
When a fire breaks out in a high-rise building, how to escape correctly?

author:Chizhou Fire Fighting

Fires in high-rise buildings occur from time to time

As the saying goes, fire is merciless

Once a high-rise building catches fire

Its danger is high

It is difficult to escape and fight

It is easy to cause casualties

When a fire breaks out in a high-rise building, how to escape correctly?

What is a high-rise building

Residential buildings with a building height greater than 27m

and non-single-storey factory buildings with a building height of more than 24m

Warehouses and other civil buildings

All belong to high-rise buildings

Common causes of fires in high-rise buildings

01 Electrical fire

In high-rise buildings, the more electrical equipment there is, the greater the chance of causing an electrical fire.

When a fire breaks out in a high-rise building, how to escape correctly?

02Accidentally cause a fire with fire

Open flames used in kitchens, some combustible gas leakage in case of open flames deflagration, children playing with fire, smoking carelessly, etc. will cause fire.

When a fire breaks out in a high-rise building, how to escape correctly?

03Illegal operation causes fire

When repairing buildings and equipment for electric cutting, gas cutting, and welding, fire may be caused if it is not properly operated or violated operating procedures.

When a fire breaks out in a high-rise building, how to escape correctly?

Debris is piled up in the 04th floor

Some high-rise building residents pile cardboard boxes, old furniture and other debris in stairwells and passageways, and once in contact with the fire source, it is very easy to cause fire. In addition, a large amount of debris accumulates, seriously blocking the evacuation escape route, and there are great safety risks.

When a fire breaks out in a high-rise building, how to escape correctly?

05 Electric vehicles are parked and charged in violation of regulations

In order to covet the convenience of the moment, some residents bring electric vehicles into the building, park them in public areas such as walkways and stairwells at will, and even privately pull wires to charge, which has great safety hazards, and a little attention may cause fire.

When a fire breaks out in a high-rise building, how to escape correctly?

06Pipeline well fire hazard

Aging of wires and cables in pipeline wells, piling up garbage and debris in the well, and not carrying out fire prevention and plugging will become fire hazards in pipeline wells.

When a fire breaks out in a high-rise building, how to escape correctly?

Then in the face of fire

How do we escape?

Come and learn it

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Source: Anhui Fire Online

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