
Remember Duan Aojuan? A new style?

author:Brother Knock

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In the ever-changing entertainment industry, a person's appearance, talent and effort can determine their destiny. Duan Aojuan, this player who was once popular all over the country, what kind of changes has undergone that many netizens have expressed "unrecognizable"? Next, let's review her growth trajectory.

Duan Aojuan, a name that may remind many people of the little ponytailed girl in "Creation 101". A song "Once Upon a Time Slow", which successfully attracted the attention of tens of millions of viewers. Duan Aojuan in that period was the "slightly fat" representative in the hearts of many people, but her voice was indeed something that no one could easily imitate. Earlier, on a certain music platform, her cover songs had quietly gained two million likes.

Remember Duan Aojuan? A new style?

In addition to dance, body management is also a big problem for her. The challenges celebrities face in this regard are well known. Duan Aojuan is no exception. In the process of participating in "Creation 101", she lost 20 pounds. Facing the camera and photos, she once said that it felt really good to lose weight, and shared her own tips for weight loss: control your diet, exercise more, and maintain a positive attitude.

However, the changes don't stop there. The changes in her appearance, especially her hairstyle and makeup adjustments, have amazed many people. From the short shoulder-length hair with air bangs in the past to the long hair without bangs today, every change is a redefinition of herself.

Remember Duan Aojuan? A new style?

Summary: Regardless of external evaluations, change always comes with courage and determination. Every choice deserves respect. For Duan Aojuan, her choice brought who she is today. So, how would you think about the topic of weight loss?

Remember Duan Aojuan? A new style?

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