
As the rural saying goes, "half of July, ghosts run wild", there are 3 taboos in the Zhongyuan Festival, which 3 make sense

author:Wu Jianping

Hello everyone, today we will talk about some traditional customs of the Zhongyuan Festival. As the old saying goes, "Half July, ghosts run wild", there are many taboos and customs during the Zhongyuan Festival, what are the three most important taboos? You can't go out at night, eat cold food, blow out candles. How exactly are these taboos explained? Does it make sense? Let's take a closer look.

First of all, let's talk about the first taboo, do not go out at night.

As the rural saying goes, "half of July, ghosts run wild", there are 3 taboos in the Zhongyuan Festival, which 3 make sense

Legend has it that the Metaverse Festival is a ghost festival, and many ghosts come out to do activities at night, so it is easy to encounter unclean things when going out at night. In addition, going out at night is also susceptible to wind chills, because the temperature tends to drop during the Zhongyuan Festival, and it is easy to catch a cold when going out at night. Therefore, it is best to stay at home at night during the Zhongyuan Festival and not go out.

The second taboo is not to eat cold food.

As the rural saying goes, "half of July, ghosts run wild", there are 3 taboos in the Zhongyuan Festival, which 3 make sense

In Chinese medicine, cold food can hurt the spleen and stomach and affect the normal operation of the body. In folk beliefs, cold food is also believed to easily cause symptoms such as physical coldness and mental malaise, which is not conducive to good health. Therefore, it is best not to eat cold food during the Chinese Yuan Festival and eat more warm food to protect your health.

The third taboo is not to blow candles.

As the rural saying goes, "half of July, ghosts run wild", there are 3 taboos in the Zhongyuan Festival, which 3 make sense

During the Zhongyuan Festival, people will light incense candles and place offerings at night to worship ancestors and ghosts and gods. However, blowing out candles is considered disrespectful to the gods and can lead to misfortune and disaster. Therefore, it is best not to blow candles during the Zhongyuan Festival, but wait until the incense candles are naturally extinguished.

So, are there any reasons for these taboos? In fact, these taboos are derived from folk beliefs and traditional customs, and are people's awe of natural forces and the protection of their bodies. In modern society, although many people do not pay so much attention to these taboos, we should still respect traditional culture and abide by these customs.

Zhongyuan Festival is a very important traditional festival, it is not only a festival to worship ancestors and ghosts and gods, but also an opportunity to promote the traditional culture of the Chinese nation. In this festival, we should abide by traditional customs, respect ghosts and gods, respect elders, and respect life. At the same time, we should also cherish the convenience and comfort of modern society, and look at the combination of traditional culture and modern life with a more scientific and rational attitude. Finally, I hope everyone can pay attention to safety, health and happiness during the Chinese Yuan Festival.

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