
300 million people are paying to "buy diseases"! And still buy it for the family, there is no harm in recognizing it early!

author:Dr. Lou popular science

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300 million people are paying to "buy diseases"! And still buy it for the family, there is no harm in recognizing it early!

In 2019, Wuxi People's Hospital received an organ removal operation that made people laugh and cry. A brain-dead patient with 30 years of smoking years wants to continue his body for the benefit of society. But when the doctors removed the lungs in the body, they found that the patient's lungs had been blackened throughout, and there were mild emphysema, tuberculosis calcification and other problems.

We all know that the organ removal in the body donation is borne by the hospital at its own expense, and the lung organs removed this time can not be used at all, the hospital can only admit that it is unlucky, although the 52-year-old patient is brain death due to other causes, but I am afraid that even without these problems, such a serious lung damage may sooner or later kill him, which is the consequences of smoking!

300 million people are paying to "buy diseases"! And still buy it for the family, there is no harm in recognizing it early!

But when it comes to quitting smoking, the smoker brothers will always frown, after all, this is a very painful thing, even if you know the harm of smoking, but the temptation of nicotine always makes people constantly deceive themselves, such as: "The other party has handed over cigarettes, don't smoke is not looking down on others" and "I work under pressure, every day is very painful, wait for this period of time to talk about quitting smoking" and so on.

It is true that the bad habit of smoking has penetrated into all aspects of society today, but even if you can't be cruel to yourself, do you want to harm your wife and children because of these reasons? When you hide in an empty corner of your home and smoke secretly, it is also a threat to children and pregnant women. In addition to the first-hand smoke they inhale, cigarettes will also remain long-term second-hand and third-hand smoke, which are extremely threatening to children.

Secondhand smoke and "third-hand smoke"

Secondhand smoke

300 million people are paying to "buy diseases"! And still buy it for the family, there is no harm in recognizing it early!

The so-called second-hand smoke is when someone smokes, the smoke produced by cigarette combustion suspended chemicals, these chemicals will spread through the air to the surrounding environment, if we breathe these harmful substances in these environments, it is called second-hand smoke. Although we do not actively smoke, we cannot avoid becoming "victims" of secondhand smoke.

The chemicals in secondhand smoke are very complex and the composition is complex and diverse. These include carbon monoxide, nicotine, heavy metals, carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, etc. After these harmful substances enter our body, they will adversely affect multiple systems such as the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and immune system.

300 million people are paying to "buy diseases"! And still buy it for the family, there is no harm in recognizing it early!

First of all, the respiratory system is one of the most harmful to secondhand smoke. After inhaling secondhand smoke, nicotine and harmful gases in the smoke can irritate the respiratory mucosa, causing symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and sore throat. Long-term exposure to secondhand smoke may also lead to the occurrence of tracheitis, bronchitis, lung cancer and other diseases.

The cardiovascular system is also a potential victim of secondhand smoke, which can damage the endothelium of blood vessels, causing blood vessels to constrict, blood clotting, and increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke. Studies have shown that people who are chronically exposed to secondhand smoke have about 30% higher risk of coronary heart disease and stroke than non-smokers.

300 million people are paying to "buy diseases"! And still buy it for the family, there is no harm in recognizing it early!

In addition, secondhand smoke affects children more severely. Children's immune systems are not yet fully developed, and their metabolisms are higher than adults, making them more vulnerable to secondhand smoke. Long-term exposure of children to secondhand smoke may lead to the occurrence of respiratory diseases such as asthma, pneumonia, and otitis media in children. In addition, studies have shown that children who grow up in a smoking home environment also increase the risk of smoking in adulthood.

Three-hand smoke

After talking about secondhand smoke, we need to focus on third-hand smoke. I don't know if you have noticed that in the smoking room or the toilet of the work unit, even if no one smokes for several days, you will still feel a smell of smoke after entering. And after touching the walls and doorknobs of the smoking room, there seems to be some smoke smell on the hands, as if they have just smoked, this is the so-called "third-hand smoke", the harm is even far more than first-hand smoke and second-hand smoke.

300 million people are paying to "buy diseases"! And still buy it for the family, there is no harm in recognizing it early!

When someone smokes, the harmful substances in the smoke will remain on the surface of the environment, including clothing, furniture, walls and other items. Thirdhand smoke is mainly composed of toxic chemicals produced by tobacco combustion, including hydrocyanic acid, arsenic, lead, harmful gases and more than a dozen highly carcinogens. These harmful substances stay in the air for a long time, and after a series of chemical reactions, they form carcinogens that are far more than ten times higher than second-hand smoke, and compounds harmful to human health.

300 million people are paying to "buy diseases"! And still buy it for the family, there is no harm in recognizing it early!

For teenagers and young children who often "explore" around the home, subconscious finger sucking, nail biting and other behaviors will bring "three-hand smoke" into the body. This is a situation that cannot be avoided as a father no matter what, and children are by nature. Studies have shown that exposure to thirdhand smoke in infants and young children increases the risk of respiratory infections. Their respiratory systems are not yet fully developed, so they are more vulnerable to thirdhand smoke. This can lead to symptoms such as frequent colds, coughs, and difficulty breathing. In addition, thirdhand smoke can also increase the risk of asthma in infants and young children, and in severe cases, it may even lead to airway disease.

In addition to respiratory problems, infants and young children exposed to thirdhand smoke may face other health problems. The harmful substances in thirdhand smoke can be absorbed through the skin of infants and young children. As a result, they are at risk of developing skin allergies, eczema, and other skin diseases. In addition, exposure to thirdhand smoke increases the risk of ear infections, which can lead to hearing loss and other ear-related problems.

300 million people are paying to "buy diseases"! And still buy it for the family, there is no harm in recognizing it early!

Thirdhand smoke is also extremely dangerous for pregnant women. Pregnant women exposed to thirdhand smoke may face health problems such as premature birth and low birth weight. At the same time, their fetuses are also exposed to the dangers of thirdhand smoke. This can lead to breathing problems after birth, a compromised immune system, etc.

How to quit smoking quickly?

When rethinking the importance of family health, how to quit smoking is the focus of our attention. It should be known that the essence of tobacco addiction is nicotine addiction, of course, there is also a series of mental dependence caused by this. But low-cost, low-pain smoking cessation is not too difficult, but you must show courage and strict self-discipline:

300 million people are paying to "buy diseases"! And still buy it for the family, there is no harm in recognizing it early!

Method 1: Set clear goals

Make quitting smoking your highest priority and set a reasonable deadline. Setting your goals for a week or a month boosts your self-confidence and willingness. Be prepared and tell yourself, "I can make it happen, I don't need tobacco anymore to meet my needs." ”

Method 2: Alternative therapy

The principle of nicotine replacement therapy is to reduce the intake of nicotine during the process while maintaining the smoking habit. Some people choose to replace cigarettes with something like passion fruit, mints, or chewing gum that satisfies mouth activation. This can help reduce the oral anxiety and desire to quit smoking, while keeping your breath fresh.

300 million people are paying to "buy diseases"! And still buy it for the family, there is no harm in recognizing it early!

But for people who are just beginning to make up their minds to quit smoking, this radical substitution can cause a withdrawal reaction, which is likely to lead to a more stubborn addiction to smoking stimulated by alternative therapy. Here, we can control the amount of cigarettes smoked each day, take a puff of each cigarette and then stop, quietly watching the cigarette burn. I couldn't help but take another puff, and then continued to stop, cyclically, observing the spread of Mars. This approach can minimize nicotine intake at the beginning of smoking cessation without overly changing the state of life.

Method three: Find alternative activities

When you want to smoke, find other activities that distract you. Try walking, doing yoga, listening to music, or chatting with friends. These activities can help you distract and reduce tobacco cravings.

300 million people are paying to "buy diseases"! And still buy it for the family, there is no harm in recognizing it early!

Method 4: Seek support

Man is a social animal, and it is often difficult to hold on to the thoughts we hold in our hearts, and after telling our family and friends, even if they do nothing, people will have more perseverance to complete this task. The same is true for quitting smoking, tell someone about your determination to quit, external stimuli and shame can make up for the lack of will.

Quitting smoking is a long-term challenge, and you can encounter failures and withdrawals along the way. When faced with difficulties, don't beat yourself up or give up. Stay positive and believe that you can eventually get rid of tobacco dependence. Remind yourself of this every day and reward yourself for your achievements in the process of quitting smoking.

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