
Yicheng County CPC Committee Held Fourth Meeting of the County Committee for Comprehensively Administering the County in Accordance with the Law Huang Xiaojun Presided Over and Delivered a Speech Liu Feng attended

author:Market Weekly
Yicheng County CPC Committee Held Fourth Meeting of the County Committee for Comprehensively Administering the County in Accordance with the Law Huang Xiaojun Presided Over and Delivered a Speech Liu Feng attended
Yicheng County CPC Committee Held Fourth Meeting of the County Committee for Comprehensively Administering the County in Accordance with the Law Huang Xiaojun Presided Over and Delivered a Speech Liu Feng attended

On October 22, the county committee of the county party committee held the fourth meeting of the county committee for comprehensively governing the county according to law, conveying and studying the spirit of the relevant meetings of the central and provincial party committees and municipal party committees, studying and deliberating the annual work points and responsibilities list, and arranging for the deployment of the next stage of comprehensively governing the county according to law. Huang Xiaojun, secretary of the county party committee and director of the county committee for comprehensively administering the county according to law, presided over the meeting and made a speech; Liu Feng, deputy secretary of the county party committee, county magistrate, and deputy director of the county committee of the county party committee for comprehensively governing the county according to law; Liu Shengming, member of the standing committee of the county party committee, secretary of the political and legal committee, and director of the office of the county committee for comprehensively governing the county according to law, and members of the committee attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Liu Shengming conveyed the spirit of the rule of law work conference of the central, provincial and municipal party committees, and reported on the work of the county committee of the county party committee in 2020. The study and deliberation of the "2021 Work Points of the Yicheng County Committee of the CPC Yicheng County Committee for Comprehensively Governing the County in Accordance with the Law (Draft for Review)" and the "List of Duties of the Principal Responsible Persons of the Party and Government of Yicheng County in 2021 to Perform the Duties of the First Responsible Person for Promoting the Construction of the Rule of Law (Draft for Review)".

Huang Xiaojun pointed out that since last year, Yicheng County has always adhered to the main tone of strict work, made every effort to promote administration according to law, strict law enforcement, fair justice, and law abiding by the whole people, and achieved remarkable results in the construction of the rule of law Wing City, and the sense of security and happiness of the masses has continued to improve. This year is the beginning of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" and the year of the launch of the "Eighth Five-Year Plan" for popularizing the law, and it is necessary to take the requirements of the rule of law construction of the central, provincial, and municipal party committees as the fundamental observance, further improve the political position, regard the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on the rule of law as a major political task, combine it with the study and education of party history, and combine it with the implementation of the spirit of the Fifth Municipal Party Congress, carry out in-depth concentrated study, theoretical propaganda, exchanges and discussions, and consciously use the rule of law thinking and rule of law methods to deepen reform, promote development, resolve contradictions, and maintain stability. Respond to risks, and effectively transform Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law into a vivid practice of promoting the comprehensive rule of law in counties.

Huang Xiaojun demanded that we should adopt more practical ideas and measures to promote the implementation of the task of governing the county according to law. At present, Yicheng County is in a critical period of deepening transformation, and it is necessary to take the construction of a rule-of-law government as the guide, comprehensively implement the "three systems" of administrative law enforcement publicity, law enforcement record- and legal review of major law enforcement decisions, accelerate the reform of the comprehensive administrative law enforcement system and the reform of the administrative reconsideration system "two reforms", continuously deepen the construction of digital government, do a good job of "one network communication office + government services", and continuously improve the legalization, standardization and scientific level of government work. It is necessary to take the enhancement of judicial credibility as the goal, strive to promote the construction of a law enforcement judicial supervision and restraint system, thoroughly implement the comprehensive reform of the judicial system and the reform of the criminal procedure system, improve long-term mechanisms such as the "five investigations and linkage", standardize the operation of judicial power, and strive to let the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case. It is necessary to take the promotion of law popularization and law abiding by the whole people as the starting point, comprehensively implement the responsibility system of "who enforces the law and who popularizes the law", further innovate the method of popularizing the law on the basis of making good use of the platform for popularizing the law in the "Jingwei Theater", vigorously carry out the activities of entering the law into organs, villages, communities, schools, enterprises, and networks, continuously deepen the construction of villages under the rule of law and the governance of rural areas according to law, and strive to make urban and rural areas safer, more stable society, and more peaceful people.

Huang Xiaojun stressed that it is necessary to shoulder stronger responsibilities and gather a strong joint force for governing the county according to law. The office of the county party committee for comprehensively governing the county in accordance with the law should take the lead in grasping the general situation, refine and decompose the annual target tasks, establish a work account, organize four coordination groups to carry out targeted inspections and inspections, and earnestly grasp the supervision and effectiveness of major matters and the coordinated resolution of major issues. All member units should focus on the work requirements of comprehensively governing the county according to law, tighten the chain of responsibility, and jointly grasp the implementation of various tasks. The political and legal committee of the county party committee should take the construction of the rule of law team as the top priority, normalize the special training, warning education, red education and other activities, continue to consolidate the results of the education and rectification of the political and legal team, promote the specialization and professionalization of the rule of law team, and ensure that the construction of the rule of law wing city achieves greater results.

(Source: Yicheng County People's Government website) [Submissions, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3613378752 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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