that my ideas were still too naïve, and people's ideas and concepts are actually difficult to change.

I first took the initiative to go to the old family to retire, although the eldest and his daughter-in-law did not explicitly reject me, but they deliberately drove me away in behavior.

Let's just say the eldest and his daughter-in-law, I only lived in their house for a week, and the two began to quarrel every day, sometimes real quarrel, sometimes fake quarrels deliberately made to show me.

Every time I quarreled, the eldest daughter-in-law would refer to Sang Huai and mention me, which made me very uncomfortable to hear in my heart.

Once, I finally couldn't stand it anymore, so I asked them to stop arguing, and every day I quarreled like something, and my blood pressure was raised by you.

But the eldest daughter-in-law said in a strange way: Do you have an opinion, don't like it? Then go to the second family, his house is big, don't you prefer the daughter-in-law of the second family? Then go to his house.

In this way, I carried my things and went to the second old man's house.

The second family does not quarrel, but it is not very good for me, obviously knowing that my stomach is not good, and my blood pressure is also high.

I went to the home of my two sons to retire, they were both playing each other's balls, and they had no choice but to make a move and immediately came to pick me up

When the old second daughter-in-law cooked, the daily dishes were deliberately particularly spicy, so that I could eat the kind that could hurt my stomach for a long time. Either it's deliberately greasy and greasy so that I can't get into my mouth.

I have reminded my second daughter-in-law several times that it is good to cook a little lighter, that is, I am happy to fry a small cabbage for me to eat every day.

However, the old second daughter-in-law just said, our family's dishes are like this, you have to get used to it.

And the second eldest is often very indifferent, with an attitude that you love to eat or not, and does not talk to me much on weekdays, wishing that I would leave early.

Later, because of some small things, the second old man quickly left.

I was like a leather ball, kicked around by my two sons, and finally returned to my old hometown.

If you do the math, I went to the home of both of them, which added up to less than a month.

Now I understand that the two sons are unreliable after all. But I wanted to be angry and make them regret it.

I know that the two sons have three ideas, one is that they don't want to bear financial responsibility, and the other is that they don't want to bear the responsibility of pension, so the two always fight and blame each other.

But they kept wanting my seven-story building, and repeatedly hinted that I might as well transfer one of them.

Therefore, when I came back this time, I gave the family building to my nephew. My nephew is my eldest brother's son and I still live in a place.

I went to the home of my two sons to retire, they were both playing each other's balls, and they had no choice but to make a move and immediately came to pick me up

These years have been very good for me, at least better than my two sons.

Therefore, this time, I will also give this building to my nephew, anyway, it is my own family, and it is not left to outsiders.

The two sons were very puzzled when they found out, and quickly asked me if I had been deceived and asked me to return the house.

But I said coldly: Whoever is good to me, I will give the house to whom, your cousin has been good for so many years, give me a pension, of course I gave the house to him.

The two sons only began to panic at this time, and came over one after another on the second and third days, and began to constantly say that they wanted me to give me a pension and wanted me to go to their house.

But by this time it was too late, and what my two sons had done over the past twenty years had already made me see them clearly.

I went to the home of my two sons to retire, they were both playing each other's balls, and they had no choice but to make a move and immediately came to pick me up

So this time, even if they come back to pick me up, I won't give them another chance.

I think that parents can occasionally be realistic, let them know that although we love children, cuteness is mutual after all, and if children choose not to love us when they grow up, we can also choose not to love them, which is very fair.