
China-U.S.-Japan debt situation: Japan exceeds 12 trillion, the United States exceeds 30 trillion, but what about China?

author:Don't want to go to work plus

In recent years, the virus has ravaged the world, inflation has spread around the world, and the economic development of many countries has weakened, which can even be described as heavily indebted. Among them, the situation in the United States and Japan is not optimistic.

China-U.S.-Japan debt situation: Japan exceeds 12 trillion, the United States exceeds 30 trillion, but what about China?

According to statistics, the debt of the United States is about 30 trillion yuan, and Japan's debt is also more than 12 trillion yuan, which is going downhill. As the world's third-largest debtor, what is China's debt situation? What does national debt mean?

The world hegemon is actually the most indebted country

As we all know, GDP is an important indicator to measure the level of economic development of a country. To a certain extent, the level of GDP can also reflect the national strength and prosperity of a country. As the world's hegemon, the United States is also the world's largest economy. The U.S. economy is thought to be strong, but it is. The United States is the world's largest debtor.

China-U.S.-Japan debt situation: Japan exceeds 12 trillion, the United States exceeds 30 trillion, but what about China?

The United States is progressing very fast. During the two world wars of the last century, the United States seized the opportunity to become a world hegemon. This has always been the economy of the leader. Its strong scientific and technological and military strength has created a stable environment and strong impetus for the economic development of the United States. Attractive.

So why is the United States the most indebted country in the world?

The rise of the United States is based on war, and its decline is based on war. It can be said that success or failure is also war.

China-U.S.-Japan debt situation: Japan exceeds 12 trillion, the United States exceeds 30 trillion, but what about China?

In order to maintain its dominant position in the world, since the beginning of the 21st century, the United States has acted as the "world policeman" and launched wars of aggression everywhere. After the Iraq war, the U.S. economy began to decline, followed by the Libyan war, the Afghan war, and one war after another, which called into question the stability of U.S. investment.

In particular, 2008 was not only a year of uncertainty but also a year of trials for the United States. First the US election, then the subprime mortgage crisis, and soon the financial crisis swept the world, and countless countries fell into financial crisis.

China-U.S.-Japan debt situation: Japan exceeds 12 trillion, the United States exceeds 30 trillion, but what about China?

Over the next decade, the U.S. economy faltered. As of 2018, the US debt has exceeded $20 trillion, far exceeding the rest of the world.

A year later, the dreaded novel coronavirus began wreaking havoc around the world and damaging the U.S. economy.

Previously, the novel coronavirus first broke out in Wuhan, China. While China bravely fought the epidemic, the United States cheered, hoping that China's victory over the epidemic would trigger an unprecedented recovery.

China-U.S.-Japan debt situation: Japan exceeds 12 trillion, the United States exceeds 30 trillion, but what about China?

As we all know, the will of the Chinese people to fight the epidemic is very strong, and the ability to fight the epidemic is also very strong. In just three months, the fight against the new crown has achieved a phased victory. The coronavirus quickly swept the world, catching the United States by surprise. The United States is no exception, and it is particularly acute. In the face of the new crown virus, the United States has been defeated again and again, and tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, are infected every day.

China-U.S.-Japan debt situation: Japan exceeds 12 trillion, the United States exceeds 30 trillion, but what about China?

Compared to the three-year-long pandemic at the end of 2019, the US economy has experienced a huge recession, while the debt situation has grown rapidly. The U.S. debt is expected to reach $30 trillion by the end of this year.

Compared to the little giant of the United States, Japan is like a bigger paper tiger.

We. Debt leads, followed by Japan

As a small supporter of the United States for decades, Japan has met the demands of the American boss and is not far behind in debt.

China-U.S.-Japan debt situation: Japan exceeds 12 trillion, the United States exceeds 30 trillion, but what about China?

As for Japan, we all know that it is a country that bullies the weak and fears the strong. Towards the end of World War II, the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a "fat man" and a "little boy". From then on, the terrified Japanese regarded the United States as their honor and used it as a pawn.

Excellent. As the largest country in the world, Japan has been given many opportunities for development, and even later became the world's first. 2 major economies in the body. However, this growth reflects its almost complete ownership of the United States.

China-U.S.-Japan debt situation: Japan exceeds 12 trillion, the United States exceeds 30 trillion, but what about China?

In fact, when it comes to the Japanese economy, the United States sees it as a sheep that has been raised and ready to be slaughtered. This was confirmed by later facts.

At the end of the 80s of the 20th century, in order to maintain the exchange rate between the yen and the dollar, the United States forced Japan to sign the Hiroshima Agreement. The dollar is at its peak. However, U.S. financial giants bought Japanese stocks in large quantities and then sold them, causing huge losses to the Japanese economy, while the United States made a lot of money.

China-U.S.-Japan debt situation: Japan exceeds 12 trillion, the United States exceeds 30 trillion, but what about China?

The US policy of "wool" and the wave after wave of "wool" behavior against Japan have hindered Japan's economic progress and independence. After the epidemic, the United States was too busy to take care of itself. As a younger brother, Japan naturally did not improve. Economic development is slow or even declining.

Three years after the pandemic, Japan's debt has risen to $12 trillion, second only to the United States. As the younger brother of the United States, Japan can be said to be "loyal" in this regard, and has done the hardest in "sharing honor and disgrace".

Chinese gold looks stable compared to American gold and Japanese gold.

China's debt is at a low level and the economy continues to recover

As the world's second-largest economy, China's GDP is second only to the US hegemon. In terms of debt amount, China's debt situation is much stronger than that of the United States and Japan.

After the founding of New China, the economy developed steadily, especially after the reform and opening up, China's economy began to rise. In just 30 years, China's GDP has leapt to the second place in the world, surpassing Germany, France and the United Kingdom to become the first in the world. A miracle in the history of economic development.

Statistics show that in the early days of China's reform and opening up, China's total GDP was nearly 300 billion yuan, reaching 18 trillion yuan in a few decades, an increase of nearly 60 times.

During the outbreak of the new crown virus, China actively responded with measures such as isolation management and dynamic cleaning. People are united to overcome the pandemic as quickly as possible and minimize its impact on the economy.

As of 2021, the mainland's debt ratio is only 8.4 trillion yuan, and the debt ratio is only 15.5%, far below the international warning line of 20%. Absolutely safe and within reason.

The US debt is 30 trillion yuan, and Japan's debt is more than 12 trillion yuan, both exceeding the international warning threshold. The public debt ratio measures a country's economic growth. This is a positive sign for countries with debt ratios below 20%, but a sign of recession for countries far from the warning line, such as the United States and Japan.

The global spread of the epidemic is a huge test of a country's resilience and resilience. China passed the test and its economy continued to grow, in stark contrast to countries such as the United States and Japan.

The pace of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese people has never stopped and made steady progress. As Chinese, we are proud to have a strong homeland. #头条创作挑战#

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