
Biden's fox tail was finally revealed, the Ukrainian army was in trouble, and the United States actually asked Ukraine to negotiate peace with Russia

author:Yipin Lake

The Biden administration's support is like a credit card suddenly pulled out of the wallet of a rich man, and Ukraine once shivered in the cold wind, only to find that the credit card limit shrank in the blink of an eye.

It's like under Biden's intervention, Ukraine's "international aid" suddenly turned into an "international cough."

Biden's fox tail was finally revealed, the Ukrainian army was in trouble, and the United States actually asked Ukraine to negotiate peace with Russia

From the beginning, Ukraine was like an "ace" in a deck of playing cards, which was eye-catching when taken out, but over time, it was like an ordinary card falling from the pile.

Therefore, the Biden administration is also starting to get a little tired, maybe feeling that Ukraine is like a luxury that has no practical use, and at first it can arouse interest, but after a while it starts to feel that it is not so worthwhile.

The controversy at the NATO summit is like an absurd drama, as if the leaders of the countries suddenly become circus clowns, circling a map and arguing about who can make the most fancy move on the chessboard of Ukraine.

Ukraine is desperate for international help, but it is like facing a hungry lion, but suddenly sees that the pieces of meat in its hands have been retracted, leaving only empty hands.

Ukrainian demands are like a child jumping around in a supermarket, asking to buy this and that, but the parents' wallets, as if fooled, began to become lighter and lighter.

Restoring territorial integrity, withdrawing troops, and compensating for war losses is almost like Ukraine wanting to get all the chips in a game, ignoring that its opponents have more chips in their hands.

Biden's fox tail was finally revealed, the Ukrainian army was in trouble, and the United States actually asked Ukraine to negotiate peace with Russia

And the Ukrainian air defense system is like an outdated moat, and in the face of a Russian attack, it is like providing a good opportunity for the enemy to set up a stall and sell missiles.

Moreover, the rate of consumption of American Patriot missiles exceeds the production capacity of the United States, which is simply bloodletting American manufacturers, and in order to support Ukraine, the United States itself is almost becoming a "blood transfusion".

Russia's economy is strong, like a great escape, it fills its pocketbook, while Ukraine is like a bankrupt gambler, with diminishing chips in his hand, but still constantly raising bets, only to watch himself lose.

Ukraine's helplessness and panic are like a tragedy, they are like trapped in a whirlpool, the more they struggle, the deeper they fall.

Watching its influence continue to weaken, Ukraine may begin to regret why it did not play its "trump card" at a good price earlier.

Biden's fox tail was finally revealed, the Ukrainian army was in trouble, and the United States actually asked Ukraine to negotiate peace with Russia

All in all, Ukraine's situation can be described as "ups and downs", and the performance on the international political stage is also breathtaking.

The change in attitude of the Biden administration reminds people of an old saying: "Save a life, win to create a seventh-level float", it seems that Ukraine has also experienced the weight of this "float".

In this political game where the knife is hidden in laughter, whether Ukraine can find its own way out and protect its interests is really an elusive question. After all, in international politics, there are no eternal friends, only eternal interests.


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