
Shredded green pepper chicken, a home-cooked dish with first-class detasting properties, with a tender and delicious taste

author:Pingxiang cuisine

In this fast-changing world, food and you are the best gifts God has given me. No matter how tired you are, when you get home and arrive at the table, I believe that delicious food can help you relax.

Green pepper shredded chicken is a simple and delicious home-cooked dish, the chicken is tender and juicy, the green pepper is crisp and fragrant, the two are combined, the detoxifying properties are first-class, the taste is tender and delicious, it is a good meal. Let's teach you how to make this shredded green pepper chicken!

Shredded green pepper chicken, a home-cooked dish with first-class detasting properties, with a tender and delicious taste
Shredded green pepper chicken, a home-cooked dish with first-class detasting properties, with a tender and delicious taste

Ingredient selection:

  • Chicken: Choose fresh chicken breast or chicken thigh, the meat is tender and rich in protein and vitamins. Cut into thin slices with a knife, then grasp well with cooking wine, salt, starch and a little water, and marinate for about 15 minutes to make the chicken more flavorful.
  • Green peppers: Choose brightly colored green peppers, wash and remove seeds, cut into fine strips, green peppers can add color and nutrition to dishes, and can also provide some refreshing taste.
  • Seasoning: oil, salt, sugar, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking wine, starch, water, green onion, ginger, garlic, etc., these spices can make the chicken shredded more fragrant and tender, and can also increase the flavor of the dish.
Shredded green pepper chicken, a home-cooked dish with first-class detasting properties, with a tender and delicious taste
Shredded green pepper chicken, a home-cooked dish with first-class detasting properties, with a tender and delicious taste

Detailed steps:

  1. Prepare the ingredients and set aside the marinated shredded chicken in a bowl and the shredded green peppers on a plate.
  2. In a small bowl, add a spoonful of light soy sauce, a spoonful of dark soy sauce, half a spoonful of sugar, half a spoonful of starch and three spoons of water, stir well to make a sauce and set aside.
  3. Add an appropriate amount of oil to the pot, cook until about 60% hot, add the marinated shredded chicken, quickly stir-fry with chopsticks, spread the shredded chicken, stir-fry until white, then remove and drain the oil.
  4. Leave a little oil in the pan, add green onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then add shredded green pepper, add a little salt and cooking wine and stir-fry evenly, stir-fry until the green pepper becomes soft and set aside.
  5. Pour the sauce into the pan, turn on high heat and turn to low heat and cook until thick, then add the sautéed shredded chicken and green pepper, quickly stir-fry evenly, so that each shredded chicken is covered with juice.
  6. Finally, sprinkle some chopped green onions and you're ready to go. Enjoy while it's hot!
Shredded green pepper chicken, a home-cooked dish with first-class detasting properties, with a tender and delicious taste
Shredded green pepper chicken, a home-cooked dish with first-class detasting properties, with a tender and delicious taste


  • The shredded chicken should be cut thinly to ensure a tender taste. When cutting, cut along the texture and do not cut the fiber.
  • The shredded chicken should be oiled first to lock in moisture and flavor. Do not overoil for too long, otherwise it will affect the taste.
  • Shredded green peppers should be finely sliced so that they can go well with shredded chicken. When cutting, remove the seeds and white fascia.
  • The sauce should be adjusted first, do not wait until the time of stir-frying, so as to ensure a uniform taste. The proportion of the sauce can be adjusted according to your liking, not necessarily according to the recipe.
  • Shredded green pepper chicken is a great accompaniment to meals that can be eaten with staples such as rice, steamed buns, noodles, etc., or as a delicious side dish on its own.