
The school season is coming, after reading these pits of the traffic god card, and then decide whether to buy 🌟 it Recently, I saw an author on the headlines sharing the use of low-priced traffic cards, I think it is very practical, and I want to share it with everyone

author:Six Literary History

The school season is here, after reading these pits of the traffic god card, then decide whether to buy it or not

🌟 Recently, I saw on the headlines that some authors shared the use of low-cost traffic cards, I think it is very practical, I want to share with everyone, especially in the school season, students who want to buy low-cost traffic cards, the following questions, you must know:

✅ First of all, you need to know that there are two kinds of low-cost God cards, one is an IoT card and the other is a fully functional normal calling card.

🎯📢 For IoT cards, there are the following issues:

1️⃣ Traffic is fake. Some IoT card traffic usage does not match the actual nominal amount, and there is a false label.

2️⃣ Cannot make and receive calls or send and receive text messages. Because these cards are primarily used for Internet access, other phone and text messaging features may be limited.

3️⃣ Sales to individuals are generally not allowed. IoT cards can generally only be used for enterprise users, and it is difficult for individual users to purchase them.

4️⃣ Slow speed. Since it is used by IoT devices such as shared bicycles, the speed may be slower than that of ordinary card networks.

5️⃣Short promotion period. IoT cards tend to have a discount period of only a few months to a year, and the fee will increase after expiration.

🎯📢 For a fully functional calling card, there are several possible problems:

1️⃣ Directional traffic. Some low-cost cards have a large portion of their traffic directed traffic that can only be used with specific software, and additional charges may apply if other software is used.

2️⃣ It is difficult to close the account. Some merchants may conceal some terms when selling cards, making it difficult for users to cancel their accounts after opening a card.

3️⃣ Liquidated damages. If the user wants to sell the card, the merchant may require the user to pay a high liquidated penalty for breach of the package contract.

🎯📢 When buying a low-priced God card, you need to pay attention to the following points:

1️⃣ Choose formal channels to purchase, it is recommended that you buy in the official business hall or officially authorized channels.

2️⃣ Read the package contract carefully to understand the usage of the package's data, calls, SMS, etc., as well as the discount period.

3️⃣Pay attention to traffic usage to avoid high charges for exceeding the plan.

4️⃣ Check bills regularly to find and deal with abnormal expenses in time.

Finally, I hope that this guide can help you avoid problems when buying and using low-cost God cards. #流量神卡有哪些坑#

The school season is coming, after reading these pits of the traffic god card, and then decide whether to buy 🌟 it Recently, I saw an author on the headlines sharing the use of low-priced traffic cards, I think it is very practical, and I want to share it with everyone
The school season is coming, after reading these pits of the traffic god card, and then decide whether to buy 🌟 it Recently, I saw an author on the headlines sharing the use of low-priced traffic cards, I think it is very practical, and I want to share it with everyone
The school season is coming, after reading these pits of the traffic god card, and then decide whether to buy 🌟 it Recently, I saw an author on the headlines sharing the use of low-priced traffic cards, I think it is very practical, and I want to share it with everyone

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