
AI software skills to make information bar charts

author:Fruit vision

Note: This tutorial is an English translation tutorial, the software operation is not skilled friends, try carefully. If there is a lack of translation or a typo, make up for it yourself.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

1. Create a new document and set up the grid

Ctrl-N to create a new document, set up as shown in the figure.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

2. Create the main shape

Step 1

Select the Rectangle Tool (M) and place the focus on the toolbar. Remove the color from the stroke, then select Fill and set its color to R = 84 G = 100 B = 144. Move to the artboard and simply create a 450 x 460 px rectangle - using Snap to Grid can make your job easier.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

Step 2

Return to the toolbar and replace the existing fill color with R = 244 G = 215 B = 255. Use the same Rectangle Tool (M) to create a 450 x 50 px shape and place it directly below the existing shape, as shown in the image below.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

Step 3

Disable the snap grid (Shift-Ctrl-"), then go to "Edit" > "Preferences" > "General" and make sure "Keyboard Increment" is set to 1 px.

Make sure to still select the smaller rectangle and make two copies in front. Select the top copy and use the up arrow button on your keyboard to move it up 1 pixel. Reselect the two shapes you made in this step, open the Pathfinder panel (Window > Pathfinder), and click the Before Minus button. Ensure that the resulting shape remains selected and replace the existing fill color with simple white (R = 255 G = 255 B = 255).

AI software skills to make information bar charts

Step 4

Reselect the smaller rectangle and go to Effects>Stylize > Shadow. Enter the properties shown in the following figure and click the OK button.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

Step 5

For this step, you need to have a grid every 5 pixels, so go to Edit > Preferences > Guides & Grids and enter 5 in Each Gridline.

Use the Rectangle Tool (M) to create a 450 x 10 px shape, randomly select orange as the fill color, and place it in the first image. Focus on the bottom of this new shape and switch to the Direct Selection Tool (A). Select the left anchor point and drag it 45 px to the right, then select the right anchor point and drag it 45 px to the left. Finally, your orange rectangle should turn into a trapezoid, as shown in the second image.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

Step 6

Make sure to still select the trapezoid, and simply replace the existing fill color with the linear gradient shown in the image below.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

3. Subtle dividers

Step 1

Returns gridlines every 10 pixels, so just go to Edit > Preferences > Guides & Gridlines and enter 10 in the Per Gridlines box.

Using the Pen Tool (P), create a 50-pixel vertical path and place it, as shown in the image below. Make sure that this path remains selected and focused on the Appearance panel (Window > Appearance). Remove the color from the fill, then add a 1 px stroke and set its color to R = 247 G = 148 B = 30. Switch to gridlines every 1 px, so go to Edit > Preferences > Guides & Grids and enter 1 in the Per Gridlines box. Focus on the bottom of this orange path and grab the Direct Selection Tool (A). Select that bottom anchor point and drag it over 1 pixel.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

Step 2

Make sure your vertical path remains selected and focus on the appearance panel. Select a stroke, replace the existing color with a simple white, and go to Effects > Distort & Warp > Warp. Drag the Move Horizontally slider to -0.5 pixels, and then click OK.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

Step 3

Make sure your vertical path remains selected, continue to focus on the Appearance panel, and then use the Add New Stroke button to add a second stroke. Select this new stroke, replace the existing color with the linear gradient shown in the following image, and then go to Effects> Distort & Warp > Warp. Drag the Move Horizontally slider to 0.5 pixels, and then click OK.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

Step 4

Reselect the vertical path, focus on the Appearance panel, make sure the entire path is selected (just click the Path text from the top of the panel), and go to Effects > Warp & Warp > Warp. Enter 7 in the Copies box, drag the Move Horizontally slider to 50 pixels, and click the OK button.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

Step 5

Create a 50px square using the Rectangle Tool (M), set the fill color to R = 234 G = 241 B = 255 and place it as shown in the image below.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

4. Add columns

Step 1

Use the Rectangle Tool (M) to create six rectangles and use the color, size, and position properties shown in the image below.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

Step 2

Make sure all yellow and orange rectangles are selected, and then go to Effects >Warp & Warp >Warp. Drag the Scale Horizontal slider to 96%, and then click the OK button.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

5. Add thin lines

Step 1

Using the Pen Tool (P), create a 350-pixel horizontal path and place it, as shown in the image below. Make sure it remains selected, and then place focus on the appearance panel. Remove the color from the fill, and then add a white stroke of 1 px.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

Step 2

Reselect your horizontal path, focus on the Appearance panel, make sure the entire path is selected, and go to Effects > Warp & Warp > Warp. Drag the Move Vertically slider to 0.5 pixels, click OK, and go to Effects again> Distort and Warp > Warp. Enter 9 in the Number of Copies box, drag the vertical movement slider to 40 pixels, and click the OK button.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

Step 3

Reselect your horizontal path and go to Effects >Stylized > Shadows. Enter the properties that appear in the left window (as shown in the image below), click OK, and go to Effects again> Stylized > Shadows. Enter the properties displayed in the window on the right and click the OK button.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

Step 4

Make sure your horizontal channel stop is selected, continue to focus on the upper appearance panel, and simply click on the "Opacity" text to open the transparency flyout panel. Change the blending mode to soft light and reduce the opacity to 40%.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

Step 5

For this step, you need to have a grid every 5 pixels, so go to Edit > Preferences > Guides & Grids and enter 5 in Each Gridline.

Using the Pen Tool (P), create a 5 px horizontal path and place it, as shown in the image below. Make sure it remains selected, and then place focus on the appearance panel. Remove the color from the fill, then add a 1 px stroke and set its color to R = 184 G = 191 B = 209.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

Step 6

Reselect your tiny horizontal path, focus on the Appearance panel, make sure the entire path is selected, and go to Effects > Warp & Warp > Warp. Drag the Move Vertically slider to 0.5 pixels, click OK, and go to Effects again> Distort and Warp > Warp. Enter 9 in the Copies box, drag the Move Vertically slider to 40 px, and click the OK button.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

Step 7

Reselect your tiny horizontal path and go to Effects> Stylize > Shadows. Enter the properties that appear in the left window (as shown in the image below), click OK, and go to Effects again> Stylized > Shadows. Enter the properties displayed in the window on the right and click the OK button.

AI software skills to make information bar charts
AI software skills to make information bar charts

6. Add text

Step 1

Disable Snap to Grid (Ctrl-').

Using the Type Tool (T), add the text and arrows shown in the image below. Set the text color to R = 84 G = 100 B = 144, and then open the Character panel (Window> Type> Character) and use the properties shown in the following figure. Make sure all the text is selected, then go to Effects >Stylize > Shadows. Enter the properties shown in the following figure and click the OK button.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

Step 2

Using the same Type Tool (T), add the text and arrows shown in the image below. Set the text color to R = 184 G = 191 B = 144, then place focus on the Character panel and use the properties shown in the following illustration. Make sure all the text is selected, then go to Effects >Stylize > Shadows. Enter the properties shown in the following figure and click the OK button.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

7. Add a simple shadow and background

Step 1

Enable Snap to Grid (Ctrl-'). Returns gridlines every 10 pixels, so just go to Edit > Preferences > Guides & Gridlines and enter 10 in the Per Gridlines box.

Use the Rectangle Tool (M) to create a 400 x 65 px shape, set the fill color to R = 84 G = 100 B = 144 and place it in the first image. Make sure this new rectangle remains selected, send it back (Shift-Ctrl-[], and go to Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Enter a 15 px radius and click OK.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

Step 2

Focus on the Layers panel and simply lock all the shapes you've made so far. Use the Rectangle Tool (M) to create a 700 x 740 pixel shape, send it back (Shift-Ctrl-[), set the fill color to R = 203 G = 211 B = 208 and make sure this new rectangle covers your entire artboard.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

Step 3

Select the Grid Tool (U), focus on the rectangle that covers the entire artboard, and add a bunch of grid points, as shown in the following image.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

Step 4

Continue to focus on your grid and use the Direct Selection Tool (A) to select each grid point and add the colors shown below.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

8. Try different colors

Finally, feel free to experiment with different colors for your colored bars.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

That's it.

AI software skills to make information bar charts

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