
The Lone Ranger, who laid off Last Year's No. 31 Xiu Terry, will pay a guaranteed salary of 3.3 million for 2 years

The Lone Ranger, who laid off Last Year's No. 31 Xiu Terry, will pay a guaranteed salary of 3.3 million for 2 years

The Lone Ranger beat the Bucks 114-103 and ended with 4 wins and 0 losses in preseason.

The post-game Mavericks cut Terry Terry, Furlong Hunter and Carrick Jones.

Terry is the No. 31 rookie picked by the Lone Rangers in 2020, and he has a guaranteed salary of $1.5 million this season and $1.8 million next season.

Head coach Jason Kidd told reporters that the team had to choose between Nilikina and Terry, and ultimately chose Nilikina.

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